Discuss Proverbs 31

  • Rose on Proverbs 31 - 1 year ago
    thank you all
  • Duncan - In Reply on Exodus 1 - 2 years ago
    In the bible times wine used to be mixed reducing the intoxicating effect and allowing users to have few glasses but as the years have pass bay. the drinks of today they are capable of getting you drunk with just one or even half a glass.

    when people are drunk they tend not to be InControl and most of the times making stupid decisions the best word is sins, today people get up early and go drink drinking until night time.

    lets look at few scripturas

    isaiah 28:7

    pleased for yourself and pray God to open your heart and mind for understanding.

    As the bible says those who are drunk have erred out of the way and the visons and judgement has became corrupt

    in in short they have stumble and sined

    7 But they also have erred through wine, and through strong drink are out of the way; the priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink, they are swallowed up of wine, they are out of the way through strong drink; they err in vision, they stumble in judgment.

    Proverbs 31:4-5

    It is not for kings, O Lemuel, it is not for kings to drink wine; nor for princes strong drink:

    5 Lest they drink, and forget the law, and pervert the judgment of any of the afflicted.
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Wes gave a wise answer on Christmas. Exodus 23:8, Deuteronomy 16:19, Ecclesiastes 7:7, may The HOLY Spirit teach us. John 14:26

    I love to celebrate Christmas, I really enjoy the lights, the focus on our Savior. The generosity in the season. Christmas is a time of year, people remember more their fellow man, needs & wants of others. Christmas time reminds us of the joys of giving & putting smiles on others faces, teaching by love & kindnesses. Surprising a person with anonymous unexpected gifts, giving hope to people in desperation, food, clothing, volunteering, etc. warms their hearts, body & soul & sometimes gives them hope for a better ' tomorrow '. Christmas is the time of year people are more willing to receive from a Christian.....

    We as Believers have an open door at Christmas unlike any other time of the year, to show the World who Jesus is, who the Church is.

    When we remember those most "forgotten by others" showing them, they are not forgotten by GOD, it's amazing how even those around them are affected.

    Deuteronomy 15:7, Job 5:16, Proverbs 19:4, Psalms 69:33, Proverbs 14:21, 2Corinthians 9:9, Psalms 68:10, Galatians 2:10, Romans 15:26, Psalms 40:17, Proverbs 22:2, Psalms 41:1, Luke 14:13, Psalms 74:21, Proverbs 29:7, Proverbs 28:27, Psalms 112:9, Psalms 82:3, Daniel 4:27, Proverbs 21:13, Proverbs 31:10,20, context Proverbs 31, Proverbs 19:17, Proverbs 19:7, Luke 4:18, Matthew 11:5, Mark 10:21,

    Proverbs 19:6, Esther 9:22, James 1:27,

    This Christmas season we really have a moment to help comfort, our nations with love, giving hope through the WORD, to poor in spirit & helping heal wounds. There is much we can give this year, for those in need. I pray GOD lead us even now, to start the giving season early. Romans 6:23, 2Corinthians 1:4, Proverbs 15:23,

    Psalms 31:24, Ecclesiastes 3:1,
  • Anthony Mazio - In Reply - 2 years ago
    22) Proverbs 23:31 - God instructs not to look at intoxicating drinks.

    23) Proverbs 23:32 - Alcoholic drinks bite like a serpent, sting like an adder.

    24) Proverbs 23:33 - Alcohol causes the drinker to have strange and adulterous thoughts, produces willfulness, and prevents reformation.

    25) Proverbs 23:34 - Alcohol makes the drinker unstable

    26) Proverbs 23:35 - Alcohol makes the drinker insensitive to pain so he does not perceive it as a warning. Alcohol is habit forming.

    27) Proverb 31:4-5 - Kings, Princes, and others who rule and judge must not drink alcohol. Alcohol perverts good judgment.

    28) Proverbs 31:6-7 - Strong drink could be given to those about to perish or those in pain. Better anesthetics are available today.

    29) Ecclesiastes 2:3 - The king tried everything, including intoxicating drink, to see if it satisfied. It did not. ( Ecclesiastes 12:8)

    30) Ecclesiastes 10:17 - A land is blessed when its leaders do not drink.

    31) Isaiah 5:11-12 - Woe to those who get up early to drink and stay up late at night to get drunk.

