Bible Questions & Discussion PAGE 677

  • JesusTheWayTheTruthAndTheLife on Ezekiel 28 - 1 year ago
    Something else I wanted to add that wasn't added in my previous response to this chapter is that the 1611 KJV also doesn't reference this chapter as the king of Tyrus symbolic of satan. The 1611 will always give a brief summary of each chapter in the Bible to give us as the reader an idea what the chapter is about. You can find it on the 1611 tab of this website and go to the bottom of the page and click the "scanned copy" and you will see it there preceding the chapter. It clearly says that this is an actual judgment on the king of Tyrus...the actual king. No meantion whatsoever of this king being satan. I just thought I would add that because it appears to confirm what and who this chapter is referring to.

    And actually....if you look throughout the Book of Ezekiel, the Lord references many rulers and kings even Pharoah and pronounces judgment upon them and the king of Tyrus just happens to be one of them. But they all had a common theme to have such judgment pronounced upon was pride! But the descriptions God uses of their pride...their splendor and how they were lifted up in their kingdom is very poetic! Also reaffirming that this chapter is no different in its poetry.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Dear DJOt;

    Rest assured that if you believe the gospel of Jesus Christ and have entrusted your life and salvation to Him and His salvic work, that you will NOT be kicked into the lake of fire. Our God loves all of us, especially those who believe His testimony in the Word.

    I am sorry that you are facing s much hardship. I pray that God will send someone into you life to help you and to be a dear, caring, authentic friend. I am 65, so we are just 5 years apart. We remember our younger years and what the world was like then compared to now. It is disturbing. I just desire for heaven more and more with each passing year. God knows exactly how many days He has given me in this life and I will live every one of them. So, this being so, I pray to have a grateful attitude about my lot in life and to have a willingness to share my hope in Christ with others, especially those in our age category.

    I pray that your faith will be strengthened and your daily needs will be supplied by our heavenly Father. Please know I do not take your situation lightly. I wish I could be more helpful to you. For today, be joyful in the Lord despite the hardships. This is a daily practice that is healthy. I try to do this for myself, especially when I have a bout of chronic back pain. Blessing to you today. I hope to hear from you soon.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Psalms 92 - 1 year ago
    Donna, that sounds like a good plan for your granddaughter. Perhaps right down her questions as you go along. some may be answered in subsequent chapters, but some you will just need to explain in your own words. We are given intelligence to do just that.-explain spiritual truths to those who inquire in age appropriate ways. Bless you for having this opportunity with your dear granddaughter. May you both be blessed as you discover more of Jesus together.
  • GiGi again - 1 year ago
    ...continued, Pt. 4

    So, Moses did as YHWH had said. He did not protest about Aaron coming up. Moses went down and told the people what God had said. Then Moses went back up the mountain to meet with God as he had been instructed to go down and then come up.

    Moses was 80 years old. This was not a small hill. He had already gone up and down several times as the "go-between". He did not complain about this strenuous work. May we not complain either when we are prompted to work hard, long, or in precarious situations. Let us be as willing as Moses to relay what God has instructed us to do and say. Sometimes the work gets dirty, strenuous, unpleasant, or prolonged. We should pray for stamina, both physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Let us train ourselves to properly equipped to pursue the work God calls us to do. Interesting how God wanted the His people to be consecrated to Him, but also His leaders were tested more that the people. Moses (and Aaron) went up and down this mountain repeatedly to speak with YHWH and relay to the people what He had said and to bring back to YHWH what the people's response was. Let's not complain about the repetitiveness of some tasks we must do, but embrace them. Do all for the glory of God, I am reminded, even if it is housework, caring for infants, children, yardwork, tasks for our elderly family members, etc. No small task is unimportant if the Lord places upon us to do. I want to have a joyful heart in doing things that never seem to be done-laundry, dishes, etc. No sooner do we finish and we start again. By doing these things with a gracious and willing heart we are showing others our love for them and showing God our love through obedience.
  • Michael R Dorsey - In Reply on Romans 8 - 1 year ago
    I do agree , No man can pluck me out of God's Hand, You can't, Congress, Armies, Terrorists, non Christians. Nobody can take me out of God, but I can Walk Away. I can take myself out. I love those Bible Verses where it says ( And Jesus, called 12 and anointed them with Power to cast out devil's and to heal all sickness, and then in a side bar it says,,, ( Oh yeah,, every body but Judas Iscariot who by the way was never saved) Let me see,,,. What chapter is that! The book of ,,, uh,,, uh,, . Yeah ,, that's right it doesn't, and why? Glad you asked. Because Judas had the Same Thing, Matthew, Peter, John, etc,, had. He had the Goods, The Power of God Operating in His Life. He's not the The First good man, turned on God, because of The Love of Money. Anybody ever heard of the Doctrine of Baalam? How about King Joash in 2nd Kings chap. 12. The Priests, Ministry would misuse the money coming in. Its not a New Concept, it's as old as man. He coveted That Money. But hey Thank the Lord, Prosperity Preachers died out then,, Right,,, okay,, keep smiling.

