Hello Cheryl . Some things to keep in mind as we read the Bible . Many events from the old testament are deeply connected to events in the new testament . I find it helpful to keep this scripture in mind Acts chapter 15 verse 18 . It's a profound statement .
Adam is a foreshadow of Jesus in a way , 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verses 12 through to 57 . We are , or rather shall be , the bride of Christ , so in a way we are Eve . Revelation chapter 19 verse 7 to 9 and the whole of chapter 21 . John chapter 19 verse 34 and 1st Peter chapter 1 verse 18 through 21 . Matthew chapter 22 verse 1 through to 14 and finally 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 verse 1 to 3 . Through the death and resurrection of Christ , we come into being , we are born again , notice how God caused a deep sleep to come upon Adam ( Jesus died but was ressurected by God ) God opened Adams body at his ribs , a soldier pierced Jesus's side and blood and water came out . Christ is our righteousness , our clean white wedding garment which covers our nakedness , remember the leaves that Adam and Eve used to try to cover their shame ? God Himself sacrificed a lamb to make skins for Adam and Eve to wear , God provided Jesus who was willing to give up his life that we might be reconciled to God by his innocent blood . We have been bought with a very high price .
Hello Cheryl1655. I think you are asking about the connection between those two Genesis chapters & particularly those verses you gave. If so, the way I read these chapters, is that Genesis chapter 1 simply gives a brief overview of the six days of creation & the seventh day being the day when God ceased from His creative Work. So in Genesis 1:26,27, on the sixth day of Creation, God created man & woman & blessed them to be fruitful, to have dominion over creatures, & to eat what He has provided them.
Then in Genesis 2:4, after the 'generations of the heavens and of the earth were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens', God had seen fit to expand on certain aspects of those six days of creation in Genesis 1 (and specifically about how His Work of creating these perfect human beings came to be). Man was first formed from Earth's dust (v7) & then Woman was then formed from man's body; that they are not just two separate creations, but really two separate humans who are vitally & intrinsically connected to each other, causing them to have an abiding, loving & meaningful relationship, as they could have with no other creature.
So, I believe that these two chapters (on the creation of man & woman) are not two separate acts of creation by God, but only One. That the second chapter amplifies what God created on the sixth day, which then leads us into the following chapters of Genesis & the rest of the Bible on the lives of men & women and God's dealing with them, even until the end of time as we know it.
Adam is a foreshadow of Jesus in a way , 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verses 12 through to 57 . We are , or rather shall be , the bride of Christ , so in a way we are Eve . Revelation chapter 19 verse 7 to 9 and the whole of chapter 21 . John chapter 19 verse 34 and 1st Peter chapter 1 verse 18 through 21 . Matthew chapter 22 verse 1 through to 14 and finally 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 verse 1 to 3 . Through the death and resurrection of Christ , we come into being , we are born again , notice how God caused a deep sleep to come upon Adam ( Jesus died but was ressurected by God ) God opened Adams body at his ribs , a soldier pierced Jesus's side and blood and water came out . Christ is our righteousness , our clean white wedding garment which covers our nakedness , remember the leaves that Adam and Eve used to try to cover their shame ? God Himself sacrificed a lamb to make skins for Adam and Eve to wear , God provided Jesus who was willing to give up his life that we might be reconciled to God by his innocent blood . We have been bought with a very high price .
Then in Genesis 2:4, after the 'generations of the heavens and of the earth were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens', God had seen fit to expand on certain aspects of those six days of creation in Genesis 1 (and specifically about how His Work of creating these perfect human beings came to be). Man was first formed from Earth's dust (v7) & then Woman was then formed from man's body; that they are not just two separate creations, but really two separate humans who are vitally & intrinsically connected to each other, causing them to have an abiding, loving & meaningful relationship, as they could have with no other creature.
So, I believe that these two chapters (on the creation of man & woman) are not two separate acts of creation by God, but only One. That the second chapter amplifies what God created on the sixth day, which then leads us into the following chapters of Genesis & the rest of the Bible on the lives of men & women and God's dealing with them, even until the end of time as we know it.
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