Bible Discussion Thread

  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Wisdom part 3

    We see; as in my study in Psalms that David realized that there needed to be a continuing relationship with the Lord. We must understand as Peter learned the hard way that our own fortitude is not to be trusted. He somehow; along with the other disciples put Christ's frequent warnings about the upcoming crucifixion; as well as the prophecy about his own denial of Christ which was to occur the night of the trial before Pilate 3 times in the back of his mind. He knew better; or so he thought as he was always backed up (such as when he began to sink walking on the water). Christ had avoided assassination attempts 9 or 10 times already for the 3 1/2 years he had been with him along with the others. Things were to change real quick. The hour of darkness had come; and Peter had to be broken to later be restored (2nd part of the prophecy). Once the Resurrection occurred; then Christ could hallenge Peter 3 times if he truly loved Him; as he was to be taken where he didn't want to go (in other words a Word about his death). Paul also had a word of knowledge about his trip to Jerusalem where he eventually; perhaps much later than he first thought was led to his own martyrdom. He took it with faith knowing heaven was a much better place (Phillipians 1:21).

    Wisdom also can be seen in something like finances. ( Luke 16:10). The trust of God in us relates to where our heart is now.

    Money itself is neither good or bad (and today truly is worthless; just waiting for the official statement there if you get my drift).

    Truly we must as the coin says trust God as He has allowed us to still prosper somewhat as compared to much of the world. As long as there is some financial system or commodity of value; a long term gain is always best in low risk and slow accumulation of resources rather than high risk deals. Of course we need to have enough wisdom to keep a work ethic to provide for ourselves ( 2 THESSALONIANS 3:10).

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