Proverbs Chapter 21 Discussion

  • Free - In Reply on Proverbs 21 - 3 years ago
    Proverbs 21. 31 The horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety is of the LORD.
  • Don Schenck on Proverbs 21 - 3 years ago
    Verse 23 REALLY cuts, eh? Like at two-edged sword.

    Thanks for this web site.
  • Rev Jack C Gutknecht on Proverbs 21 - 4 years ago
    Proverbs 21:23 KJ21 also GNB

    Whoso guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself ...

    KJV: "Who so keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from trouble.

    GNB: "If u want 2 sta ouOf trb, b CarFul ot u sa." [pic]

    GNB: "If you want to stay out of trouble, be careful what you say." (See picture on page 713.)
  • John Javier on Proverbs 21:9 - 4 years ago
    Jesus apoeared to me in a 10 second dream 1973 at 22yrs old. He was standing in the clouds above downtown L.A... He was about 4 feet in front of me with a white runic..I heard his voice in my mind without his mouth moving..he said "Live your life accordingly to be Rewarded! Which scriptureis this found? 2nd miracle, a photo oif my dream was given to me 26yrs later. My new neighbor across the street 2001, gave me a photo of my dream, as he watched his neighbor point the camera at the clouds as they walked to schhool..developed phito wad iof my dream..I can show you this photo of my drean from 1973. 909 446-9311
  • John Javier on Proverbs 21:9 - 4 years ago
    Jesus appeared to me in a 10 second dream and said ...Live life accordingly and be rewarded. 1973 in my 20's, Which bible scripture is this located?
  • John Javier on Proverbs 21:9 - 4 years ago
    Jesus aooeared in a 10 secinf dream.., with message.. Live life accordingly and be rewarded. . what scripture is this found in?
  • Esther on Proverbs 21:17 - 4 years ago
    Thanks a lot for your answer God may bless you more and more

