James Bible
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places
Verse 6~We see here that after Satan rebelled he was so arrogant that he still had the audacity to enter a meeting in heaven between Jehovah God and his faithful angels.
Thea, Yes, it did say Asia, however, it's not the Asia that we know today. Asia in the days of ancient scripture was from Turkey (Asia minor) to the top of Mesopotamia and what we call the Baltic region today. It was not Modern Asia, so you will know the truth.
Gabrielle S. Simmons Job had a total of 20 children. Job 1:2 Born until him were seven sons
and three daughters. These 10 were killed Job 1:18,19. So the LORD blessed the latter end
of Job more than his beginning. The LORD doubled his sheep, camels, oxen and asses. Job 42:12. He (Job) also had seven sons and three daughters. Job 42:13
I test all bibles by Job 1:1 which was changed after WWII to read that Job came from Uz. My grandmother's bible states that he came from Asia! Imagine that!
Ezekiel 14:14 "Though these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they should deliver but their own souls by their righteousness, saith the Lord GOD." Job was a real man and endured all these things faithfully staying true and right in his heart toward God and men. There are some extremely rare Saints who are really "men after God's own heart" and are better than any others on earth.
ren were were created in the image of GOD we do not die like a dog
what hope do you have after death.we have a body soul and spirit
so everthing is a parable to you, you are not a literalist this is
very scary to your eternal life. read revelation20-7-15 is this
a parable too. you have been deceived. mark 8-36 jesus said
what does it profit a man if he would gain the world and lose
his soul.
Jesus fought the battle for me whatever situations I face today victory is mine. Jesus remove every works of the defeated enemy Jesus also remove every spirit of badluck and replace into GOOD LUCK AND FAVOR EVERY AREAS OF MY LIFE AMEN
It is appointed for man once
To die than the judgement
Heb9-27 rev 11-15 read the
Bible there is a literal hell
Fire without a saving knowledge
Of the lord Jesus Christ alone
For salvation and there is a heaven
When a believer dies absent in the
Body is to present with the lord 2nd cor 5-6-8 wake up and stop
Disputing life after death we have
A body soul and spirit .not animals
Ren; if you read 1 Samuel 28, particularly verse 13, you might better understand what happens when we die. Compare with Ecclesiastes 3:21 "Who knows the spirit of man that goes upward, and the spirit of the beast that goes downward to the earth?" and, Ecclesiastes 12:7 "Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it." See also Ezekiel 32.
Ren; God doesn't "reveal" things to us that are unscriptural and simply false! The story of the rich man and Lazarus is true; not a parable. Besides, Jesus spoke about hell and the Gehenna more than 20 times; and that at the Day of Judgment, Hell would be cast into the Lake of Fire. The rich man died and was buried, and the next moment he lifted up his eyes "IN HELL" and saw Lazarus in heaven!
@Chuck No Lavonne is correct!!!! I am not a seventh day adventist or a
jehovah witness and I believe what she said.Lazurus was a parable there are a lot of those in the Bible.There will be only one judgement day at the end so till then we will sleep with our fathers just like everyone else.Think about it you cant go on to Heaven till judgement day.I had prayed to God and he revealed this to me.
lavonne you are dead wrong you must be either a seventh day adventist or a
jehovah witness we have a body , soul and spirit just like the GOD HEAD
I remember in the early part of my salvation,I told GOD I want to be like JOB;and at that time I was thinking about the blessings;i later learned the importance of trials,and after 36 years I got my original testimony:I want to be like JOB.
God viewed Job as an upright and righteous man because he had fear or a deep reverence and fear of displeasing God. Job shunned what was bad. If we imitate Job, we can be viewed in the same way by Jehovah God.
Job is the excellent example for mankind,to learn from the only existing being is God. Everything belongs to God, we don't gain anything so we have nothing to loose, except our relationship with God. To keep that relationship takes patience and perseveration.And steadfast in prayers.
That is correct, 1 Thess ch 4 starting in v 13 lets us know that the "dead in Christ" are awaiting judgement day, and that also.... there will not be a 1000 yr reign on earth by Christ as most worldly religion teaches. We will meet him in the clouds, or air, and so shall we ever be with him. Also, 1 Samuel ch 28, v 19 lets us know that Samuel was not in heaven already, based on his remark to Saul.
