"FAMILY" in Bible Discussions

  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 1 day ago
    As per my usual process; I start with an idea then work detail into it as I go along. I filled in David the other day after forgetting that he certainly has the highest number of prayer in the Word.

    What is interesting is that he has all sorts of different psalms; many of which are prayers. Some or all are to music; poetic; impreccatory; prophetic; personal; "royal" and other things. The most common theme it seems of answered prayers anyway is those related to covenants where we can sort of "declare" blessings. I don't like using that term as it has been accused by some denominations in particular of abusing God's meaning and I would argue by default putting a curse on themselves. Such is PRESUMPTION; particularly for those who have lifestyles of sin that the Lord warns about of which those type of people will not inherit the Kingdom.

    What is a real challenge is Christ's prayer that was NOT answered in regard to taking the cup from him that he must drink.

    Equally sobering also is the rich man's request or prayer of sorts from hell that in a way WAS answered but didn't have any effect on saving any of his own family if they wouldn't recognize who Christ was in rising from the dead.

    There are times of course when the Lord told Jeremiah not to petition or ask God to be merciful to those right before the Babylonian invasion. He was determined to destroy all but a remnant at that point and as I will bring out eventually; even the guard from Babylon stated that all this had come about because of their disobedience.

    I suppose a big concern I have is how the whole church system and office functions tend to be the focus of prayers and it often becomes hard to assess what God wants to eliminate or change when assumptions are made to continue things status quo. This also can make one local church body insulate themselves from even others in their denomination and especially other believers somehow thinking their needs are most important.

    Any ideas?
  • Carleton - In Reply - 2 days ago
    Hi GIGI, Thank you! We are doing well enough. We are looking forward to our oldest, Sarah getting married this summer to a young man from Mississippi. From what we can tell it looks like the two have been brought together by the Lord. Our lives seem so busy as older ones already and now... I hope you and family are also in reasonably good health and happiness!

  • Richard H Priday - 2 days ago
    Abraham's inquiry with God about Sodom

    Genesis 18 involves a conversation with the Lord (likely the incarnate Christ) about the fate of Sodom. Since technically a conversation with God is a prayer (but these days God doesn't appear and have interaction with us in that way) it can be said this is a prayer. The discussion itself was more of a "tit for tat" inquiry or inquisition as it were. This "testing" of God of course can be a dangerous thing; but we must keep in mind first and foremost Lot would have been on his mind; particularly in light of the destruction to come announced by the two angels who had just departed to see what was going on on the ground as it were.

    Since Abraham was not privy to God delivering FROM disaster at this point and perhaps was too afraid to state the obvious he whittled down a righteous total to 10 and stopped; with God assuring him that the city would remain if 10 righteous people could be found. Perhaps he was counting on the son in laws if he was aware of them; the same ones who would ridicule the angels when the message was dellivered. He may have also thought SURELY SOMEONE else besides Lot and his immediate family would be justified; perhaps being as removed as he was from the wholesale depravity that had become the lifestyle of everyone in Sodom. He was desperate; no doubt. What he didn't realize; of course is that he stopped just ABOVE the true number of righteous there; in fact Lot's wife would famously turn back and Luke 9:62 seems a fitting epitaph for this pathetic woman who turned into a pillar of salt.

    In this case; of course we had a pagan nation God had determined was time to destroy. We see a similar request of intercession after the idolotry in Exodus 32. Moses interceded in verses 11-13 and God relented. We might say that he THROUGH the power of the Spirit interceded and Christ would have foreseen through his future atonement how to cover their sin. This shows the mystery of the Godhead.
  • Richard H Priday - 2 days ago
    GENESIS 4:26 And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos: then began men to call upon the name of the LORD.

    This verse is supposed to be a reference to prayers first being said. I never quite understood it that way but in any case nothing specific is said. It is noteworthy what is MISSING in the Antidiluvian era which is ANY reference to prayer at all; we don't even see anything stated for Noah a man of faith; perhaps this is why he silpped so easily into drunkenness after the event when he was tilling a vineyard.

    IN the Believer's Portal (dot com) cite we find a list of 650 prayers in scripture. I would recommend that site to get a comprehensive overview of prayer in scripture. According to this cite Genesis 15 is the first prayer stated in scripture and involved Abraham's prayer for his offspring; with the next being Isaac's prayer for Ishmael; the third was Abraham's well known one involving God sparing 10 righteous if they existed in Sodom. This cite also gives the response; in the second prayer it wasn't according to God's will and hence wasn't answered.

    Genesis 21 contains the first prayer of a woman (Hagar). This prayer expresses her concern for the immediate fate of her son; Ishmael born from Abraham's seed. She is given miraculous provision in the desert; then told of the future of her son in verse 12 to be a "wild donkey of a man". This sort of "sentiment" wasn't limited to her as others had less than favorable destinies in other familial "blessings".

    These passages show that front and center was family posterity and generational blessings and cursings that were the result of prayers as well as frequent scripture themes of God's working with the early patriarchs. Since only a few families existed for God's righteous line it isn't unexpected these are prevalent subject matters of prayers at that time.