    Respected sir/mam

  • Chris - In Reply on Proverbs 21:17 - 4 years ago
    Esther, Oil was a very expensive commodity & only the rich could afford it. It had many different uses in those early days, and this would have included, a special act of love shown to someone ( Ps 23:5, Lk 7:46); anointing to kingship ( 1 Sam 10:1); or for healing ( Mk 6:13, Js 5:14). So the verse in Prov 21, is really indicating that both wine & oil (those more expensive items) can only bring the common man to poverty. Today, overuse of oil is not really a means to poverty, but more so with alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, gambling, over extending our budget, etc. As Christians, we are responsible before the Lord in our use of the money & gifts he has given to us. Some may not have much in those terms, but what we do have, we must use for His Glory & Purpose. ( Mt 25:14-30).
  • Esther on Proverbs 21:17 - 4 years ago
    According to proverbs 21:17 verse what is the meaning of oil
  • Les on Proverbs 21:31 - 4 years ago
    Amen, sister!
  • Kelly right on Proverbs 21:19 - 4 years ago
    My father would always tell my mother this, along with bashing her. Now he is accusing her of witchcraft. Lest we forget that god used A woman in his plan too, to bring his son.
  • Danielle Williams - In Reply on Proverbs 21 - 5 years ago
    I agree. To every action, there is a reaction.
  • Jolliet Alvarez - In Reply on Proverbs 21 - 5 years ago
    Said well
  • Donna on Proverbs 21 - In Reply on Proverbs 21 - 5 years ago
    You are right, "rely more on him through prayer". Thank you, Shar.
  • Shar - In Reply on Proverbs 21 - 5 years ago
    I was reading this today as part of my morning devotion, and I can definitely see how you feel. As a woman, mother and wife, there are times when I feel disrespected which leads to irritation and frustration. At yes, at times it makes you lash out but as I read the other comments, and pray more I also know that Jesus helps to temper our attitudes and helps us to rely more on him through prayer.
  • Jason - In Reply on Proverbs 21 - 5 years ago
    1 Peter 3:1 tells the woman what to do if the man is not godly. It's not to correct him but to show him fear so he may show the Lord fear
  • Will of my father on Proverbs 21 - 5 years ago
    A brawling woman is not a Godly woman. The man and the woman must yield to the leading of the Holy Ghost just as the bride of Christ (the chuch) to Him that your prayers be not hindered. Check out 1 Peter 3
  • Donna on Proverbs 21 - 5 years ago
    I'm shocked and sadden. Are these Christians responding here. You talk only about the nagging wife.-But there is a root to this fruit. "Why?" She is responding to something wrong. How she responds gets on the man's nerves, but there is something the man is lacking here. It is responsiblity. When she responds like this, it may make you want to be anywhere but there, but She has unmet needs. Love h
  • Benny on Proverbs 21 - 5 years ago
    Clay it's just saying who can mess with the creator? You can't touch his absolute superiority on all counts.
  • Cynthia on Proverbs 21 - 5 years ago
    In life there are so many enemies of destiny and talking about our plans most times gives them the edge to manipulate. It is better to talk your plans over to God than man. He will give you better direction. So, thank God for this word that came to me today as a reminder that I should talk less about my plans and depend on God to help achieve my plans. Also, I don t need to have an opinion in every matter that is brought around me. Sometimes, people capitalize on the word you say and use it against you. I have been in so many situations to know that most times having no opinion is better than be a smart aleck . So yes, He who keeps his mouth and tongue, keeps his soul from trouble.
  • BSP on Proverbs 21 - 5 years ago
    It is important that we keep our words in check and we can avoid a lot of problems if we think before we speak.
  • BSP on Proverbs 21 - 5 years ago
    Verse 30~ No matter how practical human wisdom may seem, if it is in opposition to the wisdom from Jehovah God it will ultimately result in foolishness.
  • JoAnn Eichmiller on Proverbs 21 - 6 years ago
    Proverbs 21:1 Speaks to the heart it tells us how God can take any heart and change it no matter how dark it has become. It speaks of true repentance and true salvation entering any heart by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ and receiving Him as Lord and Savior. God can change any heart His arm is not so short it cannot reach, His Word is alive and full of truth and full of His power.

  • Brianna vs. 2 on Proverbs 21 - 6 years ago
    Society today is trying to make any and every lifestyle be acceptable and without consequences. However, we have to acknowledge that there is RIGHT and there is WRONG. We can't push that everything should be accepted and then wonder why this world is going down the toilet. Just because something seems right in our own eyes it does not make it right. We need God's standard of right and wrong.
  • BSP on Proverbs 21 - 6 years ago
    Verse 5~This shows the importance of planning and preparing.
  • Jim on Proverbs 21 - 7 years ago
    Theresa: Yes, verse 20 is what I meant. Thanks and Merry Christmas!
  • Vanessa on Proverbs 21 - 7 years ago
    Being born again is the coming of the Holy Ghost upon you How Jesus spoke to the man that came to him. And explain That one must be born again.. so that he can guide you all truth .. you will have a personal relationships with the Holy Ghost .the bible comes alive to you because Jesus Christ will show him self to you . In a wonderful way in spirit is how I meet Jesus Christ the son god .. pray ..
  • Theresa on Proverbs 21 - 7 years ago
    Jim, I think you meant verse 20 concerning money. I agree with you.
  • Lilian on Proverbs 21 - 7 years ago
    Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue shall keepeth his soul from troubles.
    The words of wisdom only comes from Jesus Abba Father please guide me and cleanse my heart my mind and my soul let my mouth and my tongue away from speaking of unrighteousness by your blood I am cleanse let my mouth and use them to praise you and worship you forever amen hallelujah
  • Jim on Proverbs 21 - 7 years ago
    Verse 21: Christians know that it is the 'love' of money is the root of all evil and not money itself. Poor financial management by Christians is sad today. Most people cannot come up with $500.00 for an emergency without using credit cards etc. I believe God expects Christians to be diligent and wise with all He has provided including wealth; it should all be used for His glory!

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