    32) Isaiah 5:22 - Woe to "champion" drinkers and "experts" at mixing drinks.

    33) Isaiah 19:14 - Drunken men stagger in their vomit.

    34) Isaiah 22:12-13 - The Israelites choose to drink; their future looks hopeless to them.

    35) Isaiah 24:9 - Drinkers cannot escape the consequences when God judges.

    36) Isaiah 28:1 - God pronounces woe on the drunkards of Ephraim.

    37) Isaiah 28:3 - Proud drunkards shall be trodden down.

    38) Isaiah 28:7 - Priests and prophets stagger and reel from beer and wine, err in vision, and stumble in judgment.

    39) Isaiah 28:8 - Drinkers' tables are covered with vomit and filth.

    40) Isaiah 56:9-12 - Drinkers seek their own gain and expect tomorrow to be just like today.

    41) Jeremiah 35:2-14 - The Rechabites drank no grape juice or intoxicating wine and were blessed.

    42) Ezekiel 44:21 - Again God instructed the priests not to drink wine.

    43) Daniel 1:5-17 - Daniel refused the king's intoxicating wine an
  • Chris - In Reply on Proverbs 14 - 2 years ago
    Hello Tabitha. I would share the following Scriptures:

    1 Corinthians 11:3; Proverbs 12:4; Proverbs 14:1; Proverbs 19:14; Proverbs 31:10-31; Titus 2:3-5; 1 Peter 3:1-4.
  • T. Levis - In Reply on 1 Peter 2 - 2 years ago
    1Peter 2:19,21,

    Good conscience, Christ suffered giving us example, trusting GOD not man.

    Please refer back to why Jesus suffered = Matthew 12:14, John 7:1, Matthew 12:1-13, because he healed on the Sabbath?

    John 7:7 "The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil" John 8:44, Matthew 22:29,

    Jesus corrected & rebuked the leaders in the religious sects & ignored their contradictory "mandates" even washing of hands.

    HE disobeyed those in Governmental authority, because they were corrupt. Matthew 27:12,13,14, John 19:11, obeying GOD ALMIGHTY.

    If you're referring to Our GOD Blessed Country USA. This website is global. The USA did not get the religious freedom it has by obedience to oppressive Gov. Please read the US Declaration of Independence & refer back to another scripture, 1Peter 2:14, Our "public servants" have not punished evildoers, but have actually committed Treasonous acts, putting Citizens in danger. We have a Duty given by our GOD to uphold law, order, safety of our people & protecting our freedoms. As Established within that document. Proverbs 31:9,

    If you haven't noticed the chaos in the world after the falsified Election of 2020, please look & understand we affect the World for good, when we are strong, stable & blessing & helping other nations.

    Let's not forget all of the Old Testament either.

    How would Jesus handle these things today? Remember John 2:15 "And when He had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money and overthrew the tables." & Luke 19,

    Cali, Gov. Fobid singing in Church Fellowship, GOD says sing, Psalms 98:4, Psalms 33:3,

    GOD says Exodus 23:7, Deuteronomy 19:10,13, Deuteronomy 21:9 "So shall thou put away the guilt of innocent blood from among you, when you shall do which is right in the sight of the LORD"
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    It will be recalled that when Jesus was offered wine to relieve His agonies at the cross he refused (although he was given the sour vinegar stuff right before He died). ( Matthew 27:34 as compared with John 19:29). Hence in that case the alcohol was for antiseptic purposes; when in the first it would have mitigated suffering. The verse in 1 Tim. 5:23 implores Timothy because of bad water and digestive issues to drink a little wine. Christ was accused of being a "winebibber" in Matthew 11:19 clearly demonstrates that indeed there were alcoholic beverages He and the disciples would partake in (as the wedding in Cana would also suggest since it was tasted by the official there and verified as such).

    As Paul warns; not all things we are at liberty to do should be done. Firstly; we need to consider ourselves and anyone around us to make sure no one has problems with alcohol OR is a believer such as the person you responded to in order not to offend them with your liberties. That short of family settings and perhaps one or two close friends gets pretty difficult. Even drinking a bit to excess can be a slippery slope. At any event; clearly it isn't a sin to do this in context; and the fact it was used for many centuries as a pain killer when other more effective techniques only recently developed; as Proverbs states it is for those who are in great pain ( Proverbs 31:6-7). Those dying should be given pain relief is Solomon's message; but of course we shouldn't be drawn to excesses as he was as the rest of Proverbs teaches us with wisdom after the fact.

