Genesis Chapter 3 Discussion Page 13

  • Sj on Genesis 3:1 - 4 years ago
    The point is middle. The forbidden tree is in the middle of the garden.

    To be luke warm is to be in the middle.
  • Sj - In Reply on Genesis 3:1 - 4 years ago
    The point is middle. The forbidden tree is in the middle of the garden.

    To be luke warm is to be on the middle.
  • Peter on Genesis 3:1 - 4 years ago
    It is amazing how short was the time that Adam spent in the Garden before sinning. It was not long at all before he and eve became the first cave people.
  • Peter - In Reply on Genesis 3:1 - 4 years ago
    I don't understand your comment: I don't think that Gen 3: 3 and Rev 3:6 are related. Gen is at the beginning of creation and revelations is not and 3:6 applies to something else
  • Sf on Genesis 3:3 - 4 years ago
    Genesis 3:3

    "But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die."

    Revelations 3:16

    So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth
  • Mishael reply to Peter - In Reply on Genesis 3 - 4 years ago
    When I pray against hell and demons hurting Gods people: I always remind Satan that he's going back to hell !!!

    He doesn't want to hear that.

    I'm here if you need me.
  • Mishael reply to Peter - In Reply on Genesis 3 - 4 years ago
    You did not offend me. My phone died and had to plug it in....and get sleep. I have health problems too; but that is never an excuse not to study Gods Word.

    I think you may need a New Bible WITH center of the page columns, concordance & dictionary. Some of this study needs a way to see the Hebrew meaning of words. Most Old Testament was written in Hebrew. :/

    Sometimes I find really good Bibles at resale stores, like Goodwill. Just wait to buy till you see one with center of page columns.

    Most people hate (can I use that word?) Benny Hinn. He has the best explanation of spiritual warfare. I'd be dead if not for that.

    He has a 5 HOUR teaching on YouTube you can listen to. If we can get past "the vessel" that God chose to deliver the information through, we'd be able to help people who are oppressed.

    He starts out with the foundation of where demons came from. Which is the part that interests you. Before, during and after Genesis.

    I investigated where he was pulling in that information and found that he was using the Center Column references to other scriptures that supported what's going on in Genesis, BUT with some Hebrew word definition. The best way to do that is to write the verses down on paper (with the verse name). It's going to take a lot of time. Note: INHABITANTS (you can use the KJV website to search and read verses). Inhabitants seem to be the evil angels who had bodies: that inhabited the land, married, built cities and caused God to be very angry. When God got finished with them they didn't have bodies anymore and Satan was in hell until the Garden of Eden; where he appears as a snake.

    Several people in my family are autistic and it doesn't mean you can't learn or teach others. Just pray and send all your questions to the Source: Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit. Jesus said I do what I see my Father doing. Holy Spirit teaches us.

    Just get that study Bible; spiral notebooks and you'll be ready to go. See you later :)
  • Terry Sykes - In Reply on Genesis 3 - 4 years ago
    Thank you Chris for helping me out, I thought I had it in my notes and I knew it was in there. I just want yall to know I appreciate what you are doing. Back on the law subject I will follow our laws here until they go against God's law then I go with God. Thanks again.
  • Peter - In Reply on Genesis 3 - 4 years ago

    i apolize if i gave yiu that impressuin becayse i find your cinnents very helpful in discussions, and as chfristans in this site; we like to ndiscuss scriptures but i do not know nuch scriptures howevber i do know about the nind as i have v being studying it for naybe 15vyears on autism/ and ny biggest proble was those who bekieve we dop not have a mind; and that ie what i was responding to and i wanted to see the history thay=t you referred me to but i did not know where to look on the sute but i looked and could not find where it was. that is not to say oy wasn't there and i am sure there verses that referrs to things in genesis that ui comment on but i am not good at finfing them but i gave so many other problems with health and eye site' Please don't leave me, I am sorry ihat i offended you,
  • Mishael - In Reply on Genesis 3 - 4 years ago
    I heard about 2 hrs about those scriptures. The detective in me wanted to know where this other person found them. I had never heard this before.

    It is just connecting all the center column referencing to other scriptures. They point to other references, that in turn point to others. It's a personal quest that takes time and prayer with Holy Spirit. I'm not a scholar and I don't know Hebrew word interpretation. The thing that interested me was all the conflict on the age of the earth. Not in here, but in what sciences say.

