Bible Discussion Thread

  • Bennymkje - 3 months ago
    "In the day of salvation" (1 of 2)

    "Behold, now is the day of salvation.)"2 Co.6:2

    The Spirit as always the case is prefaces the day with the term 'behold' and it is not simply the matter of seeing. It is seeing as intended by God. Its relevance is backed by the word of God. We hear with our ears but in order to understand what we hear is not in the ear itself but elsewhere in our brain. We need not go into neuroscience but to our purpose we treat the word of God as a sound as well as it is a sign.It explains us to under the aspect of time. "Now" is not simply as we count earth time but as determined by God who is Omnipresent . It is how He treats time as determined by the Will. "For I am the Lord I change not"(Mal.3:6). When God called us it was according to his Son and what does the everlasting covenant mean but a day decreed for him. This is the day of Salvation St Paul speaks about. This period of time is the now in God's will. If we have heard the call it means that at a point of time we heard and we responded to it. St Paul was on his way to Damascus when he heard it and we all similarly heard it in time and place, but no matter our time got entangled with the will of God. That is the element of time 'Now' St Paul talks about.

    Isaiah gave King Hezekiah a sign. "And Isaiah said, This sign shalt thou have of the Lord, that the Lord will do the thing that he hath spoken: shall the shadow go forward ten degrees, or go back ten degrees?"(2 Ki.20:9,11) It happened as the king asked. We treat time as linear but God deals with His will according to the Law, the eternal word (Ps.119:89). For example, How Israel responded to Hamas on Oct.7 was tit for tat. But what is happening with the Houthis about Yemen, nobody foresaw it. This is how our calculations time-motion analysis go wrong. In short we deceive ourselves when we base our decisions outside the will of God.

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