King James Bible Store

Return Policy

What happens if I receive the wrong or defective product?
If a product is defective in any way, please return it for a full refund. We accept returns for any unused items that were not discounted or items that may be defective within 21 days of ship date. Please contact us to obtain return instructions and receive a refund.

What if the product is not defective, but I just don't like it?
While we do not offer a satisfaction guarantee and do not accept returns based on dissatisfaction, we will do our best to accomodate you so you have a positive experience. Depending on the situation and availability we may at times opt to include special offers that add value to an order.

May I change or cancel my order?
Since our process is mostly automated, once you submit an order it usually too late to change it as it is promptly sent to the warehouse for immediate packing and shipping. Please contact us if you wish to modify or cancel an order. We will do our best to accomodate you so you are satisfied with your order.

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