Bible Discussion Thread

  • Jesse - 9 months ago

    And so, it is interesting that Rome at this time was just a very loose fellowship. It really wasn't known to be under any leadership and gathering together as a church at this time. The fellowship in Rome was established by pilgrims that had attended the Feast of Pentecost which is recorded in Acts 2:10.

    Some proselytes had come in from Rome to attend Pentecost, and that's the time when the Holy Spirit was poured out. That's the time when Peter preached, and several thousand souls were saved. Some of these people went back to Rome and shared the news there and people were saved, as well as others that Paul had ministered to along the road.

    In Paul's travels, they eventually went to Rome. We know that Pricilla and Aquila, by the time Paul writes this letter, they are back in Rome, but they were kicked out of Rome for a while. So, we know that Pricilla and Aquila were there, and they were ministering to the saints there, but there wasn't anything established as far as anything organized or much leadership there. The believers were mostly Gentiles with a minority of Jewish believers in with them.

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