Genesis Chapter 5 Discussion

  • T Levis - In Reply on Genesis 5 - 2 years ago
    1John 2:27,

    Amazing what GOD reveals to us when we're receptive
  • Lloyd W Stambaugh on Genesis 5 - 2 years ago
    Maybe it is my imagination, but I detect a note of bitterness toward God in Lamech's comment.

    Could it be that that is the reason he died 5 years before his father?
  • Gerald - In Reply on Genesis 5 - 2 years ago
    Enoch walked with God and at some point ,God said it's quicker to go to my place than yours and "God took him "

    He was translated from this world to the world to come .

    It will be much the same at the second coming of the Lord . Where the Bride shall hear the voice " come up hither" and those who are alive will be changed " in a twinkling of an eye" "mortal shall put on immortality and corruption shall put on incorruption "

    The foolish and unready will be saved " as through fire " though the great tribulation and martyred .

    The unsaved will face a world totally corrupt with the antichrist with no restraint .
  • GiGi - In Reply on Genesis 5 - 2 years ago
    I am looking forward to meeting Enoch. He must have really stood out among the people of the pre-flood era. He walked with God. How lovely. Don't know why God took him so "young" in those days. It would seem that the people in his sphere could have used his influence for another 500-600 years until the flood came.

    But God had his reasons, and somewhere in the word it says that God does not fail to leave a witness. So, there must have been others, and in the last days, Noah, who gave witness to God like Enoch. But we just don't really know.

    I wish we did know more about the pre-flood times, but God chose to eliminate traces of this time, unless some artifacts are excavated by archeological teams from that time. Don't know if God wants us to know about that time. Perhaps the level of corruption was exceedingly greater than our world now and knowing about it would feed the sinful nature of those who learn of it.
  • Duncan - In Reply on Genesis 5 - 2 years ago
    God took Him to heaven, translated him for one day he will do the same to the church in the last day he will take us as well those that walk with Jesus and do according to his will.

    Genesis 5:21

    21 When Enoch had lived 65 years, he fathered Methuselah. 22 Enoch walked with God2 after he fathered Methuselah 300 years and had other sons and daughters. 23 Thus all the days of Enoch were 365 years. 24 Enoch walked with God, and he was not,3 for God took him.
  • Marcell on Genesis 5 - 2 years ago
    What did God with Enoch?
  • Ben Nevis on Genesis 5 - 2 years ago
    God's Kingdom expanding
  • Ben Nevis on Genesis 5 - 2 years ago
    You have the kingdom of God through His word
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Genesis 5 - 2 years ago
    For the whole Bethel fellowship which reaches out globally, hope, encouragement, comfort, direction & peace to the believers in Christ, our brothers & sisters in the faith.
  • Streetpreacher - In Reply on Genesis 5 - 2 years ago
    1. Oh God arise and show me mercy and favor in ministry, business, marriage, financed, in Jesus name!

    2. As you clothe the children of Israel with favor in Egypt clothe me with favor so heathens can bless me in the name of Jesus!

    3. Give me favor in the sight of men, give my ministry favor in the sight of men, give my business favor in the sight of customers in Jesus name!

    4. Satisfy me Lord with favor and fill me with blessing in the name of Jesus!

    5. I receive favor with God and with man in everything I do in the name of Jesus!

    6. My father, give me favor with kings and great men of this world in Jesus name!

    7. Oh God arise and encompass me with favor as with a shield in the name of Jesus!

    8. O Lord, give me the spirit of favor in all my business transactions in Jesus' name!

    9. In the mighty name of Jesus, I claim

    - divine favor

    - abundant prosperity

    - divine wisdom

    - increased sales and expanded markets

    - new product ideas

    - new service delivery concepts

    - divine helpers

    - the release of finances

    10. O' LORD, by all the power for which you are known to be God, let my prosperity appear in the name of Jesus!

    11. My Father and my LORD, I thank you for answering these prayers in Jesus name. I receive it.

    12. Help me so I can help others less fortunate.

    Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me; Bless His holy name.
  • TJACKSON on Genesis 5 - 2 years ago
    A prayer for the Johnson Family within the united states.