    Simply being a distraction from God or enjoying any substance that is controlling us is dangerous. We have to be ever vigilant; such benefits as resveratrol found in red grapes and in wine can certainly be found in the fruit itself. Certain medication perhaps in a tincture of alcohol can be more effective.

    May He guide you in these matters.

    Agape.. Rich P
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply on John 4:54 - 2 years ago
    It will be recalled that when Jesus was offered wine to relieve His agonies at the cross he refused (although he was given the sour vinegar stuff right before He died). ( Matthew 27:34 as compared with John 19:29). Hence in that case the alcohol was for antiseptic purposes; when in the first it would have mitigated suffering. The verse in 1 Tim. 5:23 implores Timothy because of bad water and digestive issues to drink a little wine. Christ was accused of being a "winebibber" in Matthew 11:19 clearly demonstrates that indeed there were alcoholic beverages He and the disciples would partake in (as the wedding in Cana would also suggest since it was tasted by the official there and verified as such).

    As Paul warns; not all things we are at liberty to do should be done. Firstly; we need to consider ourselves and anyone around us to make sure no one has problems with alcohol OR is a believer such as the person you responded to in order not to offend them with your liberties. That short of family settings and perhaps one or two close friends gets pretty difficult. Even drinking a bit to excess can be a slippery slope. At any event; clearly it isn't a sin to do this in context; and the fact it was used for many centuries as a pain killer when other more effective techniques only recently developed; as Proverbs states it is for those who are in great pain ( Proverbs 31:6-7). Those dying should be given pain relief is Solomon's message; but of course we shouldn't be drawn to excesses as he was as the rest of Proverbs teaches us with wisdom after the fact.

    Simply being a distraction from God or enjoying any substance that is controlling us is dangerous. We have to be ever vigilant; such benefits as resveritol found in red grapes and in wine can certainly
  • Adam Had Only One Woman: EVE - In Reply on Proverbs 31 - 2 years ago
    Genesis 1:26 and the evening and the morning were the 6TH DAY

    Genesis 2:18

    Moses is adding additional information about the creation of Adam and Eve. The part when God takes one of Adams ribs to make Eve.

    It took a RIB BONE to make Eve. Adam has just so many rib bones. You are twisting scripture and cannot prove your statement.

    Adams Geneology chart will prove this. Time was created in Genesis 1:1 "in the beginning".

  • Smagaw on Proverbs 31 - 2 years ago
    All of the human races, which included male and female, were created on the 6th day. Genesis 1:26-28

    Adam and Eve were created following the 7th day. Genesis 2:1-7

    Kinda' indicates that there WERE other women a day or two before Eve.....
  • Mark Anthony Herron on Proverbs 31 - 2 years ago
    For all my brothers and/or sisters going through adivorce and the triala it commplicates, God does bless the broken the broken road which leads us too a signifigant other. When a child or childern are involved consider at that point to look up and see Jesus! Stephen did and consider you are already at his right hand and He is holding your hand. If your a true man of God like myself; then, Women infants and childern first. God bless us (forgive mis-understandings and our broken roads) for in the finalities of finalities He trufully is watching...
  • Adam - In Reply on Proverbs 31 - 2 years ago
    Hello, have you tried praying? You might set a goal and outline all of what you've tried and what all you haven't tried yet in order to avoid this temptation.

    Consider this verse:

    Matthew 5:27-30

    Pretty powerful- to me that means to absolutely everything imagineable to avoid sin even if it means cutting off a body part. In verse 30 it says that the stakes are high. I tend to believe the Bible in verse 30 over what some people claim that they're saved and can do whatever sin they want with no consequence. I trust God's word over man's ideas.

