Matthew Chapter 24 Discussion Page 25

  • FrozenWillow - In Reply on Matthew 24:7 - 3 years ago
    The bible clearly states in verse 6 of this chapter of Matthew "The end shall NOT be yet" - this is not the end. Please go and listen to Jason Zelda on youtube. He explains it precisely, better than I can.
  • Sandra Sibley on Matthew 24:7 - 3 years ago
    2020 pestilences - the world is calling the coronavirus. We are living in the end of days. I pray we all will be ready for JESUS return. Accept the LORD JESUS CHRIST into your heart while there is still time.
  • Chris - In Reply on Matthew 24 - 3 years ago
    Simona, in Mt 24:36, you are correct that the words "nor the Son" are not there. However, in Mk 13:32, those words are found. Now this difference does not mean an inaccuracy in the Bible; it just shows that different authors have written their Gospels, & have recalled words or events slightly differently.

    So what does this verse mean? I understand this to mean that as Jesus, the Son of God in the flesh, He was not privy to all that the Father knew or would reveal to Him. I know He is the Word of God made flesh, but whether He or the Father had set limitations because of His Humanity is not revealed to us. In Lk 22:41,42, we read of Jesus & His disciples on the Mt. of Olives & Jesus prayed to the Father in His final hours & in agony, "Father, if Thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless, not My Will, but Thine be done". As a man, he knew the horror of suffering & death that lay before Him & so His Cry to the Father to take away this cup of suffering from Him, but as the Son of God, He knew that God's Will had to be performed & so He willingly went to the Cross on our behalf. This verse shows us the agony Jesus endured as both Man & God & His continual resorting to His Father even when He knew the prophecies about Him & that His work of Salvation would finally enable mankind to get right with God.
  • Bob Hilt - In Reply on Matthew 24 - 3 years ago
    Simona, You are correct as only God the Father knows the day of the return of his Son Jesus in glory. a companion verse is found in Mark 13:32 But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.
  • Simona Padurariu on Matthew 24 - 3 years ago
    I wonder about verse 36 og Matthew 24. Are the words "nor the Son" missing in the King James or added to many of the other versions?... Does the Son know the day and hour or not?.. Thank you in advance.
  • Chris - In Reply on Matthew 24 - 4 years ago
    The word 'Rapture' is not a biblical word. It is an extra-biblical word to denote a 'snatching away' of the Bride of Christ. So this event, unheard of in the Old Testament, was mainly spoken of by the apostle Paul (1 Thes 4:13-17; 1 Cor 15:51-53; 2 Thes 2:2 (Day of Christ as opposed to the Day of the Lord); & the Lord spoke of His Coming during His Ministry on Earth, but those mostly referred to His 2nd Coming at the end of the Great Tribulation and dawn of His reign on Earth: Mt 24:30-31; Mk 13:24-37; Lk 17:34-37. To also state, many Christians also understand the Rapture to possibly take place mid way through Anti-Christ's reign, & others, that we will go through the Tribulation & raptured at the end. However, 2 Thes 2:7,8 speaks of the 'one' who prevents the Anti-Christ from appearing now. There is speculation on who/what this 'one' is. I hold that it speaks of the Holy Spirit in believers; that if He, Who restrains the anti-Christ, leaves, then the believers go at that time.
  • BOB on Matthew 24 - 4 years ago
    How many times is rapture listed kjv bible
  • Chris - In Reply on Matthew 24:36 - 4 years ago
    Vicki, I agree with you on Mt 24:36 that it applies to the time of our Lord's second coming after the days of Tribulation. The term Rapture = to snatch away, is a new teaching that was unknown in the OT & in pre-Church times. There is of course some allusion to it by the Lord ( Lk 2:34-37), but I think that He is still essentially talking about His second coming to Earth, rather than in the Air to take away His saints. Then Peter reminds us (2 Pet:2-14) that in reference to the second coming (to Earth), there will be scoffers who ask, "where is the promise of His coming..all things continue as from the beginning of creation". We see that now & also easy for Christians to fall into that frame of mind: why does Jesus take so long to come?; the early Church waited expectantly & no Jesus; is His Promise to us a lie?, are some of the doubts that creep in. But we stand on God's Word & upon the Character of the Godhead, that it is no lie, & His Promise will be fulfilled according to His Plan.
  • Jesse - In Reply on Matthew 24 - 4 years ago
    A disciple is somebody who follows the teaching or doctrine of someone else. I am not sure where you are going with this, but these questions are thought provoking. I'm going to put Christ into the equation first before I answer.

    First, can a person be a believer and not a disciple?

    I would say yes. A person can believe in Christ, go to church, believe the bible to be true, believe that Jesus died for them, but not have any desire to study God's word, or be led by His Spirit in order that they might grow in Christ. That person believes, but is not a disciple.

    Your second question, can a person be a disciple and not a believer?

    Again, if I put Christ into the equation, I would say no. A person who is following Christ, submitting to the persuasion of His Spirit taking His word and ministering it to their heart and mind, that person is not only a disciple, but a true believer.

