Psalms 109:30 MEANING

Psalm 109:30
Verses 30, 31. - The psalm terminates with a short burst of praise, the writer feeling assured that his prayer is granted, and that he will shortly triumph over his enemies. Verse 30. - I will greatly praise the Lord with my mouth. The expression "greatly praise" does not occur elsewhere in the Psalms. It is indicative of an unusually strong feeling of thankfulness. Yea, I will praise him among the multitude; i.e. in the congregation.

109:21-31 The psalmist takes God's comforts to himself, but in a very humble manner. He was troubled in mind. His body was wasted, and almost worn away. But it is better to have leanness in the body, while the soul prospers and is in health, than to have leanness in the soul, while the body is feasted. He was ridiculed and reproached by his enemies. But if God bless us, we need not care who curses us; for how can they curse whom God has not cursed; nay, whom he has blessed? He pleads God's glory, and the honour of his name. Save me, not according to my merit, for I pretend to none, but according to thy-mercy. He concludes with the joy of faith, in assurance that his present conflicts would end in triumphs. Let all that suffer according to the will of God, commit the keeping of their souls to him. Jesus, unjustly put to death, and now risen again, is an Advocate and Intercessor for his people, ever ready to appear on their behalf against a corrupt world, and the great accuser.I will greatly praise the Lord with my mouth,.... Vocally, and in the highest strains.

Yea, I will praise him among the multitude: of converted persons, both Jews and Gentiles, and by them: or, "among the mighty" (l); or great ones; the great congregation, as in Psalm 22:25 among the innumerable and mighty angels in heaven; or, as the Targum,

"among the wise men;''

his own disciples, made wise unto salvation, and to win souls; being filled with the gifts of wisdom and knowledge; among and with whom Christ sung an hymn of praise after the celebration of the supper, Matthew 26:30.

(l) "in magno coetu", Tigurine version.

Courtesy of Open Bible