    Thank you

    Tracey Jackson
  • S Spencer - In Reply on Genesis 5 - 3 years ago
    Hi Sylvia.

    No Noah sons were not triplets

    Genesis 9:24. And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his "YOUNGER" son had done unto him.

    Here we have as the younger son.

    I've seen this question come up before,

    Be careful of what you take in other than the word of God.

    God bless.
  • Sylvia on Genesis 5 - 3 years ago
    Were Shem, Ham, and Japheth triplets
  • Adam and Eve's mistakes and Using this Website - In Reply on Genesis 5 - 3 years ago
    The Tree of Life was protected by an Angel and Adam and Eve were driven out of the garden lest they eat of the Tree of Life. They would live Eternally in a fallen state of sin.

    Adam was called first Adam. Jesus was 2nd Adam. Use the search box to look up those scriptures. Adam lost his Mandate to Satan who stole it.

    Humanity would wait for Jesus to be born human.

    He stripped Satan of the authority to cause death.

    Satan is a created angel. He is not human. He has no authority. He is an outlaw spirit who steals, kills and destroys; demons, principalities and powers. None have authority.

    Born again believers have Jesus's Authority to defeat evil. Whatever Jesus said and did; we can do too. We have dominion and authority to oppose Satan's attacks. We need the anointing of the Holy Spirit, same as Jesus was anointed. Luke 4:18. We need to know how to rightly use the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Imitate Jesus and the others. ( Hebrews 11)

    I'm really tired. We'll talk again. I'm glad you are here. You sound very centered. On weekends many young Christians visit in here. I find it's best to discern the spirits and help them to grow.

    May the Holy Spirit help us today to be gentle, tolerant, joyful in the Holy Ghost. Pray with power against the spirits of Halloween. They have no power over us, or this Bible Comment room.

    Explore the links and helps on this website; the Prayer Request room, the Commentary, Testimonies.

    At the bottom of this page are Past History by Days; this website retains, so they can be read again by newcomers. Lots to do. Goodnight and Bless you all day and tomorrow.

  • GiGi on Genesis 5 - 3 years ago
    The text does not list any descendants for Abel. It can be assumed that he did not have any children. Cain's lineage is listed in Chapter 4, set apart from Adam's and Seth's. I deduce that Cain continued to wander away from God over the course of his life, becoming more and more debased over time. But he was not alone, his progeny also promoted the widespread wickedness in the world in Cain's lifetime and this same wickedness took root in the lineage of Seth as well. Both lineages became corrupted. Idolatry did not have it's beginnings after the flood with the likes of Nimrod. No, it was practiced before the flood, too, on a grand scale. It grieved God deeply. How sad for Him.

    As God, he could have chosen to be completely unaffected by His creation. He is totally self-sufficient and totally satisfied within the Godhead. He does not have any needs that He cannot fulfill within His Godhead. Yet He chose to be involved with His creation, to have compassion on us, to be grieved by us, to share His life with us. What a wonderful God He is. He chose to condescend Himself to be intimate with us, to know us and have us know Him. A large portion of Christians have a lower viewpoint of God than they ought. Understanding that we can only know God in His humanity in Christ meeting our humanity, He is still higher than the highest of possibilities. Makes me love and appreciate Him more knowing how he bent low to touch me, to choose me even before I was born, having called me from the womb. I honestly cannot remember a time when I did not believe in Him. But having walked with Him all my life, getting to know Him more and more through Scripture, worship, fellowship with believers, I learn more and more how Great He is and how great His love for me is. I'm humbled and grateful. Why me? From infancy? God is not a respecter of persons. He has a redemptive plan for us and He fit me into it according to His wisdom and grace. Certainly didn't earn it as an infant by good works.
  • GiGi on Genesis 5 - 3 years ago
    In studying a timeline of the lives of Adam-Noah, and viewing who's life overlaps with whom's. With about 900 years of life per person, it seems that Adam was alive when Noah's father was alive! So at the time of Lamech, Noah's father, it is possible for all of the patriarchs that led up to Lamech may have still been alive! Imagine what these long lived people could teach and share with each new generation. Imagine what skills and talents could be perfected in 900 years. Imagine the collective knowledge and wisdom of the lineage of Adam to Noah. Imagine the strength of faith held among these patriarchs, made stronger as a family group. And then, know that in Noah's day, he alone was said to be found righteous. What happened! Enoch was alive in Lamech's lifetime before God took him to be with Him without dying. It seems that perhaps Methuselah and Lamech were not wholly committed to the Lord despite all of the influence and testimony. Maybe they became complacent since everyone was living so long and had not died yet, thinking since sin did not lead to immediate physical death, they could play around with sin, all the while death was at work in their spiritual nature. Perhaps they had become numb to God's leading. Maybe they did not follow the example of their forefathers in prayer and worship. Maybe they thought that these forefathers could do the praying and worshipping for them! I just find it so very incredible that these in the line of Seth would fall away from God. Thankfully, Noah listened and practiced the faith of his forefathers, not the unbelief of his father and grandfather.