    The Bible says Jesus gave Judas that first sop. That represented a Guest, or to Honor, respect. Christ was reaching out to Him already. Are that sop and then what, Satan entered into Him. So the Question is how did Satan enter into a Place he already is. If you're at work, home, The Church and Bodily there. How is it possible for you to enter a Place you already are? In this Case, The Spirit of God Departed, left that Temple and then Satan entered in. We know Judas hung himself, and repented and left the money. But Paul says , there are 2 repentances, sorrows. Sorrow of the world, I hate where my life, circumstances are. And Godly Sorrow, Repentance, that says God just forgive me, save me, help me. Acts said Judas died and went to His own place,Hell. He was in , but He got out. He could have found a Alter like Peter did. This Eternal Salvation Doctrine is damning souls Daily

    Mikey Out.

    Biscoe House of Mercy
  • GiGi again - 1 year ago
    ...continued-pt. 3

    God instructs Moses to tell the people to consecrate themselves "today and tomorrow" and to be ready on the third day to meet the Lord. I wonder if the apostles thought about this event when Jesus had died and was in the grave for and then arose on the third day where they met Him once again.

    YHWH says that anyone but Moses who touches or approaches the mountain will meet death right away. God meant business here. He said that they will hear a long sound of the trumpet. (a heavenly one) and then should come before the mountain. When God came upon the mountain it was a cataclysmic event-thunderings and lightnings, thick clouds, loud trumpeting. This display of YHWH's power and might made the people tremble in fear. I think that God wanted this reaction from the people. Fear of the Lord comes before wisdom, I believe it says in Ps. 19:9. The people were still in camp when this happened. At the sound of the trumpeting, Moses brought the people before the mountain. The mountain was completely cloaked in smoke as God descended up it in fire. It was like a furnace that emitted plumes of fire and smoke. And the mountain quaked. This must have been like a volcanic eruption although it did not say anything about a lava flow.

    Then Moses spoke to YHWH and YHWH answered him in a voice that all could hear. YHWH called Moses to come up to the top of the mountain. Moses obeyed. No sooner did Moses get up there and YHWH told Moses to go warn the people to not try to break through the boundary in order to gaze upon Him in His majesty, since they would perish if they did so. YHWH also told Moses to call the priests who would come near to the LORD to consecrate themselves. Moses protests to God, reminding YHWH that the people cannot come up because of YHWH's warning. Moses was concerned about his people's welfare here. YHWH says "Away! Get down and then come up". But it was only going to be Moses and Aaron, not the priests (there were priests before the Law?
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply on Psalms 92 - 1 year ago
    I'm not sure if you are planning Psalm 92 as a specific study. It contains impreccatory prayer and a statement on the eternal state of the lost.

