James Chapter 5 Discussion Page 6

  • Tom on James 5 - 9 years ago
    Bonnie Skillman. David said in Ps 51 my sin is ever before me. My sins are ever before me, it helps not to sin more when I think how I have sinned, God bless you. Ps 51 3
  • Rev Frank on James 5 - 9 years ago
    In Response to Bonnie Skillman. Quote "I would but I can 't because it happened so long ago that if I was to confess it would probably kill my mother. She is 78 and in poor health. " Bonnie, if you have confessed and totally repented of this sin, you are covered by the blood of this sin. If this sin is still festering in you then you are being convicted by the Holy Ghost to reveal this to your mother or release it to someone you totally trust. husband, Pastor, Christian counselor just to name a few. Let them pray with you and allow God to give you the right direction on how to go on from there. Whatever this sin was it will not keep you out of heaven, for if you confess your sins He is faithful to forgive and throw your sin in the sea of forgetfulness never to be remembered again by Him not us. With love in Christ Jesus our Lord, Rev Frank
  • Darren on James 5:16 - 9 years ago
    Well technically the word "faults " is not the same as "sin " in the original greek, however it is referring to the same thing as sin...going against what his word teaches. It is a transgression against his law. However in the context where this word is used, it implies a deeper meaning. A sinful condition that causes a variety of sins. It is the difference between saying "I stole 5 dollars " and "I am a thief, I covet, I envy, I lie about it, and I need you brother to help me by holding me accountable if need be...pray for me, support me, love me in spite of my faults because I cannot seem to control this by myself. " Thats why this verse is followed by the story of Elias...big things can happen in a congregation when we have the courage to follow this teaching. In fact we can "hide a multitude of sins "...why? Because we get to the root of the problem. In fact, James says to tell anyone who is willing to "BEAR ONE ANOTHER 'S BURDENS " that they are helping to save that person from death and Hell. This is the most underestimated verse in the scriptures. We don 't teach it, encourage it..be willing to show the example, reward one for doing so. Nor do we expect the receiver to be responsible for the erring brother. It is one of the greatest commandments and purpose to the Lord 's Church. "Lord, how many times should I forgive my brother? "....get the point? You should. Jesus always got to the root of the problem in a person 's life ...every time.
  • Geraldine cole on James 5 - 9 years ago
    What I get out of this is Jesus want us to go to the one we have done wrong to and tell them u are sorry for whatever happen between u and them.after u do that go to Jesus and repent.and when u tell the other person you are sorry and they don 't receive it u have done your part.now it on them .do not worry do not let anyone send u to hell because of unforgiveness in your hart.
  • Michael on James 5:16 - 9 years ago
    I like the scripture of James confession is a power full weapon.
  • Marie on James 5:16 - 9 years ago
    This Scripture is not telling us to confess our sins one to another. We are not able to bear sins!! We confess our sins to Jesus. He 's telling us to repent and make peace with one another. pray for one another, because the "effectual fervent prayers of the righteous man availeth much "! Your prayers that you send up for one another, moves God, and action soon begins to take place. God is the only one who can take Sin.... by you confessing your sins to me, there 's nothing I can do with it..
  • Bonnie Skillman on James 5:16 - 10 years ago
    I would but I can 't because it happened so long ago that if I was to confess it would probably kill my mother. She is 78 and in poor health.
  • MockingBird on James 5:16 - 10 years ago
    I get so much from others comments on here. It Blesses me. I believe that the Lord is talking about confessing your faults and or sins to another that you can trust to be discreet and without judging and or condemning To pray with you That way they know what they are dealing with and will know how to pray for you and with you about the matter you are going through .Confession dealing with it is half the battle and if your willing obedient to turn around. I do not believe that we are to tell every one in the Church of our sins. so on. Just those that are faithful to bear your burden with you. God Bless
  • Blessed on James 5 - 10 years ago
    James have some dynamic insight into salvation. The last verses 17 20 are phenomal. The part about saving someone from their sins rings loud and clear. People like to believe that means you coverup sin. Letting the sinner remain in sin. It means a person gets saved out of sin and the sin that they did has no future nor is remembered by GOD. After all are we or are we not children of the only wise GOD.
