Judith 15:13

“And they put a garland of oliue vpon her, and her maid that was with her, and shee went before the people in the dance, leading all the women: and all the men of Israel followed in their armor with garlands, and with songs in their mouthes.”

1611 King James Version (KJV)

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Other Translations for Judith 15:13

And they put a garland of olive upon her and her maid that was with her, and she went before all the people in the dance, leading all the women: and all the men of Israel followed in their armour with garlands, and with songs in their mouths.
- King James Version

And they put a garland of olive upon her and on her maid who was with her; and she went before all the people in the dance, leading all the women; and all the men of Israel followed in their amour with garlands, and with songs in their mouths.
- World English Bible

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