Testimony: Jesus Is Working It Out.

Prudence's testimony "Jesus Is Working It Out." on 4/14/2020, 1:01pm...

I serve a true God who has been showing me lately that he is really listening when I am talking.I got saved at age10 my sole desire was to know God for myself my mother brought us to Christ she made prayer her daily meal we were poor but happy growing up .I have experienced losing my a sister,brother and my mother to sickness they never had before like a year apart .I thought this was it my heart is going to fail me but I remembered my mother saying trust God I cried because it was has if Jesus didn't hear when I was praying for mercy.bitterness and emptyness filled me but thank God for my other three sibling we prayed and cried together today I am loving God even more Satan want to destroy me he set people to oppress me at work my last and only brother was diagnosed with lymphoma but I told the Lord no more I will not accept this I start declaring his promises to all those who follow and trust him my brother has done treatment and his doing great and God as completed the healing.Those of you that Satan is telling it can't get better that's a lie . hope and continue praying. I have the hope to see my siblings my mother in heaven someday they made the Lord their King while they were on earth.I am running this race with patience God is not finish with me yet at 44 I can still say I love the Lord.HOld on friends and brethren God is fighting for us we cannot lose.May God bless you.


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