I'm not being irreverent. Jesus gave us lots of signs to keep watch for.
The thief
The Ten Virgins
The Abomination of Desolation
Matthew 24, and Luke 21, Revelation
I keep my focus on what Jesus said. Trying to set dates can be confusing. Think of how many books have been written on the Rapture/Caught Up in the Clouds?
Movies, TV Series, Tape Series
Why do we not DO what Jesus said to be doing?
Go ye__into your world, neighborhood, city, state, etc.
Elisa 4 guards of God go where He does. Rev. 4 vs 6-10 called beast check the word it's creatures. Faces are standards/flags. They have the appearance of man, so they look just like men. If you read chapter one also you saw they have 4 vehicles with wings that go all the way around circular bronze ships and their flags are on the sides of their ships. 4 flags of the tribes that protect Israel.
When people say their is no God, and why did God let certain thing happen? We must believe that God is the Great I AM, and God allows thing to happen because man (we) make bad choices. We service a free will God and must pick our battles wisely. Praise Jesus everybody!
All I can say is My God the end is coming Repent and turn from doing thing against God whether u believe it or not all of these things will happen watch and pray give no place to the devil none . remember the world hates God people don 't be surprised when the world treat u wrong that what they suppose to do they belong to the devil after all they are the devil children and the devil hates everyone that belong to Jesus The Christ Amen
We are born with a free will, we choose our destiny and the Bible is our pathway to heaven if we choose. God tells us to submit to him, resist the devil and he will flee from us..draw nigh to God and he will draw nigh to us...the end is coming and there will be a war that man has never seen. Gods prophetic warning through Ezekial lets us know if we repent and turn again to God and humble seek him and serve him he will have mercy on us. Living for the Lord is a wonderful way of life..Seek him everyday and renew your strength in him because the DAY is coming!!!!
EACH cherubims had 4 faces. God must have let Ezekiel enter into another dimension to see this. When we are transformed later, we will see Him as He is.
What is being seen is a battle. The cherubims are attack heliocopters, the duel blade type. There are 4 together and work as one by the use of DAS technology. Verse 12 talks about the ability to see 360 degrees with DAS and all 4 helios are in constant communication. The man in linen with orders is the guy with the computer commands. Verse 14 is the various types of helmets worn, a cherub is a pilot. A mans hands are under the wings of a helicopter, they guide the machine. Also rocket pods could be described as hands. Ezekiel had never seen a helicopter before and considered them living beasts. They are Beasts of WAR. It is obvious that Lord God is showing there will be World War 3 and he knows the outcome.
The thief
The Ten Virgins
The Abomination of Desolation
Matthew 24, and Luke 21, Revelation
I keep my focus on what Jesus said. Trying to set dates can be confusing. Think of how many books have been written on the Rapture/Caught Up in the Clouds?
Movies, TV Series, Tape Series
Why do we not DO what Jesus said to be doing?
Go ye__into your world, neighborhood, city, state, etc.
Evangelize the lost
Be a missionary at World Challenge ministry
Heal the Sick
Raise the Dead (dead feelings)
Give to all who ask of you
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