    But even today, people with believing parents, grandparents, siblings, turn away from the faith they had as children and follow the ways of the world. My own sons have done this very thing, and it grieves me daily, but the grieving leads me to look up to God and pray for them, believing that God will answer my prayers in His time; believing that He loves them more than I ever could!
  • GiGi on Genesis 5 - 3 years ago
    Hello again,

    So many good comments on this chapter's thread! This chapter is an account of the generations from Adam to Noah (up to the generation of the flood). It starts off with restating the creation of mankind (Adam) and emphasizing that mankind was made in the image of God. Boy, volumes have been written about what the image of God means and was in mankind. it is common thought that the image of God is in each and every person that existed from Adam until the last person God's wishes to be born on earth is born. It never exited the make-up of mankind. There are many theories about what constitutes the image of God. it is a good topic of research and I encourage pursuing such research. I don't wish to speak more to this topic at this time.

    Many people commented about whether Adam and Eve were created immortal or were mortal but perfect, needing to eat from the tree of life to continue living. My thought is that the tree of life was there for a good and beneficial reason.

    I think that Adam and Eve were created as mortal beings, certainly "above" what we presently are, but in need of God's life-sustaining help. They had that help in the garden before they sinned, but after, the tree of life was made inaccessible to them. Did they need to eat of the tree of life one time to be immortal or daily? Did they ever eat from the tree of life? Don't know. I think that the presence of both trees presented a choice for Adam and Eve. They could choose to eat from the tree of life or the tree of knowledge of good and evil, but not from both. They chose foolishly because they believed the deceiver instead of God, a deadly choice.

    Interesting how it says that Seth was begotten after Adam's image, not God's. I concur that this was stated because Adam was created directly by God (a son of God), but Cain/Abel/Seth were begotten after Adam's image through sexual relations between Adam and Eve, not directly by God. The image of God was passed on through human reproduction.
  • Dianne - In Reply on Genesis 5 - 3 years ago
    Adam I have only one question, in Genesis 2:19+20 what part of Adam was so intelligent that he could name every living creature and to this day that is the name of it. Just asking
  • Ronald L Whittemore - In Reply on Genesis 5 - 3 years ago
    Hey Adam,

    Sorry my post was unclear, traditions and teachings cast a shadow. May the Holy Spirit in Jesus' name lead and guide us. Have a great day.

  • Adam - In Reply on Genesis 5 - 3 years ago
    Hello RLW, thanks for your comment, but what you said is untrue. Read Genesis 2:16-17 "But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." - these are the words of God. You said God didn't say that, but I'm reading it with my own eyes and can't deny what I'm reading. Do you still hold this opinion that "And the LORD God commanded the man, saying..." is Eve saying it instead of the LORD God as it says?

    From the day Adam ate it he was condemned to death. Today, we age and deteriorate until we die. There is no evidence that they aged prior to that. For example, Adam was created as an adult, not a baby.
  • Ronald L Whittemore - In Reply on Genesis 5 - 3 years ago

    If I may disagree, Adam was earthy, mortal from his creation. ( 1Corinthians 15:47-49). God did not say he would die, that is what Eve said. God said surely die, in Hebrew, the words "surely die" are (mo-wt to-Mut) which are similar words used twice, denoting finality. How can an immortal die? Only in the lake of fire.

