To Sharon - satan is not mighty; satan was the angel of light in heaven; he was created by God as were all things (In the beginning GOD ....). None of the angels have ANY power of themselves. satan had to present himself before God, his creator, to request power to torment Job. God gave His permission because God knew Job's heart and that Job would cleave to God.
I also love the book of job.i told GOD one day :I want to be like job,at time I was thinking about the blessings-wasn't thinking about what he went through to be blessed, still today I want to be like job,only now I want GOD to bring me there or wherever he choose for me to be that I make it to heaven by filling calling placed on my life.
Job is my favorite bible character I guess because he reminds me of me job had many problems I am disabled with makes it hard for me but whenever I am in a trial I think I don't have it as bad as job did and he did not leave God.
God's way is always the best. The Lord God will never allow a temptation that is beyond what we can manage. Whatever happens to a child of God as a purpose. The comments of 'P' the first one to this book must be condemned to its deepest point. God's is the best. Therefore let all human beings praise the Lord. Amen.
What helped make Job so great in the eyes of God before all his suffering began was not so much what he did or didn't do. It was his heart attitude. Verse 1 tells us more about his heart than about his works, and verse 5 shows how his love for God played out in his life in one area, that of his children.
if the people of God should have the understanding that job had, knowing that every thing int this world is vanity and equally know that we came to this world naked and will go back naked. only God gives and equally takes.
In spite of all the trials and tribulations we may have in life as a humble servant of God we should not be tempted by Satan and his evil work because God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son and whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life as job said god give and he takes away he created heaven and earth and not we ourselves
I have learn t a lot about job the faithful servant of God that in spite of the misfortunes,challenges,troubles that may befell you,The only palace of safety and comfort is in the hands of the most high God who is the source of life.
The book of JOB has kept me humble among other words of GOD, and the Holy Spirit. Having a job makes me think of the book of JOB. When I feel like I've worked so hard and I've lost everything, I remember JOB and GOD'S promise to us all. HE will never leave us nor forsake us. He was with JOB the whole time.
Verse 22 I never til now took this verse in as I have now,so very beautiful and powerful conveying in a few words,explaining so much to the questioning unbelievers JOB DID NOT BLAME GOD. GOD'S WORD CONVEYS THE THOUGHT IT IS FOOLISH TO BLAME GOD FOR MISFORTUNE OR SELF LOSS. BEAUTIFUL SO SIMPLE AN ANSWER TO GIVE TO THOSE WHO QUESTION GOD AND HIS MERCY. THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE
The book of Job gives me comfort in knowing that the suffering of this world is nothing to be compared to what we shall be in the future to come. God be the Glory!
i am nothing like job i love GOD but somehow satan keeps trying to come between GOD and me i am sick all the time i have lost everything i owned but that dosent mean anything to me as long as i dont lose my do i get close to GOD and keep satan from bothering me all the time. i have never blamed GOD for all the bad things that happens to me. how do i know GOD still listen to my prayers or dose he still loves me. in CHRIST name James
The book of Job is pre-flood in origin. The sons of Adam, called the son of God who namely were the sons of Seth, of a direct lineage of Adam, and like Adam were also long lived, still roamed the Earth. Like Adam they also came before God on a regular basis, just as we do, and on one of those occasions Satan was found amongst them, probably there to cause trouble, and God chose to speak to Satan regarding Job. Satan was not in Heaven before the throne of God as can be seen later in the book of Job, but God engaging Satan on Earth. It is not rocket science but as with many other things, this verse is contorted from something simple into something complex so that it v can be used to justify other incredible theories elsewhere in the Bible. Ask yourself, where does this extra this extra theology about fallen Angels lead to in the plan of God other than to lead weaker Christians away from God. To suggest fallen Angels coming before God on a regular basis is to suggest that they are not fallen.
How ever weathy we become, what ever we may achieve, at any time anything can be taken from us. We need to absorb this fundamental truth. Job understood this he knew that all must be left behind that all that he valued was nothing before the glory of God.
This is a perfect example of being picked out to be picked on. It is also similar to Jesus as he was lead as a lamb to the slaughter. But in the end he rose with all power in his hand and now sits at the right hand I God. We win in the end. He is the victorious one!
Thanks for information. I actually wanted to understand the phrase 'sons of God '. I believe they were angels on assignment to report. May the Holy Spirit shade more light on our hearts.
This is an example of how we suppose to be as children of GOD never ask questions and know matter what the circumstances or situations don 't give up and never blame GOD just ask for STRENGTH to make it through and stand 10 feet tall and be like a VAULT and don 't be Moved by negative people that don 't understand going through
I believe that the sons of god are demonic angels who operates in the air, because a part of them did not kept their original estate, the others are made to present themselves to God for accountability.
I believe the obedient God loving Angels are mentioned as sons of God, and as Satan is not in the pit yet and that he roams the Earth and the Heavens.He knows the way of Angels to the Throne of God since was after all one of them one time, before he was expelled from his former God given place. Since his time in the lake of fire has not yet come, he roams around
I love the entire book of Job because it reminds as well as inspires children of God. It reminds us to remain faithful to our creator no matter the circumstance,as well as inspires us and gives hope that even in our ups and downs haves and have not 's the Lord is still able to comfort us and be an on time God. In the end Job received more in his latter days then he had in the beginning, "Reaping double for his troubles ", more so because he remained faithful.
This book of Job strengthens me with faith and hope that whatever comes my may i will conquer it with God by my side. Job 's character increases my endurance in any affliction that comes my way.