    What I would think you would consider; is where she is at in seeking truth. Perhaps; she is trying to understand at this age what is going on approaching adolesdence or the age of accountability. Hopefully; she has parents (if they are raising her) which are not teaching her antithetical knowledge against scripture. Also; the conditioning of youth also is toward a self-destructive narcissistic atheistic (really Satanic) lifestyle. With that barrier covered; there hopefully can be a scientific viewpoint that is open to subjects like Job (and the creation); the book of Genesis; etc. There are Christians which have good arguments on that subject. The gospels and such certainly will provide a basis for teaching scripture; but if she isn't seeking the basic understanding of salvation (not sure where she is at with that); I certainly wouldn't be overly constraining as to what scriptures she goes to. Of course; we have the reality of the Resurrection and plan of salvation. There needs at some point to be an understanding (perhaps a good concordance or commentary) to put cross references together so the scripture (O.T. and N.T) are seen to be cohesive and inspired. There certainly is much wisdom in Proverbs and Psalms; and interesting historical narratives througout the Word.

    A major concern of those such as Akaiane who is one of the top 10 artists (once she was say 5 or 6 years old) but although she paints Christ clearly she is New Age in her viewpoints. I thought I should warn as that is endemic with youth; and the enemy will use that curiousity to try to seduce many away from the pure truth of the Word. Ephesians 6 I would HIGHLY implore you to go over. If the Lord wants her to be a spiritual warrior; there is no point beating around the bush. Agape; RIch Priday
  • GiGi again - 1 year ago

    In verse 5 YHWH tells Moses to tell the people a conditional promise. If they will obey His voice and keep His covenant, THEN they will be a special treasure to YHWH among all other nations and peoples. They will BE to YHWH a kingdom of priests and a holy (set apart in righteousness) nation. This is what we who believe in Jesus now are. We are God's treasured possession, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a chosen generation. ( 1 Peter 2:9, Hebrews 10:34). We are made righteous through Jesus and are set apart as God's workmanship created in Him for good works to the glory of God! What a privilege to be called by God! To be chosen! To be treasured!

    When Moses spoke to the people all of what God had told him to speak, the people in unison pledged their agreement and consent to the terms of this promise. Oh, but how soon they came to forget this pledge. We are like that, quickly lapsing in our fervor and determination to follow ALL that God calls us to be, do and say. When we are weak, Jesus is strong! We can fall on Him when we fall and be uplifted as if on eagle's wings (verse 4).

    So again, Moses went up the mountain to God, and YHWH said that He will come to him in a thick cloud and that the people will hear when He speak to him and therefore, believe. God knew that the people were weak in faith. He wanted to reveal Himself in a way that would promote belief and trust in Him. Moses told YHWH what the people had said. God already knew what they had said, but was training Moses to be the mediator between Himself and the people. Perhaps so that the people will trust and accept both YHWH as the only true God and Moses as YHWH's divinely appointed leader. History had already shown how easily they turned on Moses when things did not go as they wished, when they needed water, or trapped on one side of the Red Sea.

    Moses was their Captain and took instructions from He Who was really in control of all this. Jesus is our Captain, too. We should trust Him
  • Michael R Dorsey - In Reply on Romans 8 - 1 year ago
    You could quote Scripture, and break them down for hrs. You could theologically determine Actions and Reactions. The Bible talks of Israel doing what, Paul said they Blasphemed The Holy One. All sin can be Forgiven, but that of Blasphemy against The Holy Ghost.

    God will forgive me if I break all The Ten Commandments,,,10 times. Where sin did abound,, Grace did much more abound. It overwhelms sins, it leaves it defenseless. It swallows , consumes, defeats it

    So if God will forgive me of every sin, I can think of save that of Blasphemy.

    Then how can I explain what Blasphemy truly is?

    Blasphemy is Rejecting God.

    Mikey Out. Biscoe House of Mercy
  • GiGi - 1 year ago
    Exodus Chapter 19 tells of the Israelites camping in the plain before Mt. Sinai and YHWH's descent upon the mountain in a very astounding and awesome way. Moses was familiar with this mountain, the Mount of God, as it was called. I wonder when it began to be called that? Perhaps this was a mountain that Jethro had encountered God as a priest of the Most High and perhaps Jethro had called it that in sharing his encounters with the "Most High".

    YHWH tells Moses to instruct the people to cleanse themselves and wash their garments and prepare themselves to meet with God. God was going to meet with the whole nation of Israel in this encounter. The people were to assemble before the mount, but not try to climb up even its lowest slopes or touch the dirt of it. Perhaps there was some sort of barrier set up, such as a row of stones of rope fence so that the people would know the bounds that God is speaking of in this chapter.