    In the next post I will consider Abraham's prayer about Sodom and how he acted as intercessor.
  • Stella_ml - In Reply - 5 days ago
    Amen! Praying for you and your family in Jesus' name!
  • MotherMac - 6 days ago

    Troubles of the World are tossing us like a storm upon the sea.

    Satan and his army is at work and attacking us on every side.

    He is tearing up homes and breaking up families.

    We all hear and see how he is fighting, warring , against the household of faith around the world.

    (Ma. 5:10)

    We need to love one another.


    Richard's article helped me to realize that we can never isolate ourselves from other human beings.

    All though we carry our own burdens daily, our Lord strengthens us to reach out to others through the power that works in us.

    In the beginning Satan tore out the heart of two parents who had to continue to love one child after he killed another child, his brother.

    It hurts bad when we lose our love ones by any means.

    Family against family

    tears at the soul.

    Families today are suffering for loss of children

    and even babies by violence. Yet, God is our strength.

    In my opinion satan has definitely targeted the household of faith to destroy and to tear down the Kingdom in which Grace and Mercy dwell: everlasting life,

    that God has offered to us through the sacrifice of his Son on Calvary. The Gates of Hell

    shall not prevail against it.

    (Kjv Ma. 16:18)


    In the past were crucifixions, now Mass shootings in the church. Lord, help us.

    Death and Satan teamed up for the Crucifixion of Jesus. Satan thought if he stirred the rulers to take Jesus' life, he, himself, could depend on death to hold him in the ground. Well, we know how that turned out. (Lk.24:39)

    On the cross Jesus said, "They know not what they do."

    We must continue to pray.

    That is what Jesus did.

    As we recognize the "War" let us put on the whole armour of God ( Eph. 6:13)and prepare ourselves for the battle.

    The poor man cried, the Lord heard him and delivered him out of all his troubles.

    ( Ps. 34:6)

    I am praying that I stay close enough to the Lord so that Satan can't squeeze in between us and separate us.

    Pray for me.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 week ago
    Concluding thoughts for now on the enemy of our souls.

    I will attempt to wrap this up for now; although admittedly this is a subject which could easily call for many more postings. God in His infinite yet mysterious plans allowed for a created being to usurp 1/3 of the angels; and to deceive most of mankind throughout history. ( Matthew 7:13-14). Through the offspring mentioned in Genesis 6 he produced numerous giant beings (I can't see it being any other explanation) and therefore only Noah and his family were saved at the flood as it seems all the rest of mankind was corrupted genetically and by default morally beyond repair. (see Genesis 6:9 on Noah being "perfect in his generations"). He also later attempted the same thing on a more limited scale after the flood; resulting in Israel wiping out all the giants (with Goliath being the last one in the surrounding nations Israel had to conquer). Satan continued to attempt to wipe out all of God's people by the ordinance of Haman to wipe out all the Jews which was thwarted in Esther; the Holocaust and will almost succeed in Armageddon when half of Jerusalem is taken before Christ returns. He is the god of this world and Jesus didn't argue with him having control as a "usurper" type leader of all the Kingdoms of the world. Satan also will be given the limited short space of the last half of the Tribulation to more or less control the world but again he will fail to totally destroy the earth because God Himself makes the time short (see Matthew 24:22). Again; God is the one who allows these things; including the "strong delusion" He sends to decieve all those who didn't LOVE the truth but enjoyed unrighteousness ( 2 Thess. 2:11-12 rough translation). Once again at the end of the Millennium he has the final stand; which ends in his judgment cast into hell; and a mass of people as the sand of the sea; amazingly perishing despite seeing Christ on earth and living a utopian existance in the millennium.
  • Oseas - 1 week ago
    Signs of JESUS's return

    Luke 17:26-27

    As it was in days of Noah,so it will be in the days of the Son of man.They ate,drank,married,gave in marriage,until the day Noah entered the ark,the flood came and destroyed them all.So"This was the"modus vivendi" in Noahs'days.

    We would say it was the same 'modus vivendi' of society in recent times,say around 1950-1985,it was similar to society in the days of Noah.It was common to eat and drink with development of large malls around the world at that time,it was common the celebration of weddings,existence of strong family ties,but as time went by,it began to deteriorate morally as in the time of Noah,when the sons of GOD mixed their seed with seed of the evil ones,giving rise to a corrupt and evil society- Genesis 6:2-3, due to the proliferation of adulterers and adulteresses.And the punishment came,yes,the flood came and only 8 people were saved by the Ark.