  • Pepe on James 5 - 10 years ago
    I agree with the word that says every believer can anoint the sick and also look at this, the word of God says that sons and daughters shall prophesy did the Lord say prophets shall prophesy no and the putting of hands on sick was not only directed to the pastors but to anyone who believes and has faith as little as the mustard seed
  • Jesse Howard on James 5:14 - 10 years ago
    I am a believer and follower of the practice of a anointing and praying for the sick. I have witnessed, many times, God's Grace in healing someone in need. I'm not hear to argue for or against modern day medicine, but to witness to you God's love for us and His willingness to bless us when we have faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. I believe anointing and prayer through the laying on of hands, are just one more way God expresses His love for us. He uses the Sacrament of the Bread and the Wine, the Sacrament of Marriage, Baptism, and many more. May God bless us, all, as we continue to seek Him.
  • Mike on James 5:12 - 10 years ago
    I believe we as Christians should not have to swear any Oath unless it is to our Lord and God. On earth a Christians word should be enough to where we should not have to swear any Oath.Once you swear a certain oath, then you are accountable for that oath even if the people over what you swore is doing wrong, you become part of the wrong doing. Just my thoughts? Anyone have a different view?
  • R C on James 5:16 - 10 years ago
    My comment is that as we begin to walk in faith and remember what Paul commanded in 1 tim,2:1 that we should pray for all people then we will grab a hold of Jam 5:16 and be grateful to for our sis and brothers knowing that God is enabeling us to function that His glory will be seen. miracles will happen when we obey God in praying one for another.
  • Henrietta on James 5:16 - 10 years ago
    In a marriage we shaould always be willing to confess our faults. Keeping things hidden only bind us to a life of lying and out of fellowship with God. This is not what God want for us. The old saying "confession is good for the soul" is really true. Only the Truth can set us free......
  • Craig Cotton on James 5:14 - 10 years ago
    My wife has 2nd stage Dementia and I had her, with her permission, to be anointed with oil by our pastor some months ago. I believe totally in what James 5:14 says....It is the word of God, a command to do so if one is sick. I have seen several healing miracles before my eyes and know it was from God. In faith believing, I know that God will heal my wife totally of Dementia because God cannot lie. Craig Cotton 12/2/13
  • BSP on James 5:10 - 10 years ago
    This verse shows that the prophets of old are to be a pattern for us in our lives. The whole Bible is truly beneficial and we can learn things in the Bible from those who have lived hundreds or even thousands of years ago. Even though many of the prophets suffered unjust treatment, they stayed faithful to their assignment and were patient with the people they preached to. This is to be a lesson for us.
  • Patrice Obute Awelo on James 5:16 - 10 years ago
    We should always be open and acknowledge our problems to one another so that he or she may assist us in prayer ,which we have been assured releases much power since we are we have right standing with God
  • Rosalinda on James 5 - 10 years ago
    The best of the best, and no the others.
  • Rosalinda on James 5 - 10 years ago
    "I like to share the word of God, to those love God word.
  • Sam Chiaka on James 5:16 - 10 years ago
    This scripture doesn't mean we are to continually confess our sins to our brothers and sisters in church, if that were to be the case, we would all lose our love for and faith in one another. No this verse is telling us to own up our wrongs. If I offend my brother I ought to say 'I was wrong, I am sorry'. This is the reason some are sickly in the house of God, they refuse to accept their faults and would rather bear grudges. This is why it say "...and pray one for another that ye may be healed."