    This instruction to cleanse themselves and prepare for meeting with God reminds that we, too, should be careful how we approach God, even though we come to "Mt. Zion" rather that "Sinai". God is still and always will be Most Holy, pure, undefiled, owner of all the earth. I have witnessed instances in church services or youth rallies were the leaders are leading people into worship in a very casual, irreverent way. This always breaks my heart because I desire to approach God reverently to bring honor to Him and lift Him up, not me. Do I always do this? No, I fail at times, but then I realize that I have not acknowledged His holiness and majesty and repent.

    Interesting that God asked the people to cleanse themselves and their garments and prepare for three days. I think, when was the last time I examined myself before God and asked for forgiveness for three days before coming to a time of corporate worship. This makes me think about what how God would like me to prepare my self better. O Lord, let me never be flippant in my approach to You!
  • ELB - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Kay: Heavenly bread for the digestion.

    Revelation 13:8 And ALL that dwell upon the earth, (this will come to pass at the second resurrection, back to their flesh, TO JUDGEMENT) shall worship him, whose names ARE NOT WRITTEN in the book of Life of the Lamb slain FROM the foundations of the world.

    Isaiah 26:9 ...and when thy JUDGEMENTS (second resurrection) are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will LEARN RIGHTEOUSNESS.

    Psalms 149:9 To execute on them the JUDGEMENT WRITTEN, this honour hath all his saints.

    We will either be the JUDGES bringing the world to righteousness, or we will be the JUDGED, learning righteousness.

    John 3:13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is IN HEAVEN.

    Colossians 1:27 ....this MYSTERY .....CHRIST IN YOU ......

    Revelation 21:1 And I saw a NEW HEAVEN (Christ in YOU) and a NEW EARTH (where RIGHTEOUSNESS will DWELL), for the former HAD PASSED AWAY.

    These scriptures teach there is neither heaven or hell, as taught by the traditions of man.

    God Bless YOU!
  • Dgjot - In Reply on James 2 - 1 year ago
    @Daniel: I'm not deliberately shutting anyone out from the Gospel. But neither will I support someone who just uses me, pretending to want to hear the gospel, in order to get food, clothing & shelter. Been there, done that. I took in a friend once. I used to leave Bible verses taped to the refrigerator, and they got offended and told me to quit putting them up. How's that for nerve!

    And another thing, people only want to hear the nice verses in the Bible about forgiveness and the love of Jesus. Then they go out and sin thinking that, "Jesus loves me no matter what" and go back to mischief. It's better to warn them that if they don't repent, they may be facing hellfire and brimstone. At least that gets them to thinking.

    Some people are brought to Jesus out of gratitude for what He did for them. Some people are scared into repenting and seeking Jesus. Some people play the system, thinking they can do whatever they want and God will still forgive them.
  • GiGi again - In Reply on Exodus 18 - 1 year ago
    Good afternoon Kay, Thanks for you reply. Along the lines of your friend, I have a personal story.

    It was in 2021, Holy Week (as some call the week before Resurrection Day) and I had scheduled a get-away for myself only at a cabin. I had never done this before in the 20 years I was married and raising our sons. I was dealing with a lot and needed this time to regroup, pray, and let the Holy Spirit lead and prompt me.

    I arrived at the cabin on Thursday afternoon, got all settled. I had brought my Bible, some Sunday School materials I was to prepare for upcoming lessons, and some home financial things I needed to get around to. I sat on the bed looking at these things I had placed on the shelf, asking God what He wants me to do first-read the Bible, do the SS lesson, etc, and the prompt to my heart was just this. "I want you to just "be" with Me." I was deeply touched by this and so I did just that. i put on some worship music, made myself dinner, set a plate for both me and the Lord, sat down and enjoyed His company throughout the rest of the evening. What a beautiful time this was for me. There was emotional healing and deepening of my sensitivity to His Spirit.