    Comparing the society of Noah's days with a posterior society of Sodom and Gomorrah,at the time of Lot,let's see the differences,according Scriptures:

    Luke 17:28-30 reveal:

    28 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;

    29 But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.

    30 Even thus shall it be in the day (in the current time) when the Son of man is revealed.

    society of Noah's day..........................society of Sodom/Gomorrah

    they ate and drank ..............................they ate and drank

    they married and gave in marriage ....they bought and sold,they planted and built

    Men of Sodom were wicked,immoral exceedingly,and sinners before the Lord- Genesis 13:13.There was no marriage,society was polluted of prostitutes,sodomites/ effeminate(gays),society was infested of prostitution and great sinners. The same occurs today. Lot was vexed with filthy conversations seeing and hearing their unlawful deeds- 2Peter 2:7-8 & Jude 1:6-7.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 week ago
    The Role of Male leadership in the Church

    The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be. ( Genesis 49:10)

    If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. ( 1 Peter 4:11)

    When taking a look at scripture; there are roles women play as Prophetess; prayer; teaching children; or the "virtuous woman" summing up Proverbs 31. When it comes to the 10 Commandments and the laws of the Lord in the Old Testament; or the rules about women remaining silent in the New Testament ( 1 Corinthians 14:34-35) it seems in regard to instruction in law continues as a man's responsibility. That would have further implications in regard to teaching established DOCTRINE related to the law; or the Gospel of Grace which expounds the full meaning of what is concealed in the Old Testament but revealed fully now.

    When we try to fully grasp these concepts in human understanding; of course we fall short. An example that gives us insight is in Exodus 15:20 which shows Miriam; the older sister of Moses and Aaron as the first Prophetess in scripture. We could say in some way that Moses acted as the first Prophet in the Bible; at least in predicting what would happen to Israel in the last days in Deuteronomy 4; but Deuteronomy 18 talks about the coming Prophet like Moses who must be heeded (Christ). Technically Abraham was called a Prophet; the first example in the Bible but his predictions were toward his descendants when giving the family blessings at his death.

    We see with Miriam that she foolishly spoke out about the second wife of Abraham of African descent and was struck with leprosy temporarily. Her best moment was in the role of the victory song as they crossed the Red Sea.
  • Jaz - 1 week ago
    Dear Brothers and Sisters some years ago some of the elders of my congregation went to Poland to do some missionary work and connect with our brothers and sisters there . It's just a small group as Poland is mostly catholic . They had the most wonderful two weeks of fellowship with our Polish family in Christ who were most generous and enthusiastic and great bonds of love were forged which still exist today . On the last evening there they held an official service in a members home and afterwards an informal meal . Just before they departed the Polish brethren got out a bottle of Vodka and poured out neat shots for all the men present . My brethren were a bit taken aback by this but not willing to offend after they had received such hospitality in the Lord they drank the shots in all good conscience . Afterwards they found out that this was a custom in Poland when friends part to share a glass together as a good bye gesture . My brethren realised how important it was not to offend their generous hosts for the sake of one small glass of Vodka . We must all be so careful to not offend each other over trifles as for us to offend each other is always grievous to our Lord so if we think we are going to it had better be over something very important indeed if we are prepared to risk our Lord displeasure toward ourselves . I have just noticed my lack of commas , this might have been offending some of you . I shall endeavour to be more conscientious with my punctuation in future .
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 1 week ago
    Thanks brother S Spencer,

    Discussions with you and others who once inspired each other out of love to study for the truth are missed. Things have changed that does not fit the name of this site, King James bible DISCUSSION.

    God bless you and your family.

  • Richard H Priday - 2 weeks ago
    Further insights on propetic significance of blessing descendants

    Genesis 12:3 shows a blessing from God to Abraham and his descendants which affects all those who bless Israel with a blessing; and curses those with a curse. This effectively puts us all in a position to reap blessings from being part of God's family even if not in the bloodline of Abraham. Romans 9:6-7 shows that is not bloodline that guarantees eternal inheritance and John 8:33-35 makes this clear and the punchline as it were is in verse 44 where Jesus tells them point blank that they are in reality sons of the Devil. They would literally spit in the face of the one who came to save all mankind; including those Gentiles they despised.

    It is very interesting to me that there were no punches pulled with any of the Patriarchs in assessing the true condition and resulting destiny of their descendants; indeed it proves inspiration from God. There was never any argument as to the bad news so to speak as to the validity of the message; only anger in the case of Esau of a blessing lost to a usurper brother.

    It does seem Esau mellowed out after being in a position where he likely would have killed his brother if his mother didn't have the wisdom to send him away. Eventually there was some restitution of family ties.

    I highly recommend Hebrews 11 and 12 for further insight on the saints of God and admonitions for those who profess to be Christians. Here we see how tenacity was ineffective for Esau due to his generally sinful lifestyle; but also we can see Jacob's tenacity wrestling God all night long in Genesis 32 starting in verse 22. He was preparing to meet Esau and sent his family ahead; thus alone in the wilderness and God granted the blessing. Part of it no doubt was an attitude of humility toward his brother who accepted his gift and then he separated from him. Joseph's blessing no doubt validated the dream of his youth and was proven by his humbling as a slave and exaltation.
  • Richard H Priday - 2 weeks ago
    Prophetic significance in family blessings.