    I have one for you. Can a person who says they believe in God also be an atheist?
  • Mishael - In Reply on Matthew 24 - 4 years ago
    First of all I'm just an aging street preacher. Your account of events makes me think of the Book of Job. He had everything taken away. His wife told him to curse God and die. Job held on despite everything people said to him. In the end , he got back everything he lost and more. He had a deeper knowledge of God too. All those friends got in trouble for what they said to Job.

    The best church that I went to as a baby Christian was a storefront church. I had deliverance issues and those were prayed for respectfully so as not to scare me. I thought "spirits" were demonic and it was a while before I received the Holy Spirit; which started a lifetime of deep love and respect.

    I think you should commit your actions to Jesus to set right. Don't be Christians that go to law with each other in front of unbelievers. Trust in the Lord...He will set your path straight.

    The fields are white unto the harvest. Pray faithfully to the Lord of the Harvest. Bring the newborns to your church.
  • Mishael - In Reply on Matthew 24 - 4 years ago
    The Bible doesn't keep genealogical records of female children or wives

    Unless they are in the bloodline of Jesus:

    The Son of Man.
  • Bob Hilt - In Reply on Matthew 24 - 4 years ago
    Neil Jesus said let the dead bury the dead and the judge that awarded that to the heretics, well he has a place reserved for him / her also.
  • Mishael - In Reply on Matthew 24 - 4 years ago
    Valerie: first you need to find some scripture to support that thought.
  • Mishael on Matthew 24 - 4 years ago
    CHARLES: you enjoy trying to engage people in strifes, debates, etc.

    These are the character traits of Jesus:

    Compassionate, servant, loving, forgiving,

    Committed, prayerful, gentleness, patience, self-control, humble, creativity, efficiency, respect, deference, tolerant, integrity, confidence, obedience, meekness, virtue, honesty, consistency, merciful; just to name a few.

    We're supposed to be learning about these traits and live some.

    You have completely covered your feelings about women preachers/pastors.

    Did you know if God can't get anyone to carry a message, that He'll use a donkey?

    We're all going to be held accountable at the Bema seat of Jesus for every idle word we have spoken out of our mouth.

    Angels record in a Book everything we say about Jesus

    Let us lift up Jesus. Amen.
  • Vicki Terry on Matthew 24 - 4 years ago
    Who did Cain & Abel marry?
  • Neil MacEwan to the overseers of this siteyou may not want to publish this respo on Matthew 24 - 4 years ago Matt 24

    Personal experience...I was in a Christian denomination, whose leaders went VERY liberal, so much so it caused our pastor and others to question their leadership. As a result, over 20 congregations in our country decided to break away from that leadership.Result..?Their liberal leadership sued my congregation,took us to court, and as a result we lost everything...our church building( we were forbidden to use our church building for services, we lost finances ie large donations that were given in trust from deceased members, we were without a place to worship for several years.

    We met in a funeral home chapel for some time, TIL we shared another denominations building where we meet now.)

    Does that liberal leadership claim Jesus as Messiah?yes one of their pastors claimed there was myth in the Bible, and that congregants should not be reading their bibles!Decide..were they deceiving their congregations? Were they leading them astray? We were not RC
  • Valerie Sutton on Matthew 24 - 4 years ago
    can a person be a believer and not a disciple

    can a person be a disciple and not a believer
  • Vicki Kalal - In Reply on Matthew 24:36 - 4 years ago
    On Matthew 24:36 Chris the Scripture you refer to Matt 24:36, I thought that was when Jesus comes at the end of the Tribulation & every eye would see him. I was referring to when the rapture of the Church occurs. I guess I phrased my question wrong. The Jews were looking for the Kingdom of God, weren't they, as they didn't know anything about the rapture or tribulation?
  • Chris - In Reply on Matthew 24 - 4 years ago
    Wow!! Are you saying that Mt 24:5 speaks about some who come to confirm that Jesus is the Christ, & in saying this are deceiving many? I hope not. Cause if you are, then you've given a classic example of Scripture twisting or an inability to grasp English fully. Also see Mt 24:24.

    However, if I've misunderstood you & my apologies, then I can't see what your other point is. Clarification please? And the 'two possibilities': no answer, I give up.
  • Chris - In Reply on Matthew 24 - 4 years ago
    Neil, are you thinking a second major Flood? I would be interested in your understanding of Gen 9:11-17 & how this might fit in with your understanding of this news article. Thank you.
  • Neil MacEwan on Matthew 24 - 4 years ago
    There was a news item in Israel this past week( of April 23 ,2020) that caught my eye, which stated that the Sea of Galilee was FULL!

    So what, I said

    But also the Great Lakes of Canada/US are all above seasonal averages...

    That's a lot of water....and the snow melt in Canada is not yet at its peak!

    Re Jesus' return...." As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be prior to Jesus' return

    Do you draw the same conclusion I'm drawing?

