
The name given to the hereditary temple servants in all the "post-Exilian books of Scripture. The word means given, i.e.," "those set apart, viz., to the menial work of the sanctuary for" "the Levites. The name occurs seventeen times, and in each case" "in the Authorized Version incorrectly terminates in "s"," "Nethinims; in the Revised Version, correctly without the "s" "(Ezra 2:70; 7:7, 24; 8:20, etc.). The tradition is that the" "Gibeonites (Josh. 9:27) were the original caste, afterwards" called Nethinim. Their numbers were added to afterwards from captives taken in battle; and they were formally given by David "to the Levites (Ezra 8:20), and so were called Nethinim, i.e.," "the given ones, given to the Levites to be their servants. Only" 612 Nethinim returned from Babylon (Ezra 2:58; 8:20). They were under the control of a chief from among themselves (2:43; Neh. "7:46). No reference to them appears in the New Testament," because it is probable that they became merged in the general body of the Jewish people.

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