    The earliest blessing in scripture is for Ishmael who is said in Genesis 16:12. It isn't exactly something to be desired; except for the fact that in the family lineage there would be many descendants. He was said to be a wild "donkey" of a man; and cause much contention and strife among others. Moving on to Genesis 26:39-40 we see the blessing of Esau; and it wasn't faring much better; he was to live by the sword and eventually throw the "yoke" off his back of basically servitude to Jacob. Finally; we see Jacob's blessing of his sons; to become the 12 patriarchs; which is a mixed bag with particularly gruesome futures for Issachar (once again like a donkey" and of course Dan being as a snake. Reuben the firstborn committed sin and thus lost privileges for that position; and altogether we may say that Judah had the best blessings offered.

    These patterns are interesting in that prophetically God's will was ultimately done. We can see this perhaps clearest with God explaining the futures of Jacob and Esau before they were even born. We also see the future of the bondservant (Hagar) and free woman (Sarah) and how it affects the world still to this day with the Arab (mainly Muslim) populus in the surrounding lands of the sons of Sarah and Abraham in Israel. We could say that this most clearly demonstrates what we may call a generational curse as well as blessings that are inherited.

    Jeremiah 35:19 is perhaps one of the most interesting prophetic statements; in this case to adults who had been obedient to God from the start. They were promised because of that and passing the test on not drinking wine or strong drink that they would perpetually have someone to serve God; at least seemingly promising a believer to be in the family lineage throughout the generations. As to curses; we do well to meditate on Exodus 20:5 and 6 we see generational affects but those who LOVE God He shows mercy ending the curse.
  • Richard H Priday - 2 weeks ago
    Humor and the Christian

    Now for a completely different discussion. Christians have argued about whether we should use humor or if God has a sense of humor. Given the verses about God laughing at the calamity of the wicked (such as Psalm 2); we need to be careful if we ask the Lord this question as well as with our intentions.

    My experience (hitting the big THREESCORE this month) shows me that humor may be best served to lighten the burdens of our everyday annoyances; and SOMETIMES certain situations involving others can show the folly of this life. It is often better not to know the individual mentioned. Prayer is crucial as the most important thing we can do for others; and we need others to hold us accountable if we are ill advised in opening our mouths. The focus must be on the mission field; first and foremost. It is almost always best to let others bring up something humerous; because as with any other "liberties" someone may be easily offended and perhaps tempted to sin when they are the butt of a joke; no matter how "innocent" it may seem.

    Few seem to categorize humor as something related to a joyful heart or spirit especially these days. It seems unheard of today in my life to think of someone who is that joyful who even smiles but maybe I am jaded in that mindset. Even laughing at ourselves can be wrong if we are constantly badmouthing ourselves. I had to rebuke brothers in the Lord who were too "hypercalvinistic" to the point where thy seemed boastful about what "worms" they were.

    We then have the situation regarding nonbelieving friends and co-workers. Often I have found the best thing to do is either say nothing or excuse myself and try to say; eat my lunch elsewhere. I have in the past found family squabbles and the meetings involved when my former law firm I was employed at split up hilarious at times. Again; we shouldn't focus on character assasssination or take sides in these events but can't say humor is always wrong.
  • Jaz - In Reply - 2 weeks ago
    Than you Brother for your messages . It's sad to say this but the ' church ' whichever one is ran by men and they have always had a shoddy reputation with regard to their treatment of their very own sisters in Christ . As we can read in the Gospels that this has always been the case and very shameful it is too . Our Lord loves male and female equally and ladies are to be treated as equals in his love if not able to perform all church tasks . This does not negate his love for them and shouldn't be seen as a denigration of the weaker vessel . Many men including I'm sad to say even brethren feel very threatened by knowledgeable sisters and feel some strange need to dominate them either openly or surreptitiously . We brethren need to always remember that Our Lord sees our actions towards all of our family in Christ and expects us especially if we hold any position of authority in our congregation to show much love towards the ladies in our care . We are not to be partial if we have to judge a matter between a brother and sister . In my own congregation a sister left because a brother was pestering her romantically and the brethren took his side completely and did not believe her or take her complaint at all seriously . It was a shameful incident which I am thankful I was not part of but I held no office at the time and had no influence at all . He is still a member and she has been gone from us for over twenty years and it still grieves me but doesn't seem to bother any of the other members . We shall have to answer for that I'm sure .
  • Richard H Priday - 2 weeks ago
    How to Read Scripture: Introduction-Part 2 of Prophecy

    As mentioned in my earlier post from Wednesday, there is prophecy in most books starting with the one related to the serpent and his fate along with God's provision to send His Son ultimately to take care of the sin problem that our ancestor Adam infamously started that contaminated the entire human race. As Jesus stated He is the "Alpha and Omega" (Rev.1:8) and scriptures were about Him in many prophecies foretelling the Messiah. HUNDREDS of prophecies from Psalms and Isaiah in particular but others scattered throughout the Old Testament described His birthplace (Micah); His ministry on earth ( Isaiah 53); His method of death ( Psalm 22); and His return to earth in the consummation of the ages (Daniel; Zechariah). We see intersecting along with divergent paths in particular "dispensations" or as some would care to say in the Old vs. New Covenant eras. Covenants and promises were made to Abraham in particular that eventually would involve NATIONAL Israel; and later on promises were made to the church in the New Covenant. In the future Millennial reign of Christ there are unique events that occur; primarily necessary from my viewpoint because when Christ actually physically rules and reigns on earth then less latitude is given for sin; judgment for rebellion is clear; and swiftly executed as no one will have an excuse that they didn't know better.

