Bible Discussion Thread

  • Patty Tozi on 1 Timothy 3 - 2 years ago
    May 1, 2021. Let everyone that knows the Glory of God, get into the word day to day for His Strength, Protection, and Love. For in these days we will surly need it. As our world goes faster and faster we will be rushing and worrying much. But to sit down and see the best in your life now, is a must to survive what this world of evilness will become. Get into Revelation reading. See each warning He showed us. Remember His promises. Never forget them. For no matter how bad it will get, your Heavenly Father will shine His Light upon you. His Son will come down fast with His Angels when we least expect it. He will fight for His children no matter how we had suffered. No matter how we are in that day, we will forget all the pain and suffering we went through as we see it all unfold as in the Word of the Bible comes clear to us at that moment. So now what do you do till that day comes upon us? You keep the Faith. You do good unto others, but most important you show and tell others that feel hopeless, about our awesome God that Loved us so much, He gave His only begotten Son to suffer and shed His blood for us, to be able in those days to come straight to His Father. Now this l just wrote is an awaking from my Father to write today. For our days are numbered. Do you understand now there is no more putting off. Just go after the Word. Learn, and be ready to be a warrior for our God....
  • Sacha - In Reply on 1 Timothy 3 - 2 years ago
    Patty ,thankyou so much ,that was lovely ,you are a star ,keep on shining !

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