Testimony: Our Lord Is Always There In Our Time Of Need

Judy Angle's testimony "Our Lord Is Always There In Our Time Of Need" on 10/26/2011, 2:56am...

I was a bus driver for Greyhound. I was waiting in the Colorado mountains waiting for the bus to be brought to me from Denver. A half hour before it was scheduled to arrive, a police officer came to my hotel door. I was told that my 21 yr. old son had shot himself in the head and wasn't expected to live. I have always felt that the Lord takes care of me...in fact, it's an ongoing quip in our family as I say it so frequently! Of course, I prayed! When the driver from Denver arrived with the bus he told me that it was full of a bunch of [poor people of mixed race] (I am not, nor have I ever been a racist) and at that point my mind was on getting home to my family. I wasn't aware of the blessing our Lord was giving me. Greyhound is always full of a varied group of people, from all walks of life. The odds of a whole bus of Christians, going to Utah of all places would be astronomical; but,there they were! It was midnight or so...and I drove through the mountains.

At precisely 4AM I felt my son go home to our savior (in spite of my mother's families belief...that a suicide doesn't go there...) I flipped on the drivers light and looked at my watch so I was positive of the time. My first thought was, "Mom, take care of my baby." At our breakfast stop, I was able to call the hospital and I was told they had lost him at 4AM. I donated his organs, contacted my supervisor and they were sending another driver to replace me. When I came out of the office from speaking with the hospital, my people had been told what was happening and were there for me. Please understand, I mean they were THERE for me. I believe the Lord put that particular group of people on the Greyhound bus for me that night. They prayed with me...or more precisely ...for me! I had a little old lady with curlers in her hair, who said she would drive that bus and no-one would ever know the difference. I advised them that I would continue to drive, if they would trust me, until my supervisor met us with the other driver.

Those beautiful, God-sent people made me a sympathy card and even donated their change. I didn't expect to see my son warm and his body alive since I'd donated his organs. When I arrived at the hospital, they had kept him on life support until I could say goodbye. When I called my sister to tell her I was bringing Robert home, she responded, "Oh, my God!" A young mother in her church had received a call and was already on her way to the hospital for an organ transplant. Robert had the rarest blood and I was told he gave the gift of life to thirteen people. To this day, we find notes left at Robbie's headstone thanking him for his "Gift of Life".

We aren't protected from the harsh realities of this life but as Christians, we are cushioned by our Lord and his love. He is always there for us, we just have to accept him, know that all things come from him, and have faith! God Bless!


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