Some men not all wants to be Holy and deceive you too believe his everyword but doesn't want too do God's will it's not right and it doesn't work that way
13 The slothful man saith, there is a lion without, I shall be slain in the streets. ... the slothful shall always have a excuse not to work, it is the nature of the slothful. GOD give reasonable health plus the sunshine and rain which equal to abundant of harvest, If... but self deception corral most minds to believe someone else will do it for me, especially slothful. Even Adam had a garden.
I believe in balance. For JESUS came that we have life and live to the full not destitute or a vagabond. But not materialistic or greedy with our wealth. I believe we should understand that money in good hands is a good thing but in greedy selfish ways is bad. So we should always live in our means and strive for better living and to help others who are hurting like your neighbors!
Children need parental guidance and discipline. The child still has free will and will ultimately have to decide what he or she will do, but they are more likely to follow the direction given from their parents if it is done so consistently and with love.
Humble I pray for your son too, I know how hard it is with children you can lead them, and show them,but until they see for themselves, we pray to our Father and Lord to intercede. it's rough times , they are told they can do and be anything and it's ok, breaks my heart , how blind they live, I pray to God always to open their eyes for I have failed.
Humble warrior goddess on Proverbs 22 - 7 years ago
This knowledge is very much needed for me. Makes me think about alot of things. I wish my son could'hve understood the part about keeping guard over the influences we encounter. He is now incarcerated for making a bad decision and before he knew or met certain people, he was a good kid. Praying he doesnt have to do to much time. He's only 21
Mimi; This Proverb has to do with keeping guard over what kind of influences we will encounter, so not to let a bad character or behavior rub off on us. This is not really the case when someone is abusive or violent toward us; but for in a social setting, as of among friends and coworkers, etc. If someone is hurting you, you have to get away from that person to a safe place, and get help quickly!
Mimi. The verse is saying literally, "don't be like" the angry/furious man or you might learn to be the same way. "Make no friendship with" is saying, "don't show that you approve" of the behavior. You can take authority over the spirit of anger in Jesus name. Also pray in the spirit ( Rom 8:26-27). If there is physical abuse, get out and get help. You're not to be a door mat or punching bag.
When my children were very young until they were in their late teens I used to read the Bible and a chapter from another Christian book and pray with them every morning before they started their day. They saw that I read and prayed each day as well. We went to church. Their Father was not a Christian. It seemed that my training did not impact them but their Father did however today both of my Children have their own children and read the word and pray with their children. So even though for a while they did their own thing they did come to Jesus. I give Jesus all the Honor and glory. Jesus touched their lives. His word is alive .....
This is a good warning. Basically saying not to cosign for another person. This situation comes up usually when a person is buying a car. A family member asked me to co-sign for her a vehicle and I remembered this scripture. It is not sinful or wrong to co-sign, just not wise.
We are challenged to upkeep God's property in accordance to God's principles because parents are nothing but caretakers and they ll definitely give account of all their actions to their creator.
I believe God is telling us that we need wisdom to guide,teach, and keep our children as well as ourselves. We must always be aware of others needs and attend them.
God is saying, if we as Parents teach our children to love the Lord....which should be priority in their lives. Then God will honor, protect and keep them from destroying themselves through rebellion. God also promise that when our children become older they will not depart from God. They will know that God loves them!
Parents are the foundation and the example of their children. We must bring and offer our children to Jesus. Involve your child in the church and let them listen the words, when they grow up the words from God will not depart from them. An Anges are always with them. Offer your child and yourself to Jesus as a living sacrifice. Our child when they grow up they can serve God by giving back their talent in worship and praising God. Jesus loves us and he created us according to his purpose. Jesus is the only reason why we are still living. Thanks to Jesus for his precious blood that shed for us. Amen
this is so true as a child I 've always grown up in the church I grew up in the group homes in the processor homes the one thing that stuck with me was church in God so for a while I did leave the church for a really long time because I was ashamed for many different reasons but as I got older I came back to the church not the same church that I was going to before but I came back to Godand now I am growing even stronger in the Lord
Its an appropriate verse my daughter and her husband. They are expecting their first baby March 21. they had been trying for 12 years and our Heavenly Father healed my daughter and blessed them with a baby. My husband and myself have built a swinging cradle and are burning Proverbs 22:6 below a cross burned into the headboard. Our daughter and her husband picked this verse.
A child has great possibilities.With proper training he can learn. To train a child is not one day work, but needs patience and love from both parents and praying for them.