King James Version (KJV)

“And bury me decently, and thy mother with me; but tarry no longer at Nineve. Remember, my son, how Aman handled Achiacharus that brought him up, how out of light he brought him into darkness, and how he rewarded him again: yet Achiacharus was saved, but the other had his reward: for he went down into darkness. Manasses gave alms, and escaped the snares of death which they had set for him: but Aman fell into the snare, and perished.”
King James Version (KJV)
And burie me decently, and thy mother with me, but tarie no longer at Nineue. Remember, my sonne, how Aman handled Achiacharus þt brought him vp, how out of light he brought him into darkenes, and how he rewarded him againe: yet Ahiacharus was saued, but the other had his reward, for hee went downe into darkenesse. Manasses gaue almes, and escaped the snares of death which they had set for him: but Aman fell into the snare and perished.
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