    IN HIM, THE BEST PLACE TO BE, THE " Secret Place" OF PS91?

    Neil, in BC CANADA
  • Neil MacEwan on Matthew 24 - 4 years ago
    Re Matt24:5

    "For many will come in my name saying they are Christ; and will deceive many" is the current interpretation

    but the above is NOTwhat Jesus said!

    "Many will come in my name saying I ( insert ) am Christ, and will deceive many"

    Are there any denominational leaders who claim Jesus is the Messiah, and who deceive many of their followers by their theology ?

    I can name two possibilities ( my opinion)

    What say you?

    Neil, in British Columbia, Canada
  • Alex on Matthew 24:23 - 4 years ago
    IMO just me. This great abomination of Desolation is modern day Christianity,All the churches are desolate even the big mega churches are desolate Not a sign of Christ Jesus. And Jesus said it was gonna be a Time of darkness when no man can work.The days are coming when the bridegroom will be taken away then shall you fast in those days,days are plural 2 days 2000 yrs no Christ Jesus but we look for him to come again soon but don't look for him in th Churches,look for him to come within you via a birth Thats y he always refers to himself as the SON OF MAN, 27 TIMES THE PROPHETS SAW THE WORLD IN TRAVAIL N BIRTH PAINS we are gonna birth a baby Christ within our hearts and minds that Child is the H.G. TH CHILD of PROMISE,I will give them a new heart and a new spirit. He wants to be BORN in US sinners He is truly th SON OF MAN, thats y th sower wants to sow his precious seed in our hearts,The kingdom of God is gonna be BORN in US,The most hi GOD does not dwell in temples made with hands.
  • Chris - In Reply on Matthew 24:36 - 4 years ago
    Vicki, praise God for your salvation through His Son & for your continual search through Holy Scriptures & your longing for the Saviour's return. We, who look for His Coming, have a tendency to wonder if the time is now. Yes, the signs are there: Israel is a nation & the Jews are returning to their homeland (see Ezek 37. They are spiritually dry (dry bones) & without God but He will put His Spirit in them (future) & place them in their own land - happening now (vv14,21,25). They will be one nation (v22) - from May 1948, there has been a steady return of the Jews back to Israel & that "the heathen may know that I sanctify Israel" (v28). The world continues to degenerate into godlessness, selfishness, immorality, idolatry, etc. Yet, the end is not yet as there are yet more to be saved ( 2 Pet 3:9). We don't know when Jesus will come; we cannot & should not set any dates. He have to be patient. We have to be alert & watching. We can watch Israel for signs & a time frame, but: Mt 24:36.
  • WilliamtheResolute on Matthew 24:15 - 4 years ago
    The Abomination of Desolation is the Catholic Church and the Whore of Babylon is the Jesuit on the throne.
  • Vicki Kalal on Matthew 24:36 - 4 years ago
    I've been a Christian (born again) since 11/1/1992. I'm 79 years old. Upon studying the Scriptures, I know Jesus could return anytime. Upon further study, I've kind of looked for Him as possibly during the fall since the other prophecies have been fulfilled by Jesus Christ. (Blessed to have been in Israel in 1994 during the fall high holy days) I've been accused of setting date of Jesus return. It's been 28 years of watching. I don't know when He's coming. I've really suffered with this. Am I guilty of date setting? Thank you.
  • Sylvia on Matthew 24:20 - 4 years ago
    Wow Matthew 24-20 say but pray ye

    that your flight be not in the winter, neither

    on the Sabbath day. That is something people

    should be focusing on this verse is so correct

    On what we are facing now.
  • Stacy on Matthew 24:23 - 4 years ago
    The Roman Catholic church is the whore that sits in the beast . Being the little horn amongst the ten horns . Having blasphemy written on her head . Blasphemy calling the Pope father and man saying the Pope has authority to forgive sins. Jesus says call no man Father for there is only one Father to all and he is in Heaven. Shady dealings throughout history amassing great wealth in the name of God as well as the massacre of the Saints that followed Christ yet refused to join the idolitors and blasphemous Catholic Church. She is whore.
  • Bob Hilt - In Reply on Matthew 24:8 - 4 years ago
    Great observation for them closing churches. the way most churches are nowadays with heresies and lies they may as well close them. Most use the modern perversion Bibles. They accept things God calls abominations. Persecution shall wake up the true remnant church.
  • Why does God not care Part 5 on Matthew 24:39 - 4 years ago
    Tried to post this a few minutes after I'd posted the rest, but the system wouldn't let me. Here's the rest though (p.s., the poem is not very good, at all, but it was from the heart. I only am attempting to post it now, because it shows, like some of the Psalmists (according to some preachers I've heard in the past), the change from despair to hope, or well, more like the change of despair, to showing the acknowledgement of God's gloriousness. I wanted folk to know that I was just sad. Nothing's changed, well, maybe a little (internally, some hope returned, with a better perspective). So anyway, if allowed, I'll post the original part 5-whatever, now:

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