    So, I do think that Jethro's advice freed Moses up to learn to "be" with YHWH. Moses was perhaps the greatest leader of all the Israelite nation through all of its history. (Aside from Jesus, of course). The Word speaks of Him as being a friend of God and one to speak to Him "face-to-face". His encounters with YHWH must have been awesome and incredible.
  • Dgjot - In Reply on James 2 - 1 year ago
    Thank You, Adam.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 1 year ago
    That is a very interesting question. Surely; we could see wars; rumors of wars; famine; pestilences; etc. along with persecution increasing in the past century to record amounts. Part of what I'd say is that there is an inevitability to the frequency increasing in the limited time of the Tribulation; whereas now while the restrainer remains prayer can allow for things to slow down; and the gates of hell will not prevail against the church as a whole; whereas afterward the saints WILL be overcome in the Tribulation.

    The great falling away; or apostacy is going to be accompanied with the collective wish for a world leader and for world peace; which will be appearing to occur with the Daniel 9:27 covenant being confirmed. To be convincing enough; there will have to be some sort of worldwide currency. I would not be surprised if there is briefly one which has a gold or silver standard as China; Russia and India are competing with such reserves backing up monies now; and eventually our dollar will tank; since it isn't backed by anything. This will probably be part of the "dividing the land for gain" and certain actions of the Antichrist to consolidate wealth. That would also likely necessitate Israel being a big part of it with their natural resources being utilized to the maximum extent. It also would be part and parcel with the rapidly forming one world religion sort of combining Christianity; Judiasm and Islam which is being planned with some new centers in I believe Dubai which the Papacy is involved with. Jesus warns the Day of the Lord comes at a time we don't expect.

    With all this; we see the significance of the first two world wars and other major events of modern history (including the ability to destroy the whole world with nuclear weapons). We need to keep in mind the seriousness of the Seal Judgments often underplayed compared with the later ones. Jesus Himself opens the seals; after the Rapture as I see scripture.
  • ELB - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Amen brother alex: unto us a child is born.

    god bless you!
  • Adam - In Reply on James 2 - 1 year ago
    I see this as not divided by believer or non-believer, but between those who are open to receive help and those who don't want it, as you said. From what I can tell Jesus divided His time evenly between His followers and just general people. He didn't heal everyone and couldn't minister to everyone's needs. While He did meet some physical needs the greatest value He offered was spiritual needs and not everyone was ready to receive such help.

    Sounds like your expectations of others in church was a mismatch to what was being offered. Church cultures vary. Some people don't want others all in their business. So, not everyone wants to be super close in that way. Sometimes a few church members aren't nice, but those few don't represent the culture of the church. There are always oddballs in any group. Sometimes people you assume are doing fine aren't. Maybe they have had incredible stress and drama that you had no idea of, just like they had no idea of your hardships. But just because someone has hardships doesn't mean they want help. Since you had disappointments with that church I would suggest going to another- until you find what matches the experience you're looking for. Or maybe start your own Bible study group and you can set the level of interactivity you want.
  • Alex N - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Sheila....Plz forgive me but i see the birth pains as the result of the sower and his seed the Words of God...The Child we birth is the H.G. that Child of Promise....The babes and sucklings he mentioned ...She brought forth a man child that is gonna rule all nations...This is how Jesus describes the rapture....Unless you receive the Kingdom of God as a lil Child you will in no wise Enter there in...The real new BIRTH is also the rapture...We are gonna enter the kingdom via the new Rev. 12 : 10 the Kingdom came via the new birth....When the Child of Promise was born to her..Unless ya receive the Kingdom as a lil Child etc...The Kingdom does not come til the woman gives birth to the Child of Promise... Rev. 12 : 10 kjv...

    ....The babes and sucklings Jesus mentions are our New innermen the H.G. that results from his seed etc...Jesus said outta of the mouths of babes and sucklings thou has perfected Praise...Thus we cannot enter the Kingdom without perfect Praise...The manchild which is the H.G....That New Birth etc

    .....After the woman gives birth it says that NOW IS COME SALVATION AND THE KINGDOM OF OUR GOD ETC...Thus she was raptured into the Kingdom by her new Baby the manchild that Child of Promise...Unless ya receive the Kingdom of God as a lil Child etc....And her Child is a baby Christ simply b/c of the seed of the sower the words of Christ Jesus...Remember Jesus said his words are the seeds of the Kingdom...Meaning the seed of a king a baby Christ the Son of man....mankinds fruit unto God... Romans 7 : 4 KJV....Thats y he talks of the babes and sucklings...They are the result of his seed sown in our hearts ..That sy he has to know us.
  • Jonas Tetteh Kanor on 1 John 5 - 1 year ago
    Jesus is my helper and my life
  • Dgjot - In Reply on James 2 - 1 year ago

    You: "I will help a homeless "crackhead" on the street just as fast as I will help a brother or sister in my church. But that is what God has laid within my heart."