    We also have some personal prophectic implications most noticeably seen with Isaiah and his family; Hosea and His unfaithful wife and finally King David. All three of these examples either have double fulfillment (near and far related to the individual and to the coming Messiah). This is also true of Christ who clearly divided Isaiah 61 between the first and second verses signifying His first and second arrival on earth even though no one at the time fully understood. We do well to learn from all examples jn scripture of progressive revelation.
  • Bennymkje - 3 weeks ago
    Mark 10:6-10 "The last Adam"

    "What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder." Here the man in question is Adam. By making him a living soul he is set down in the Lucan genealogy as the son of God. On day six he was blessed and placed all his creation under his hands (Ge.1:28-29). 'Male and female created him sets him in terms of his will stated as a forerunner of Christ and his bride. Only after He sanctified the day seven Eve, was taken out of his ribs. Later He brought all his creation for his review and no helpmeet was found from them. Only then God set about creating flesh of his flesh and bone of his bones. The everlasting covenant between God and Man gives us a final separation, as with Day and Night and waters above and below the firmament and it is a precursor for the ministry of reconciliation for the Word become flesh. It is to this St Paul refers, "For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church." (Ep.5:29. )Christ and his body is therefore implied in day Six. Creation of Eve in the following chapter thus creates a family tree connecting Jesus Christ to Adam in Luke Ch.3.

    The breath of God made all the difference to Adam who was formed of the ground. He correctly guessed his calling and did not find anyone worthy from without. He was created in 'his likeness' which is the head. For this reason Jesus referred the deep sleep of Adam was precursor to his own death. He as the word become flesh made himself chaste. Compare his saying, "and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it."(Matt.19:12) With Jesus Christ came grace and truth. What God has joined together referred to his own case. In human likeness he nourished and cherished what God had entrusted him with. His prayer makes it clear. ( John 17:11-12)
  • Bennymkje - 3 weeks ago
    Mark 9:50 "Life"

    "Salt is good: but if the salt have lost his saltness, wherewith will ye season it? Have salt in yourselves, and have peace one with another."

    Salt is compared to life which could be lived to no purpose or to life abundant. The word of God warned Lot and his family to go forward but Mrs Lot would rather live in the past. "Remember Lot's wife," serves as a warning to all those who holds no vision as Abraham has had. "For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God." He.11:10. So living in tents as pilgrims and sojourners his vision ever led him forth so much so heaven in the Parable of Jesus is compared to Abraham's bosom.

    In vv28-50 the Spirit mentions the house as separate from the world. "And when he was come into the house, his disciples asked him privately, Why could not we cast him out?" As with parables the mysteries were not for those who had no appreciation for the saltiness of their soul. Killing time in mindless pursuits is what they call as having good time. From the edge of their lost contents they may sent postcards telling,'wish you were here!'. In the house the disciples would press their masters for answers so they did have a sound base upon which they could build up, "Have salt in yourselves, and have peace one with another."

    vv.33-34 There was oneupmanship among them. How often did they forget that they could nothing without their master? The house is a synonym for abiding life as in the Parable of the 'I am the true vine.' ( John 15:3) They were yet to understand the principle of Association. Charity of giving a glass of water is in the connection between the one in need and God in heaven. "Whosoever shall receive one of such children in my name, receiveth me: and whosoever shall receive me, receiveth not me, but him that sent me." False shepherds wax eloquent over 1 Co.13 and let not their Jesus talk fool anyone. Without abiding life in Christ it is for their own glory.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 3 weeks ago
    Thanks. Not sure at times if anyone is reading this stuff. It is good practice looking up verses on google that I am familiar with for my own edification and I don't need recognition but still want to be able to encourage someone.

    I am in a season where I need to live with and serve parents in their 90's. Not sure if I need at some point to break away so that they get more care they need before things get worse physically for them and mentally. They don't know Christ either although my church family is praying for them daily. With that and my part time job; errands; and church activities I am limited as to outreach and evangelism at present. Hoping really to be able to perhaps find employment or volunteer perhaps in writing stuff as I am not gifted nor have pastorial formal education and training. Feel free to pray for me if you wish.

    Don't remember seeing you here before. Thought maybe I'd inquire if there is any scriptural subject matter which you wanted to discuss-I have been told in the past trying to publish stuff that I'm too "preachy". Any suggestions on how to improve my posts are helpful as well (I have stuff from the last 2 years at least on here; whether in the Gospel of John and Revelation or on various subjects like predestination. Some of my stuff is controversial; particularly as I view divorce and remarriage. Strange to say things I expect controversy on don't always materialize. Am very blessed in general to have this forum and that I haven't been shut down as yet.

