King James Bible
King James Version (KJV)

Of Hebrew origin (saq); "sack"-cloth, i.e. Mohair (the material or garments made of it, worn as a sign of grief) -- sackcloth.
see HEBREW saq
a. a receptacle made for holding or carrying various things, as money, food, etc. ( b. a coarse cloth (Latincilicium), a dark coarse stuff made especially of the hair of animals (A. V. sackcloth): Revelation 6:12; a garment of the like material, and clinging to the person like a sack, which was usually worn (or drawn on over the tunic instead of the cloak or mantle) by mourners, penitents, suppliants, Matthew 11:21; Luke 10:13, and also by those who, like the Hebrew prophets, led an austere life, Revelation 11:3 (cf. what is said of the dress of John the Baptist, Matthew 3:4; of Elijah, 2 Kings 1:8). More fully in Winers RWB under the word Sack; Roskoff in Schenkel 5:134; (under the word