    Today I realized that it's not In my calling. I've been sheltering past few months. I need to leave this and do what I know to be doing. I do not mean to cause conflict.
  • Peter - In Reply on Genesis 3 - 4 years ago

    i'm not sure where the history pages are but i will check as i would loke to see them especially if theyare all summed up in the history pages, sounds good,

    best part is that science & archaeology prove the bible is true.

    i would also say that the bible itself and god proves it

    thanks for your comments, i enjoy them and always find them helpful; now i will look for that history
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 3 - 4 years ago
    Terry, I can't offer any one Scripture to answer your question but the two that come close to that, would be Romans 13:1-5 (speaks of our subjection to our governments & their laws) and Acts 5:29 (when apostle Peter retorted to the High Priest that they would obey God rather than man). So we should be obedient to the government, yet if its laws contradict God's Laws, then our obedience is to the Lord first & foremost. And those occasions would be, when the government forbids the preaching of the Gospel, our attending Church or other laws that work against Christians for the working of their faith. And this evil will ultimately be manifested at the appearing of the Anti-Christ.

    Some countries are already facing some persecution now as non-Christian governments oppose the work of Christians. And of course, we see much of this now in the laws from our Western governments as they pass anti-Christian legislation & laws which go against the teachings from the Word. We are grieved by what we see & feel helpless to make a change (even our Christian politicians don't seem to be proactive in this), therefore we are cast upon Him for Strength, Grace & the knowledge that He will bring all sin to light, with many of our government heads facing the greater judgement for their wickedness. The Bible also speaks about those who have the rule over our souls (i.e. Church leaders) as they too will be held accountable for the quality of their leadership & care ( Acts 20:28 & Heb 13:17). So each of us will be accountable, but more so to those who have been placed in power & authority over us.
  • Terry Sykes on Genesis 3 - 4 years ago
    I am looking where it says, follow man's law until it goes against God's law, then follow God's law. Can you help me out?
  • Peter on Genesis 3:1 - 4 years ago
    sorry, this will be my last time. The point I was trying to make; and O can best make it with teacher and I hope that I do not irrate them but I think your job is to teach what you have to teach ; maybe I should have said preachers; theur job o is to preach what they have to preach; and maybe i will go back to teachers as that maybe the br esrt example : they do not necesssarily have to anakyze it; and in fact it may be best if they don't as that is nottheir job, and it may even interfer with ther joh=n=b; and so the point i am trying to make; taecher and or preachers may know what they teach or preach but may not necessarily know other things. I am not sure if I am explaining it right but basically most O think sticj to what they preach or teach and when I d say know nothing else ; i mean on science but eben there they usually know something but most are not scientific enough to be analytical. I would say that you have to be analytical in science to do the project that I suggested or at least be a scientist. and actually I can not speak for them as I am sure some of them atleast can do that as I know many of them have done so. I hope I don't confuse you as that someties happens when a message is long and probbaly a little confusing
  • Peter on Genesis 3:1 - 4 years ago
    no, I'm wrong again. People who study the Bible are not the ones to do my prohect because they are not necccesaly the best ones to figure things out. You can study the bible and preach or be a teacher and teach or be a plliticam and talk and listen and be advised and take advice but all in all, the best ones to do my project are those who studt science like myself as thatb is what we do; analyze things and figure then out, Scientists are the best for that. If I were a chrustian; and I am, I wouldn't even bother. I already reached my conclusion anyway.
  • Peter on Genesis 3:1 - 4 years ago
    Now here a little project for somebody that mat find it interesting. Consider; what Adam Knew that He learned from God. For example He talked with God as he named the animals; and so he had to think in order to come up with names; and so he has some mind development from that. etc. So He had to even figure out how to talk to EVE with more than those few words and the bit of mind development that he had from the other things. So the project is how would Adam a caveman living in a cave as there were no houses and and some caves even have good drinking water; protection of course and shelter etc but how does he develop how he can communicate with his wife? and others. How s do we develop when we do not have very much to develop by. For example Adam probably pointed at things sort of like when God took the animals to him to name. So they probably started to name things in their habitat a cave man with limited language of sounds that we can only guess at. So I will say like a caveman; and my image of Cavemen are tey used grunts and short words as thats seems to be how we even starts to develop and so maybe the question is would cavemen know long words with meanings? If yiu have good eye sight; and youn like studying the bible; give it a try.
  • Peter on Genesis 3:1 - 4 years ago
    Adam lost his chance to develop his mind with God; and God put that choice before us today.
  • Peter on Genesis 3:1 - 4 years ago
    My Conclusion

