Bible Discussion Thread

  • Kr00031 - 5 months ago
    In John 10: 1 Why is He capitalize in the verse.
  • Chris - In Reply - 5 months ago
    Thank you for your good question Kr00031. I have tried to do a little research on this by examining other verses with this 'anomaly'. And though I can't be sure about it in every case, my guess is that in the KJBible, quotation marks are not used to indicate someone's speech or a quotation from a source.

    So, in today's English usage, if I were to write, Jesus said, "It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone...." ( Matthew 4:4), I would use quotation marks front & rear of the sentence to indicate Jesus' Words. But in the writing of the KJB, quotation apparently weren't employed but capitalizing the first letter after the speech or quotation, indicated the start of it.

    You can look at the following examples to see how this works: Matthew 2:8 (Go); Matthew 2:23 (He); Matthew 3:3 (The); Matthew 3:15 (Suffer). I think you will get the idea of how the first letter of the first word is capitalized when a message is uttered or a verse is quoted.

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