    So, this means do absolutely anything and everything possible to avoid it. I would think that would mean ending toxic friendships, moving, changing jobs, and put your max effort into avoiding such sin and temptation. I think this point can't be emphasized enough and the warning that Jesus gave us is: Matthew 7:21. We actually have freewill to choose whether to sin or not and God always provides a way out: 1 Corinthians 10:13, so there is no valid excuse. God bless.
  • Grae - In Reply on Proverbs 31 - 2 years ago
    Don't do it . U have a choice . If your urges r getting the better of u perhaps it's time to look for a Christian wife or husband if u r a woman . Sexuality is a normal part of being human . Find yourself a suitable spouse whom u can love and cherish and who feels the same way as u do , get married and b good to each other in Christ .
  • OPOLOT JOHN ROBERT on Proverbs 31 - 2 years ago
    how can one overcome fornication
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    * 1Peter 5:8, Proverbs 20:1, Proverbs 23:29-35, Ephesians 5:18,

    1Thessalonians 5:5-10, 1Timothy 3:2,11, Titus 1:8, Titus 2, 1Peter 1:13, 1Peter 4:7, Leviticus 10:9, Leaders, priests, Numbers 6:2-4,

    There are a two stories in Genesis that shows negative results.

    Deuteronomy 32:33, Proverbs 21:17, Isaiah 5:10-23, Isaiah 28:7,

    Proverbs 31:4-7,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Chris - In Reply on Proverbs 31 - 2 years ago
    Hello Wilma. I hope you can get other people's thoughts to your questions, as yours appears very personal, being subject to the Lord's leading & help to the spouses. In other words, there are many considerations as to the types of differences in their beliefs, the personalities of both spouses, their commitment to Christ & to the marriage, etc. What we must accept, is that marriage in God's Eyes is a most important union & commitment, & everything possible should be done to maintain that, in love & faithfulness. And if perchance, the doctrinal differences are too marked, some other options have to be considered.

    From what you've written & assuming that the husband is of Christian belief & character & not of cultish persuasion, then I feel that the first & best act to undertake is to discuss the matter fully & be prepared for compromises. There's an old adage in our circles: "major on the majors & minor on the minors"; which means, focus of those issues of belief & Christian behaviour that are essential to faith & living and not on the issues that ought to make very little difference to the sanctity of marriage & belief. Since you've not given an example of the problems, if I might suggest an example of one spouse wanting to attend a pentecostal fellowship while the other attends one that does not teach or encourage that type of worship, manifestations, or teachings. How should this matter be resolved? Should they continue to be separate from each other each Lord's Day & even entertain arguments during the week?

    Each couple must come to their own decision in such a matter. Attending each other's fellowships alternately can be an option, as each one looks to the spiritual value that comes from both meetings. Or, attending the out-of-Church activities of one Fellowship, while still attending another Fellowship together regularly, is another option. And, I don't believe that God would call one to serve away, thereby affecting the marriage; service is a joint effort.
  • Wilma Trent on Proverbs 31 - 2 years ago
    What should a woman do if her husband goes to a different church? Is it biblical for God to call a wife to his service while leaving her husband because they disagree on Biblical issues such as how to worship or where to worship? It is not a different religion but a difference of interpretation of God's word.
  • Chris - In Reply on Proverbs 31 - 3 years ago
    Hi Kataleanna. There was no other woman (or man) before the Genesis account of Creation. In fact, Genesis 3:20 states it like this: "And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living." To be the mother of all living, implies that no one else could have been around, or before her, to bear children & start the human race - to grow & spread.

    If there was another woman, man or even another human race before Adam & Eve, then the Bible doesn't declare it, indeed, the whole creation account strongly suggests that this great creative act of God was His first Initiative in preparing & inhabitating the World that He had prepared for His Glory.
  • Connie - In Reply on Proverbs 31 - 3 years ago
    There was no woman before Eve. She was created from the rib of the first man, Adam.
  • Kataleanna on Proverbs 31 - 3 years ago
    Who was the first woman before Eve?
  • Courtney Jones - In Reply on Proverbs 31 - 3 years ago
    Yes I do believe that but it is hard to find a wife of that standard and if you do please keep her, fellas please honor your wife that is a good thing in Gods sight Thank you Lord for my wife!!!
  • The First Marriage - In Reply on Proverbs 31 - 3 years ago

    18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an HELP meet for him.

    20 And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an HELP MEET for him.

    21 And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;

    22 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.

    23 And Adam said, This is now BONE OF MY BONE and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

    24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: AND THEY SHALL BE ONE FLESH.

    25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.