    Death passed from the first Adam, what death, spiritual, and eternal. We are appointed once to die because we are mortal. What is the penalty of sin is it physical or eternal death? What life do we have in Jesus the last Adam? What scripture says Adam was immortal?

    May we walk in the Spirit of truth.

  • Adam - In Reply on Genesis 5 - 3 years ago
    Hello, actually what God said was true: Adam died. He was immortal before, then after his sin became mortal and died. Some think he also had a spiritual death. God didn't say when he'd die, so people falsely assume it would be within an arbitrary timeframe. You also falsely assumed he would die in the garden. These are both false assumptions based on not on scripture. God bless.
  • Paul hill on Genesis 5 - 3 years ago
    Adam did not die in the garden as God promised because God sacrificed an animal in his place tp clothe him.. A substitutional sacrifice.. Jesus fore runner. God was very specific, when he told Adam on the day that he ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, on that day... he would die.. The reason he did not was because an animal died in his place.
  • Jesse - In Reply on Genesis 5 - 3 years ago
    Hello Earl,

    I see the Old Testament as history and prophecy, history of God working through and in His people (the children of Israel), and prophecy about the coming Messiah. The Hebrew OT is arranged differently than our English Bible and is broken down into three sections: The Law (Torah), which is Genesis through Deuteronomy, The Prophets (Neviim) which is Joshua through Malachi, (minus Ruth, Lamentations, and Daniel) and then the writings (Ketuvim) which is Job through 2 Chronicles (including Ruth, Lamentations & Daniel). As far as the two witnesses, these are (two) people that will be protected by God. And they will be testifying in the streets of Jerusalem for 3-1/2 years.

    You are correct in saying that the scripture only speaks of two (Enoch/Elijah) that were taken before experiencing death. But as far as the possibility of a numerous number of others who were possibly translated the same, I cannot entertain that thought.
  • Earl Bowman - In Reply on Genesis 5 - 3 years ago
    Brother Jesse, everything in Old Testament was witness of the coming of Christ.

    Since we call the Old Testament the law and prophets:

    I BELIEVE the two witnesses represent the law and prophets, but the law and prophets are made up of dozens and dozens of saints that had they part in the Spirit's WORK.

    As for Enoch and Elijah being translated. Scripture only mentions these two, but there could be innumerable, we don't know. These two are our example, as you said, we are translated the same way.

    Food for thought, the Spirit reveals.
  • Cynthia Ogwo - In Reply on Genesis 5 - 3 years ago
    Okay, Thanks for your spontaneous feedback and you would be preferring too the two oil trees standing before the God of the earth. Amen
  • Jesse - In Reply on Genesis 5 - 3 years ago

    Neither Enoch nor Elijah saw death before God took them. They were taken from this earth before seeing death, the same way that we (Born again believers) who are alive will be taken when Christ comes for His church. We will be taken the same way God took Enoch and Elijah. Could these possibly be the two witnesses spoken of in Revelation chapter 11? The bible does not tell us the names of the two witnesses but it seems to fit. Why God took them, we are unsure. But I would have to believe that these two men were truly faithful to God in all their ways!
  • Cynthia M Ogwo on Genesis 5 - 3 years ago

    verse 24 says that Enoch walked with mean God took him so why is the answer to question also stating that Eliajah was taking up to do that mean he never seen death on earth too?
  • Sally on Genesis 5:29 - 3 years ago
    Genesis 5:29

    "And he called his name Noah, saying, This same shall comfort us concerning our work and toil of our hands, because of the ground which the LORD hath cursed."

    it was easy to grow from the ground before it was cursed.

    being justified by faith that is a gift that we didn't labour for.
  • SkipVought - In Reply on Genesis 5:24 - 3 years ago

    This information is not recorded in The Bible. We know that Noah started having son when he was 500 and he completed the ark when he was 600. I would think that he needed his sons to gather the materials and build the ark.

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