    Agape. Rich P
  • Bennymkje - 3 weeks ago
    Mark 7:36

    "And he (Jesus) charged them that they should tell no man: but the more he charged them, so much the more a great deal they published it."

    Firstly the crowd became vocal in proportion to his command that they refrained. "For of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh." ( Luke 6:46). The Spirit gave us another example that truth in inwards when touched by faith can go straight to the heart of the problem. The Syrophoenician woman having understood from the manner dogs behave about the family dinner lifted it to connect with the truth, and it was her faith than gave it wings and her daughter was healed instantly. Prophet Isaiah spoke og the word sent forth by God and it never returned in void. The preacher's verse underpinned her faith so the children's bread in fact came from the providence of God. It is thus faith draws its conclusions instantly when required. (Is.55:11;Ec.11:1)

    By the same token the multitude overwhelmed by the deaf dumb man speaking plainly gave vent to a full throated praise, they could not refrain from telling to all and sundry. When Jesus rode through Jerusalem some of the Pharisees wanted Jesus to restrain the multitude. "And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out."( Luke 19:40). The point is that truth will prevail always. These two illustrations have been included for our spiritual instruction.

    Lastly when Jesus would heal the man "And looking up to heaven, he sighed, and saith unto him, Ephphatha, that is, Be opened./ And straightway his ears were opened, and the string of his tongue was loosed, and he spake plain." (vv.34-35) We can infer that he healed him as the Son of man. The feeding of Five Thousand we compare with this healing. "fer that he healed him as the Son of man. The feeding of Five Thousand we compare with this healing.."Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth."
  • Richard H Priday - 3 weeks ago
    But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. ( Rev. 21:8)

    Unbelieving: The first verse that comes to mind here is the man with a son that had a demon possessed son who was being thrown into water; etc. That passage is Mark 9:24 and the whole incident is worth reading to understand further how there was rampant lack of faith as well as preparation for casting out the demon. REALIZING we have unbelief results from the Holy Spirit changing us; it is not what is often a false gospel of not having faith enough for a family member to be healed; or some power trip by a ministry more interested in notoriety and ultimately greedy for gain with someone given a title of "healer". We can say at the time of Christ it was indeed foolish not to believe He could work any miracles including bringing one back from death; because it was only rejecting His claim of Divinity that a person could reject Him which shows the depths of blindness of the Pharisees. The core issue which remains the same is the fact that we are all as "filthy rags" ( Isaiah 64:6) and this includes our so called "good deeds".

    Abominable: Luke 16:15 shows what men hold as esteemed is an abomination before God. To esteem something shows a sort of prideful mentality; acclaim and praise is something Christ warned about in numerous passages (see Luke 6:26; another passage in this book as one example). Even calling Christ good implies that he as a mere man or prophet is good; and Christ makes it clear only God alone is good ( Mark 10:18). This is what is so dangerous about anyone who men praise; not only do they almost always practice false theology but we are convinced our own righteousness will justify us in the day of judgment.

    No wonder Satan appearing as an angel of light fools lost souls ( 2 Cor. 11:14).
  • Richard H Priday - 3 weeks ago
    But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. ( Revelation 21:8)

    These verses at the end of the Bible and representing the end of the wicked is the end result of those who won't heed to warnings such as 1 Corinthians 6:9-11; see also Galatians 5:19; Ephesians 5:5 and many other scriptures on the subject. We do well to heed to what was said in the last verse of 1 Corinthians 6 of this reference (v. 11) where it states that some were this but they have been sanctified and justified.

    There are several issues here that I feel need to be addressed. First is the difference between a sinful lapse; a sinful habit and a sinful lifestyle. All three of these behaviors could be attributed to nonbelievers; albeit in today's society there would be few that would care about a slip up except perhaps some atheists who hold to what they consider a moral standard superior to much of society. Clearly as a Christian we shouldn't play games with God with any type of sin. The third category; however is something that must be abandoned; otherwise there is no fruit of our salvation. Also we undestand that breaking the law in one area makes us guilty of breaking it all ( James 2:10). Often one sin leads to another; whether it is abuse or abandonment of a family due to the greed of a gambling addiction (something which is being advertised currently in local media); or murder stemming from the bad fruit of adultery or fornication that usually is also tied to greed or jealousy; etc.

    The word "fearful" in Revelation 21:8 is in many translations "cowardly". It results when men fear man over God which we are to have a healthy fear of and ignores ( Proverbs 29:25). Wanting the praise of men is at least equally if not worse because it compromises our bold witness against sin ( John 12:43).
  • Richard H Priday - 4 weeks ago
    Things didn't work out this time for my trip; won't bore anyone with the details.

    I am meditating on Phillipians 1:12-14

    12 But I would ye should understand, brethren, that the things which happened unto me have fallen out rather unto the furtherance of the gospel;

    13 So that my bonds in Christ are manifest in all the palace, and in all other places;

    14 And many of the brethren in the Lord, waxing confident by my bonds, are much more bold to speak the word without fear.

    There are other verses as well that show God using Paul; such as the story in Acts 16:33-35 where the jailor and his family were baptized.