    As long as we reverence the exclusivity of the marriage there will be less problems. Often relatives, siblings, parents, friends; try to speak their ideas into your marriage. So in verse 24 we see that it is dangerous to allow others to judge your marriage. They didn't have cell phones back then. :/

    By being loyal to each other, and not permitting others to offer comment on you or your spouse, you will save on trips to counselors or attorneys.

    Television prime time is harmful to marriage. People feel threatened by a persons healthy marriage and family relationships with kids.

    Unsolicited advise gets met with: "I always check in the Bible for my advise." Really, Deuteronomy and Leviticus have useful principals. What builds up; what tears down// 1 Corinthians 7

    We live in a society that feels threatened by anything remotely "religious". I made all the mistakes, so I really want you to succeed.

    Proverbs 3:5-7
  • Michelle on Proverbs 31 - 3 years ago
    Bear in mind that "her own" is her husband's own, and his is hers. Married couples are not separate individuals; they ARE an individual.
  • Dianne - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Linda since ordination to the Ministry of Gods Word is set up by the rule book his word that being already shared be a tremendous example of a woman of God look at Proverbs 31: 10-3. God Bless
  • Dorothy Slater on Proverbs 11:22 - 3 years ago
    Proverbs 11:22

    This verse is describing the lack of inner beauty which is a virtuous and discreet character in a woman.

    Appearances verses: Deut. 22:5;

    1 Timothy 2:9 and Proverbs 31:22.

    Our inner beauty is important to God. I suggest reading Beautiful in God's Eyes by Elizabeth George.
  • Dorothy Slater on Proverbs 31:26 - 3 years ago
    Wives should not carry the entire responsibility for healthy discussions in a marriage. Resentment and disrespect should not be in his vocabulary ladies. 1 1 Peter 3:7 says honor the wife as the weaker vessel so your prayers be not hindered. The wife is the most important person on earth so speak to ladies as such because God is serious about the way men talk to women. God will not answer your prayers so think before you speak to a lady.
  • Bendito Palavra - In Reply on Deuteronomy 8 - 3 years ago
    The very station in life that your friend finds demeaning is rather a great honor and a gift from God.

    From the beginning, man was created to work for God ( Genesis 2:15). The woman was then specially created as the help most suitable to accomplish that purpose ( Genesis 2:20-25).

    The Lord's value system is quite opposite what the world judges worthwhile. If your friend knows the forgiveness and redemption gained by Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the cross and his resurrection from the dead, then she has an eternal purpose and reward in the perfect will of God. ( 1 Corinthians 15:58, 1 Peter 3)

    Being an excellent mother carries a far greater weight of glory and influence than any of the vain achievements or self promotion touted in this world's marketplace. ( Proverbs 31:10-31)

    The Bible has many accounts of women who by faith achieved great things for the Lord, including:

    Sara: Hebrews 11:11-12

    Rebekah: Genesis 24-27

    Leah and Rachel: Genesis 29-

    Shiphrah and Puah: Exodus 1:15-21

    Moses' mother and sister Miriam: Exodus 2

    Rahab: Joshua 2, Joshua 6

    Deborah: Judges 4

    Jael: Judges 4

    Naomi and Ruth: Ruth 1-4

    Hannah: 1 Samuel 1-2

    Esther: Esther 1-10

    Elisabeth: Luke 1

    Mary: Matthew 1-

    Martha and Mary: Luke 10, John 11

    The faithful women at the crucifixion of Jesus after the disciples fled: Matthew 27:55-56

    Mary Magdalene: Mark 16, John 20 - (The very first person to meet the risen Lord Jesus Christ),

    along with many other notable followers in the early church.
  • Sylvia on Proverbs 31 - 3 years ago
    Does the able speaks on smoking
  • BSP on Proverbs 31 - 3 years ago
    Verse 1-mothers have the responsibility to train and instruct their children just like Lemuel's mother did here.
  • Chris - In Reply on 2 Timothy 2 - 4 years ago
    Proverbs 31:10 is the closest one that I can think of, minus the 'coral'. Job 28:18 speaks of wisdom being of more worth than rubies & the mention of 'coral' is there.

    Regarding the behaviour of husbands to their wives, see: Colossians 3:19; 1 Peter 3:7; Ephesians 5:25-29,33.

    And for children's behaviour: Colossians 3:20; Ephesians 6:1-3; Proverbs 13:24.

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