    Some people just can't be helped. Many of these people don't want help. You did what you thought was the Christian thing to do.

    In Philadelphia there's a street called Kensington. That's where all the drug addicts loiter around. Christian-Street-Preachers are out there every day handing out food, water and tracts. The crackheads will take the food and whatever is given to them and throw the tracts in the street.

    Meanwhile, your brother or sister in your church is probably suffering in silence. Do you know how many times I needed help and none was given? My "brothers and sisters" probably assumed that God would supply all my needs, and turned a blind eye. I quit going to church. It turned into a social club. Party, party, party.

    At the place where I used to work, I had dropped hints that I was going through a hard time. Many of the people, who claimed to be Christians, knew what I was going through and just wagged their heads. They assumed because I was single and childless that I was a secret millionaire. Many times I went without sufficient food, eating only once a day. I went without a hot water heater for 5 months (during the winter), and a refrigerator for 2 years. My car was falling apart and I didn't have the money to either fix or replace anything. They all knew. They didn't care and, most of these people had spouses bringing in a 2nd income or parents that helped them out. I had neither.

    So don't talk to me about Christian-charity.
  • Gene Sevenau - 1 year ago
    Why does my KJV not have the words Rise, Peter, Slay and Eat, but reads Kill and eat?

    and many more distorted verses all thru it?
  • Dgjot - In Reply on Matthew 22 - 1 year ago
    @ Doug - in Reply on Matthew 22

    You: "The reason I asked if you feel you have faith is because Romans 5:1 says being justified by faith we have peace with God. Your description of your life doesn't come across as peaceful. A complete belief and trust in God sets the mind at one with God to believe the things spoken in his word."

    My life has never been peaceful. It's always something. Every day was/is a struggle. I'm still waiting for my dreams to come true and I'm pushing 70 yrs old.

    I do believe in the things spoken in His Word.

    Matthew 24:4-51 (describes what goes on in the end days, which we are in now.)

    You: " It is hard for me to relate to the statement that you are always questioning God. Where are you coming from to think yourself or any person would be wiser than God. A key element to faith is patience and waiting. If we become impatient we can't see God's work fulfilled in us or others.

    2 Peter 3:8

    "But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing,

    that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day."

    A pastor once said that the end days started the day God raised Jesus from the dead and He appeared to over 500 and then they watched Him ascend into heaven and then on the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit came down to earth.

    Which means we've already been in the "last days" for the past 2000+ years, and it could go on for another 1000.

    I know I'm not wiser than God. I'm dumb as a box of rocks. I get to look outside and see the world swirling down the toilet. People have gone mad. Pardon me if I'm a little nervous, wondering if today will be my last day alive. Then what? Have I messed up so badly I'll be kicked into the Lake of Fire or will I get to enter Heaven???
  • Donna G. Warren on Psalms 92 - 1 year ago
    I am trying my best to come up with a plan for summer reading for my granddaughter who is 12 & is inquisitive ,very very intelligent , she can read anything I can read & have understanding of what she has read .My family has been blessed with intelligence :) . I still am learning. I thought do the gospels ,rest of new testament, psalms& proverbs. Sound like a plan ? Any suggestions ?Well not just reading but a more in depth study.
  • GiGi again - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thank you Kay.
  • ELB - In Reply - 1 year ago

    To GIVE BIRTH, to the new creation, created in the likeness of Christ, you must go through BIRTH PAINS; tribulation.

    Everyone in the last 2000 years that has been BORN AGAIN; after you leave this body of flesh, in the twinkling of an eye, have gone through TRIBULATION; birth pains.

