King James Bible
King James Version (KJV)

From melet and Yahh; (whom) Jah has delivered; Melatjah, a Gibeonite -- Melatiah.
see HEBREW melet
see HEBREW Yahh
H4424. Mlatyah
מְלַטְיָה proper name, masculine (Yahweh delivered, compare GrayProp. N. 267, 293) a Gibeonite, a builder at the wall Nehemiah 3:7; ᵐ5L Μαλτιας.
מְלִיצָה see ליץ.
I. מלך (√ of following; meaning dubious; Thes compare Arabic possess, own exclusively, compare Ethiopic so BaeRel. 144 (compare בַּעַל), and NöZMG xl.1886, 727; LyonBib. Sacr., Apr. 1884 DlProl. 30 and others compare Assyrian malâku, counsel, advise DlHWB 412, Biblical Hebrew and Late Hebrew מָלַךְ Aramaic , מְלַךְ, whence king as originally counsellor, he whose opinion is decisive).