    There is no doubt that what caused people to grow bolder was Paul's continuing determination under fierce persecution as well as his heartelt love and committment to the churches he founded. Today; it seems with many missionaries in far away countries at least here in the USA people can keep their distance in terms of feeling a close kinship; and in the intensity of prayers. Of course it is reciprocal to some degree as it was with Paul who was encouraged by those who gave which made up for the lack of others. Paul of course was the perfect example of a selfless believer; accepting hunger and thirst when necessary and doing work of menial labor of tentmaking to supplement monies so as not to be a burden.

    Such opportunities do exist today among certain organizations that write to prisoners in restricted countries who are incarcerated due to their faith in terms of written communications with careful restrictions for their own safety as to the contents. God measures every tear in a bottle as ( Psalm 56:8). Psalm 30:5 says For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. This verse is better suited for the explanation of the chastisement of God with Israel and their eventual restoration but also shows that our sufferings in this life are temporal.

    We're in this together
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 4 weeks ago
    Concluding thoughts

    Look at earlier postings about ideas related to genetic DNA manipulation to render someone not human and therefore unredeemable. This would explain the wholesale destruction of all men except for Noah and his immediate family who was said to be "perfect" in his generations. ( Gen. 6:9). This would almost certainly have a primary reference to his genetic line not being contaminated with the sons of the giants or "men of renown" mentioned in Genesis 6:4. Christ came to redeem men not hybrid creatures and naturally angels that fell would also be unredeemable. Whether this business would be sold as an "evolutionary leap" or promise immortality or both is uncertain; but the "strong delusion" ultimately is sent by God; therefore men will worship the Beast and of course Satan who empowers him. The idea of rebellion comes to mind with what Cain did; and the original concept of the tower of Babel will come to its fruition "bringing the whole world together" in unity; so to speak.

    The Tribulation likely begins with one man controlling all of the earth's wealth. That is seen in prophecies in Daniel 11:38 and prophecies such as him "dividing the land for gain" ( Daniel 11:39). See also Habukkuk 2:9 and the whole chapter there to see the consolidation of wealth. Despite his control of the 10 nation beast empire; we see in Revelation that the nations from the east and north amass to go after him. (sixth trumpet starting Revelation 9:13.) Therefore, he may have control over everyone economically but nations will still fight him. By Armageddon in Meddigo at least it appears all are damned after they are enticed to gather by the 3 demons from the frog like spirits coming from the "unholy" trinity. After fighting each other they turn and fight Christ which of course is futile. THose in the Ezekiel 38 campaign however have one sixth remain; I am guessing some don't have the mark and make it into the Millennium. I may discuss that later.
  • Bennymkje - 1 month ago
    Mark 4:1-3 Introduction

    "St Mark presents the parables of Jesus as mysteries so 'his doctrine' explains the familial relationship of the Father Son in terms of the earth."

    "And he taught them many things by parables, and said unto them in his doctrine,/Hearken; Behold, there went out a sower to sow"

    Here we see what makes the Gospel of St Mark distinct from others, especially that of St Matthew to which it has more affinity an others. In three chapters St Mark having revealed the power of the Son in healing of demons states the concept of family with God as the only Father includes both heaven and the earth on single standard: faith.

    The significance of the Parable of the Sower owes to the faith which incorporates both heaven and the earth as one entity: the kingdom of God.

    Before the worlds began God sent forth his word which shall not return to him void. So the harvest at the end ought to teach us the one world at a time as interpreted by false teachers is not from God. Satan has spread his tares so denying deity to Jesus the word become flesh by some is from bad motives. "But when the fruit is brought forth, immediately he putteth in the sickle, because the harvest is come."(v.29)

    The seed is good as the ground which is good. So we have the yield. "And other fell on good ground, and did yield fruit that sprang up and increased; and brought forth, some thirty, and some sixty, and some an hundred."(v.8). The variation in yield shows up the nature of heart, a spiritual space. God formed all hearts alike and tries their works. :He fashioneth their hearts alike; he considereth all their works.:(Ps.33:15)

    St Matthew presents the Sermon on the Mount, which in order to give a context of the Alpha and Omega aspect of the Son is set against the mountain. St Marks presents 'his doctrine' in terms of the two worlds framed by his word. So the earth is not to be detached from heaven where the word sown , fruit of which are yet to collected as well.
  • Jaz - In Reply - 1 month ago
    Dear Christian Brother hello my name is Jaz and I'm new here . I've just read your message and it's so true . When I was a child I was told all kind of things about God by my family . As an adult I was shocked when I read the Bible for the first time to discover that so many things I had been told were not in the Bible . Sometimes the complete opposite ! It's so important for us to read the Bible for ourselves and not trust what people tell us to be true . God speaks for Himself in the Bible . We must pray for eyes and ears and open hearts and minds so we can come to know Him as He is and as He has revealed Himself to be in His Word . Our salvation is the most important thing and we must put our trust in God and in His Word not in how others interpret His Word . He has given us the Spirit of Truth we must be thankful for that and use it to read the Bible for ourselves .
  • Bennymkje - 1 month ago
    Ge.1Mark 4:1-11 "Unto you given" (1 of 2)

    "And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables" Mark gives us mystery of the family as is in heaven and on earth where God is one. He has set his throne which is the throne of sovereignty. He blessed all in his Son and the mystery is of his Will.