    Other things however can not be as interactive as people think but animals don't. They develop differently, of course. They were made before Adam and did not have to think to survive. Adam was an animal also but he was made in the image of God, and God gave him that ability; the ability to think; but Adam lost the chance to develop it with God. Adam thus became a caveman who could develop like an animal but with a mind that could develop like people develops today.
  • Peter on Genesis 3:1 - 4 years ago
    i wish your warning signs stay long enough so that i could read them; and figure out what I am doing wrong.
  • Peter - In Reply on Genesis 3:1 - 4 years ago
    Good point however after he sinned; he didn't have God to talk to; and mind development depends on interactivity with other people as people can think. You can be interactive with animals also but they can not think.
  • Mishael on Genesis 321 - In Reply on Genesis 3 - 4 years ago
    Genesis 3:21

    "Unto Adam also and to his WIFE did the Lord God MAKE COATS of skins and CLOTHED them".

    Anybody know some Hebrew? Translate MAKE.

    They weren't animalistic cave people. They were created human and had clothing. Adam was intelligent!! He named everything in Creation. He was anointed to dress and keep the garden; give names to creation. His job. He was employed and worked 6 days a week!
  • Peter on Genesis 3 - 4 years ago
    I have been reading the Bible; basically Genesis chapters 1, 2 and 3, I love those chapters, and the commandments, of and on for quite a time; and I never realized that Adam was a cave man until a few days ago , when in fact he was the first man; and there was no where else to live at that time because we did not know about houses or anything that we have in the modern world. I have never heard anyone speak of that before when God even told us in the Bible that he made a covering for Adam and Eve from skins, I would say Animals skin or skins. As the first man he had to have been a caveman.
  • Justine on Genesis 3 - 4 years ago
    What dose it say about paligomy
  • Mishael - In Reply on Genesis 3 - 4 years ago
    I'm not sure they were cavemen. There are scriptures that say the one third turned evil angels were hurled with Satan. Called inhabitants.

    I gave a lot of scriptures that are in the history pages now. Have a look. I had seen them before cause they're all marked up in my Bible. I just didn't know how they fit in; but they do. It should be exciting study.

    Best part is that science & archaeology prove the Bible is True.
  • Cee Cee - In Reply on Genesis 3 - 4 years ago
    Death is a state of sleep. Anyone who dies is at sleep until Jesus returns. Jesus is returning to set his kingdom East in Jerusalem. Jesus and elect will reign 1000 years.
  • Chinjunxie on Genesis 3 - 4 years ago
    the holy bible is good to know about Jesus and god we need to thank you god to teacher us about rule , give us house , parents and friends . god teacher us the ten comments love and peace ......
  • Peter - In Reply on Genesis 3:1 - 4 years ago
    Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field.

    I don't see any problem with this statement. There were animals in the garden and some were beast of the field and some beasts of the woods and plains maybe etc. and the serpent was the most subtil of all the beast that were in the field. He was in the garden just as Eve was.
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 3 - 4 years ago
    Hi Wanda, yes, it's always good to learn what the Bible says to us & to be able to discuss its Truths & learn from them. In reading Genesis 3, I do believe that both Adam & Eve were present during Satan's approach to them, to tempt them to sin. And yes, both of them knew that the fruit of that particular tree was forbidden by God for them to eat. Not that the fruit was bad & could cause them harm, but it was God's test of their obedience to their Creator.

    And of course, the old Serpent was not far away to entice these sinless souls to committing sin so that now the sinless became the sinner, & so sin passed onto the rest of their descendants (us) through the flesh so tainted ( Romans 5:12). Satan was also around in this manner (as you may remember), when Jesus, God's sinless Son, was also tempted ( Matthew 4:1-11). Jesus was tempted on all points as we are ( Heb 4:15): "the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life". ( 1 Jn 2:16), but unlike Adam & Eve, He resisted Satan's thrusts & relied on God's Word, the Sword of the Spirit, to thwart Satan's offerings to Him. So now, all who believe on Jesus & trust Him for their salvation, are made new creations ( 2 Cor 5:17) who still have the body of sin, but now a new enlivened spirit touched by the Spirit of God ( Rom 8:9).
  • Wanda wilson on Genesis 3 - 4 years ago
    I truly enjoy your Bible study. This is my first time on. Thank you.

    Thank you for this Bible study. just downloaded it today looking for an answer. Did Adam know that he was eating from the forbidden tree? And was he there with Eve when she chatted with the serpent
  • Corinne on Genesis 3:1 - 4 years ago
    Whats the meaning to be Gods left hand man?

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