    1 Thessalonians 3:4 For verily, when we were with you, we told you before we should SUFFER TRIBULATION, even as it CAME TO PASS, and ye know.

    Mark 13:24 In those days (in your flesh), after THAT TRIBULATION (birth pains, ending in the death of the body), the SUN shall be darkened, and the MOON shall not give her light.

    You leave this body of flesh (raptured), having victory over death by the resurrection of Christ, BORN AGAIN OF SPIRIT.

    Revelation 21:23 An the city (you) hath no need of the SUN, neither of the MOON, to SHINE in it, for the glory of the Lord doth lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.

    Isaiah 27:12 And it shall come to pass in that day (the day of the Lord, when you are BORN AGAIN into the LIKENESS OF CHRIST) shall be GATHERED ONE by ONE ......

    God Bless YOU!
  • Richard Leet - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Your answer is correct and true Chris but you may have missed my question how do you explain how to be Holy to a child knowing that you are Holy through Christ because of their Salvation when it says in 1 Peter 1: 16 and Romans 12:11 that we (are to be Holy)!
  • ELB - In Reply on Job 42 - 1 year ago
    Sister Kay:

    Why do you think there is so many opinions:

    Because MAN want believe God's WORD.

    Job 27:1 And Job continued his PARABLE, and said.

    Was Job crucified on the Cross:

    Job 13:27 ...thou settest a print upon the heels of my feet

    James 15:11 .... ye have heard of the patience of Job (Jesus) ......

    Revelation 1:9 ......and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ ......


    Psalms 49:4 I (Christ) will open my mouth in a PARABLE .....

    Ezekiel 17:2 Son of man, put forth a RIDDLE, and speak a PARABLE .....

    Ezekiel 24:3 And utter a PARABLE ....


    Matthew And these thing Jesus spake to the multitudes in PARABLES, and WITHOUT a PARABLE he SPAKE NOT TO THEM.

    Christ is speaking TODAY to the MULTITUDES though HIS WORDS, and THOSE WORDS ARE A PARABLE.

    You will never understand God's WORD until he causes you to believe his word's are a PARABLE.

    Everything from Genesis to Revelation is a PARABLE about the KINGDOM OF GOD.

    God Bless YOU!
  • Giannis - In Reply on James 2 - 1 year ago
    Dear Dgjot.

    Since we christians often say that we have to aquire a character similar to Jesus Christ's, then lets ask ourselves what would Jesus do in such a case? Would He love all those you mention in your post and want to save them or not. The answer you give to that is what you (and all of us) should do as well. Now to understand this well, when we say we have to love them, this doesn't mean that we accept what they do but we love them and want them to believe in Jesus and change. How are people going to change for the better if they don't get to know Jesus? Only God can change people, like that thief who was crucified next to Jesus. A thief, probably a murderer or a rapist and who knows what things he had done so they crucified him. Was he a good person? Also it is very important to know that if you think that there is a danger if you come close to people like him then you must protect yourself and keep a safe distance. Pray for them from far away, don't get close to them. Help them but also keep yourself safe, you will find a way for this. Ask God to direct you. Not every case is the same.

    Now about what you ask whom do we have to help first, please think if you have a kid who is hungry and needs food, would you give that food first to a stranger or to your kid?

  • Giannis - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Dear Shella.

    Those are the signs given by Jesus that have to do with the rapture of the saints and the subsequent end of the world and His second coming. The signs begin with a general war oiften attributed by many christians to WW2. Then other signs again often interpreted as todays climate crisis. Matthew also writes that the generation that lives during these signs will not pass/end until these are fulfilled. So all these signs occur during the life of a single generation. This is us...?

    There are many opinions abour the rapture. Some say it precedes antichrist/tribulation, others that follows, others sometime in between. You have to study the scriptures to decide yourself.

    Finally all the above are assumptions, no one knows for sure. But on the other hand if these things are so vague that nobody can understand, why Jesus gave them to us?

  • Kay - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Glory to God, Spencer!

    Isn't it so much fun when our Good Shepherd passes us a piece of heavenly bread, and we can share it with others?! What a blessing! Praise You, Jesus!

    Have a blessed weekend that is already upon us!

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