    St Paul makes his sovereignty as the central plank so his good pleasure in his Son extended to all who received him in faith:

    1:"hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ." This refers to the everlasting covenant where on day Six God expresses "behold, it was good"(Ge.1:31). This covenant is inclusive so it is not any nation but whosoever received the Son should have adoption, of children as stated in the next:

    2: "as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, "unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,(Ep.1:3-6). So the man is adopted to himself so he is 'the Father who art in heaven.'

    3: everlasting life is conditional so John's Gospel assures us "That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."( John 3:16). Today is the day of salvation is now while we are in our vile bodies and it refers our world of flesh and blood. Simultaneously the day refers in heaven as long as the Alpha and Omega mode of Jesus Christ extends and it is not for us to know. The point is we are saved according to the covenant, when we died to the world and to sin. We have a building of God, a spiritual body awaiting us. (2 Co.5:1)

    Mark tells us in the next verse those who have dismissed this mystery shall not benefit from parables. "That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them."(4:12). Heresies did not occur happenstance.
  • Bennymkje - 1 month ago
    Mark 3:31-35 "Our Father in heaven"

    Jesus was ever dutiful Son who would while hanging on the cross entrusted the care of his mother to John, "When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by, whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy son!/Then saith he to the disciple, Behold thy mother! And from that hour that disciple took her unto his own home."( John 19:26-27). By literal approach how false teachers consistently strip passages of their pith and serve the husks instead. This is one example. Covenant between God and Man entrusts man with His creation and does he care?

    God had prepared a worm as he a great fish to instruct Prophet Jonah. At the end of the book He tells Jonah,"And should not I spare Nineveh, that great city, wherein are more than sixscore thousand persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand; and also much cattle?"( Jonah 4:11) Family of man is incomplete without this same care for His creation. The Four beasts in heaven is a memorial.

    Pilgrims in 1630 settled in the Americas to make a New Canaan. However it was like sewing old garment to the new in the manner the divine Will was shortchanged. Salt crystal is made up of chlorine and sodium which by themselves have their distinctive characteristics. Sodium is metal, and corrosive while chlorine is a gas and poisonous. How billions of these atoms are precisely arranged by force keeping the formation gives the table salt its savor. In the manner culture wars have dogged the country tells making a family or nation without fulfilling the will of the Father is a non-starter. "And no man putteth new wine into old bottles: else the new wine doth burst the bottles, and the wine is spilled, and the bottles will be marred: but new wine must be put into new bottles."(2:22)
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 1 month ago
    Hey GiGi,

    I am sorry, we have just finished a discussion on the Trinity, and you say your post is not directed at me and you consider me as a friend, and we can have discussions on another subject. This is what you posted "If Jesus is not God, then there is no Christianity and those who worship Jesus are nothing but idolaters. But if He is God, then those who deny He is God are blasphemers in the worst sense of the word, because they believe in another Jesus".

    How else can I take this, but you are telling me I am an idolater and a blasphemer of the worst sense of the word? I cannot even fathom saying that to a friend. How can you say I am a friend and say what you said, you said I am an idolater and a blasphemer. Why would you want to discuss anything with me if that is what you think I am?

    Matthew 7:1 Luke 6:37 The truth will out, only if we are open to receiving it, my prayers are for you and your family this is my last reply to you.

    God bless,

  • Richard H Priday - 1 month ago

    It is said by Catholics that marriage is a sacrament that is only necessitated by the vow a man makes with a woman; and I agree with that view despite disagreeing with many other things in their belief system. The idea of a minister to oversee the event from what I can tell helps to involve two or three witnesses (usually along with parents) such as 2 Corinthians 13:1 states. There are other verses as well; none directly discuss a marriage or any other vow; but it does apply in the fact that should one or more parties violate the covenant church discipline can be used against them. I am not sure how things are in the big picture but it seems whenever marriages do occur it is often in another church that the family prefers and many times there is little sense of a whole congregation being involved at least like they used to in the past. Maybe I am off somewhat but that's how I see it.

    Good counsel is helpful in that respect however; if anything to keep a healthy balance of older women guiding the youth and allowing for good interactions and support. This is something more favorable it seems today in the Reformed churches from my experiences. Such interactions of a church being a family of course should extend to foreign missionaries that are affiliated with a denomination. It is a shame when we think of missionaries being "out there" and we detach ourselves emotionally when we give financial support. Their marriages and family are components of their witness as much as their evangelism and one can't be separated from the other; although of course some are single individuals on the mission field.

    Again; it is sad to say that from my viewpoint there is a tolerance for remarriage in these same sort of congregations (although many won't perform them). I would say that existing marriages have greater chance of longevity and less for divorce in the Reformed circles than others who have 50 percent divorce rates as all of society if they marry at all.

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