Testimony: Jesus Christ Is Real.

Jon D.'s testimony "Jesus Christ Is Real." on 7/13/2020, 9:17pm...

There is much to my back story. I'm certain it's similar many of yours. Good times. And then bad times. Emotional and physical pains to which I felt could not be over come. In a moment of despair I concluded I was going to end my life. Mostly do to my health problems. I really was going to do it. It was a very sad moment to realize I had no hope. I had a religious back ground and a faith in God growing up. But it was more of a religious cult that left me feeling lied too. I lost my faith in Jesus because I didn't know what the real gospel was. I'm an educatedan and felt the world was another lie. Evolution was a hoax. My religeon was a hoax and thought it life was just a bad joke . I had been studying the Bible in hopes I would find something to let me know God was real and he loved me. For the first time I saw that Jesus was there to save people. It was an over arching theme. So as I was in tears worrying about all the fily and friends I would hurt. I actually decided to pray one last prayer. A last ditch effort. I remember saying "the Bible says you save people. I need that if your there " it was very emotional prayer that I knew my life really depended on the answer. I knew nothing of being born again. It seemed as if I couldn't tell if I was dead or alive. But my room filled with total love. It seemed there were beings there who loved me. I could feel there love. I could not see any of this as a voice told me to keep my eyes closed. It was an inner voice like telepathy. There was a being there I could tell was in charge. As I felt those beings leave I felt it was my grandparents who had passed away. The more powerful being began to show his love and his identity. Not visually but spirtually it's hard to explain. But as he did so, I had never felt such power and love. I realized it was Jesus Christ. But he wasn't just man he was God. I couldn't not believe this was happening. But he showed me so much love that words can't explain and I would think of a question and he just answered it before I even said it. It was like those near death experience story's. He left me with love and I woke up as if I was on a different planet. I didn't know this at the time but I had spirtual eyes. And it was like I could see truth. And when I read scriptures they ment something more than what they said. They had real spirtual meaning. Like that he is the bread of life and the living waters etc. It has been about 5 years and I now understand what happend to me. I was born again. And the gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of salvation. When I told people about it in the beginning I remember saying " Jesus Christ is real. He really is alive and he is God. " My health has continued to decrease and I'm fasting for healing. I ask that who ever reads this might pray for me. God I feel wanted me to leave this testimony. There is so much more to this story. But this is my testimony. That he is alive. He loves us. He has a plan for us. And cares about your life dearly. With all his heart and soul.


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