  • Onome on James 5:16 - 10 years ago
    I am having a beautiful meaning to this wonderful scripture. Our faults can be meant to mean our struggles, our fears, our emotions and trails and here the bible is saying we should confess them to one another. There is a power that goes forth when we confess our "selves" and in the process expose the dark side and lies the devil has been holding us in bondage on. It actually liberates us because in the process of confessing, the true us is reveal and that would often give rise to prayer. Prayer is a great weapon that breaks every darkness and exposes to light that which is hid. When I know that my sister is struggling with something through her confession to me, that gives rise to prayer because I believe we all have a Father who is deeply moved by the feelings of our infirmity (struggles, fears, worries, anxieties e.t.c.) and He always hears us too. The effectual fervent prayer said in righteousness of heart will give great results because when we bear iniquity in our hearts, God our Father who cannot behold sin, will not hear us.
  • Peggy on James 5:8 - 10 years ago
    learn to be patient have your heart ready for the lord because the lord is coming
  • Larry nelson on James 5:16 - 10 years ago
    i'm going through a time that has been filled with sickness, serious kinds, financial woes , loss of spirtual closeness to God due to my suc***bing to the terible situations. so i'm confessing my faulys which are many as compared to once living so close to MY SAVIOR . Using this tool to put James 5 into action in my life
  • One on James 5 - 10 years ago
    Well James Chapter 5 starts off with, woe! to the rich; for your riches corrupt you, then continues with; be patient you oppressed, for God knows exactly what he is doing, and why he's allowing you to go through for so long, and then James goes on to say; Pray for others, and be Heroes; one for another.

    So this is my understanding of that: If we become rich; then it is now our responsibility, to provide for more strangers than we would like to. For Jesus said in Matt 25:35 " For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in": Showing that his will is; that the needy be taken care of by us; and riches make it hard for us to do that, because we only want to give up so much, that we stay in comfort, and luxury.
    So the richer you are, the more riches you have to give up to the poor. And my understanding of what God is saying to the poor, and oppressed is: You are chosen, to be great, so endure the process, to becoming great. And last, to everyone: Seek after, and find faith, and afterward use it to deliver the sick, and bound..... BE YE HEROES SAINTS! This is the will of God.
  • Arinda on James 5 - 11 years ago
    In 1 Peter 3:9 it states that the Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. When you once repent having a sorrow and a contrite spirit for the sins that you have committed, then the Lord will give you an understanding of his word, once you have done first thing first. You have to study to show yourself approved, and you cannot get away from water baptism. In Ephesians 4:4, the word clearly states one lord, one faith, one baptism. If Jesus was baptized, then we surely need it; no other men than Jesus and John were born with the holy ghost.
  • Petrus on James 5:16 - 11 years ago
    I think God wants us to be open books to one another, because many times people's prayers are not being answered due to the fact that they haven�t confessed their Sins before they pray. This teaches us what you need to do before you pray. Confess then pray, not other way around.
  • Cole Mock on James 5:14 - 11 years ago
    On July 6, 2012 I was in a serious car accident that left me in a coma and on life support for 6 days. I was truly about to die, I suffered a Diffuse Axional Injury which is an injury to your brain. The Doctors told my parents they wouldn�t know the significance of my wellbeing or my deficiency until I wake up. My Dad in his obedience to God's word anointed my head the first night I laid on life support. I stand before you today in great shape. A recent MRI showed no scrapes and no bruising, my doctors are astonished and can not believe their eyes and it has been over 8 months since the accident and I will be returning back to work as a Geneva County Deputy Sheriff. How wonderful our God is. All we have to do is follow his word. Google my injury and you'll see the significance of it. I love you all and thank you Father Amen.
  • William calhoun on James 5:14 - 11 years ago
    I think it means what it says in the King James Version. Changes made to God�s word will never change the truth. My faith is in Jesus (The Word).
  • Don on James 5 - 11 years ago
    Most main stream churches teach that the soul is immortal; that it cannot die. However, James 5:20 points out that the soul can be saved from death, otherwise it can and would die. Ezekiel 18:4 also teaches that the soul that sins will die.
  • David okoli on James 5:17 - 11 years ago
    Elias was a man subject to temptations. He was not so spiritual he was subject, i.e. he could be drawn away by lustful passions but he prayed and it did not rain. Because with faith, all things are possible.

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