Bible Discussion Thread

  • Philip christian parks on Ephesians 6 - 3 years ago
    Additionally besides the "principalities" and "powers", Apostle Paul warned Christians concerning the enemies which he described as "rulers of the darkness of this world" ( Eph. 6:12). The word "rulers" (note the plurality) translates from the Greek compound noun "" (transliterated "kosmokrator"; pronounced "kos-mo-KRAT-ore"), which literally means "world rulers". These rulers fall directly in the hierarchic chain of command under the authority of demonic principalities and powers.

    "Kosmokrator" combines two Greek words:

    1st, The Greek noun "" (transliterated "kosmos"; pronounced "KOS-mos") derives the English noun "cosmos," meaning the created universe in its entirety. "Cosmos" refers to the natural fallen world that presently exists under the curse. Here, "cosmos" describes:

    + The actual planet we call "earth" (Ac. 17:24);

    + The arrangement, order, and nature of the physical world ( 1Jn. 5:4);

    + The planet's human race ( Mt. 5:14, 16);

    + The world's affairs and the process of conducting them ( Jn. 8:23).

    2nd, The Greek verb "" (transliterated "krateo"; pronounced "krat-EH-o") means these demonic personalities rule over their delegated dominions around the world much like dictators rule by decree over their nations.

    Note that these "rulers" are especially sinister in nature for they rule "of the darkness" ( Eph. 6:12). Contextually, this darkness is spiritual in nature subjected to the rule of demonic personalities and describes:

    + spiritual ignorance and unbelief (e.g. Isa. 9:2; Mt. 6:23; 1Jn. 1:5-9; 2:8-11);

    + spiritual deception in false doctrines (e.g. Ac. 26:18; 1Cor. 4:5-6; 1Thes. 5:4-5; 1Pet. 2:9);

    + evil lifestyles (e.g. Jn. 3:19; 12:46; Rom. 13:12; Eph. 5:11);

    + the evil realm of Satan and demons (e.g. Lu. 22:53; Eph. 6:12; 2Pet. 2:4; Jude v.6).

    Note, these "rulers" are Satanic in nature and either influence or possess their target humans "taken captive by him at hi ( 2Tim. 2:26).

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