Mark Edens, I thought this may be interesting for you. I just read a commentary about Job 1
Read Job 38:1-7. This expla
ins the "sons of God". This is at the beginning of creation, they are
created angels. I now believe Satan would not have been allowed in the third Heaven, where
God's throne is located. Where the four beasts are constantly saying HOLY,HOLY,HOLY. Rev 4:8 and Satan is not.
Mark Scripture does not give the location as to where Satan was. I do not believe the saved
are already in Heaven. Eccl 9:5 The dead know nothing. Acts 2:34 David is not ascended into the Heavens, and David was the man after God's own heart. Acts 13:22. No man has ascended to Heaven Jn 3:13. I do believe we are sons of God as you have stated. Job 1, I do
know about these sons of God.
So, to get back to my original ?...where was this place when satan came with the "sons of God"? The sons of God are simply those of us who are saved. Rom 8:14, John 1:12, 1 John 3:1, and many more references.
Ezk ch 28 is talking about Tyrus. As we read God's word we find often that we have to cross reference to see what is actually being taught. Remember when Jesus walked among us he spoke often in parables. Also, in the book of Revelations for example, words of symbolism are used throughout this book. Rev, beginning in ch 6 we read of the white horse, the red horse and the pale horse.
Commenting to "Mark" reading Job 1
God created Lucifer, he was an anointed cherub that covered the throne of God Ezk:28:14
until iniquity (sin was found in him, he then became Satan.) To me sounds like he could have
been in Heaven, the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also. Satan had been roaming the earth. I agree there are three heavens, so we cannot be
God did not create Satan. The bible says in I John 3-8 that the devil sinneth from the beginning. And in John 8-44 that he was a murderer from the beginning. Also, he could not have been in the heaven that is considered the realm of God, if so, then there was sin in heaven! If it is possible for sin to be in heaven, then what do we have to hope for? Remember, the bible speaks of 3 heavens.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places
and three daughters. These 10 were killed Job 1:18,19. So the LORD blessed the latter end
of Job more than his beginning. The LORD doubled his sheep, camels, oxen and asses.
Job 42:12. He (Job) also had seven sons and three daughters. Job 42:13
Then I fail God by sinning with my lips and more?
Thank God for Jesus who saves me from myself!
what hope do you have after death.we have a body soul and spirit
so everthing is a parable to you, you are not a literalist this is
very scary to your eternal life. read revelation20-7-15 is this
a parable too. you have been deceived. mark 8-36 jesus said
what does it profit a man if he would gain the world and lose
his soul.
To die than the judgement
Heb9-27 rev 11-15 read the
Bible there is a literal hell
Fire without a saving knowledge
Of the lord Jesus Christ alone
For salvation and there is a heaven
When a believer dies absent in the
Body is to present with the lord
2nd cor 5-6-8 wake up and stop
Disputing life after death we have
A body soul and spirit .not animals
jehovah witness and I believe what she said.Lazurus was a parable there are a lot of those in the Bible.There will be only one judgement day at the end so till then we will sleep with our fathers just like everyone else.Think about it you cant go on to Heaven till judgement day.I had prayed to God and he revealed this to me.
jehovah witness we have a body , soul and spirit just like the GOD HEAD
HEB 9-27
Read Job 38:1-7. This expla
ins the "sons of God". This is at the beginning of creation, they are
created angels. I now believe Satan would not have been allowed in the third Heaven, where
God's throne is located. Where the four beasts are constantly saying HOLY,HOLY,HOLY.
Rev 4:8 and Satan is not.
are already in Heaven. Eccl 9:5 The dead know nothing. Acts 2:34 David is not ascended into the Heavens, and David was the man after God's own heart. Acts 13:22. No man has ascended to Heaven Jn 3:13. I do believe we are sons of God as you have stated. Job 1, I do
know about these sons of God.
God created Lucifer, he was an anointed cherub that covered the throne of God Ezk:28:14
until iniquity (sin was found in him, he then became Satan.) To me sounds like he could have
been in Heaven, the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also. Satan had been roaming the earth. I agree there are three heavens, so we cannot be