Bible Questions & Discussion PAGE 622

  • Peter halliday - In Reply on Ephesians 1 - 1 year ago
    Sure and I will second that. We all are given free will but Marke there are also people who are evil doers without knowing but if they come to the Lord and Faith they can always ask for forgiveness. The Lord loves all his creation even the most heathen. What they must do is come to him and Ask. That is what the Lord asks. Like in this pandemic we see the vaccine. Now if you look at the word Temptation Marke if you exhaust this word you will see that Rebeling against God is in fact to experiment on diseases when the Lord asks you to come to him. 2 peter 2 9 Temptation. Now I prefer to commit to the Father of all creation so he can call me his child. I come to think how many have took this vaccine and still haven't turned to the Father.

    5043 tknon - properly, a child; (figuratively) anyone living in full dependence on the heavenly Father, i.e. fully (willingly) relying upon the Lord in glad submission. This prompts God to transform them into His likeness.
  • Marke - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Reply to Douglas:

    Daniel's vision of Rev. 12 was of the end times, especially of the 7-year period commonly referred to as The Great Tribulation. According to Daniel 9, there are 70 weeks determined for Israel, divided into 69 weeks (62 weeks + 7 weeks of 7 years each) and then the 70th week. It took 49 years to rebuild the temple in Nehemiah's day (7 weeks representing years = 7x7 = 49 years.) From the completion of the Temple until the day Jesus entered Jerusalem through the Eastern Gate on what we celebrate as Palm Sunday was 434 years (62 weeks representing years = 62 x 7 = 434 years.) One week after Jesus' entry through the Eastern Gate He was crucified.

    The 70th or last week refers to the 7 years of tribulation that is yet to come, and apparently soon coming.
  • Marke - In Reply on Psalms 110 - 1 year ago
    Reply to Juni:

    I suspect the passage is referring primarily to Jesus' first coming as Savior. He came unto His own but may of His own rejected Him. Nevertheless, others believed and received Him, proving they were worthy by faith to be forgiven of their sins and given new life.
  • Marke - In Reply on Revelation 1 - 1 year ago
    Reply to Theresa:

    I believe Jesus will take His Bride out of the world before the Great Tribulation just as angels took Lot out of Sodom before the fire fell that burned up that city. Jesus will later return to earth at the end of the Tribulation to set up His kingdom on earth.
  • Marke - In Reply on Ephesians 1 - 1 year ago
    Some Christians believe that whatever happens only happens because God designed for it to happen and that nothing happens that is not God's will to happen. I do not agree.
  • Free - In Reply on Matthew 28 - 1 year ago
    Dear "Robin Burcham" Revelation 20:15 example:

    I read something today that i noticed. Paul writes in 1Timothy 5:1-16 that we must not choose widow until they are 60 years old. To serve in the church, appealingly abusive to all genders, men and women. And then here many teachers simply fail to see the truth. That in the Lord are men also the women. (now it will be a memory room)!

    Because they would fail the church in some way. Even then, do not stick to the church and the word. It seems that Dear Paul was very concerned about the widows. And that he simply may not dare to mention the boys/men.

    Now we know that before God we are equal. That is why all younger people are meant here as well. I believe that the Lord will lead us fully to the truth. John 16:13 So when you are young / have habits / or in other ways show your childhood / youth. Then this will be refined with the realization and growth in God. For the day will come when we will stand before the Judge, and then it is good that all our cases are settled with the Lord.

    All habits / bad habits will peel off us. For with God we are One.

    So make your best friend, and ask for forgiveness if you know it's wrong. And if you know it's wrong, that mistake will chase you until it's no longer a mistake. Hope you understand.

    And the day He reveals Himself then we probably have other things to think about :) God Is a great God no one is above or beside our God. He has conquered death, so it no longer has any power! In His Blood we have received healing, hallelujah Amen in Jesus Christ's holy name, stand strong in the Bible and Jesus, friend and all evil will flee from you. Love u in Christ. He Is the one who is great here on earth and is no small god you must believe. He will have all the glory forever, so great is He.
  • Thresa Beasley on Revelation 1 - 1 year ago
    Does the Bible tell us, we will be Raptured before Tribulation or after Tribulation ? Does Jesus come to earth twice or three times ? 1. The first time as a baby, and our Savior. 2. The second time He will come in all his Glory in the clouds where everyone on earth will look up even the dead in Christ will rise up to see him. When Jesus comes, this is a very Big deal, He will gather all of us up in the air, then he will destroy the earth & make a new earth for all of those who have been saved by Salvation through Jesus Christ. Or, the first time come as our Savior. 2. Second time comes in the clouds to take us with him in Heaven. 3. Then Jesus comes back to earth the third time to burn up the earth to make a new earth. Thank you for your answer.
  • Peter halliday - In Reply on Ephesians 1 - 1 year ago
    Yes my Dear brother Marke. This is true, but why say this? We are all sinners in this world but when we find the Father and Jesus and try to walk in righteousness thru FAITH we are all forgiven. The Lord knows all mans (444) Hearts. Even yours.

    When the adulteress women was found guilty what did Jesus say? He said let him who has never sinned cast the first stone. Now Jesus who had never sinned, did he accuse this women or put her to Death? No he forgave her of her sins and asked her to sin no more.

    Jesus came into her life and if this happened to you would you Sin again or at least try to walk righteous in approval of the Lord?

    Romans 3:25.

    It is up to US all not to accuse or judge but to Praise the Gospel and TEACH it so all become touched by our FAITH thus trying to do no wrong anymore and walk so we and others are irreproachable (423). Blameless, Unrebukeable.

    Blessed Marke Brother.
  • Janet And Robert Merritt - 1 year ago
    What were the Kings of Israel commanded # 1 do not have much gold #2 not many wives # 3 not many horses; king Solomon violated all three- Gold was on everything He measured it by the tons; it become just a command thing Inflation[ not many wives Solomon had 750 and 300 concubines Here again ,if you marry the kings daughters, no war the kings will even pay Israel' later in life King Solomon was told by his princesses king Solomon you are so wise,you have the Temple to worship in ;I don't have anything to worship in, i don't have anyplace to remind me of my lord- King Solomon was old now and gave permission ,He helped build it; THE VERY THING THat false prophet Balam told ki; Balak I can not curse what God has blessed; King Solomon was given the task build my temple because of his father King David; The Lord said Solomon because you have done the very things ;I will strip the temple and the land from you,but your sons will tear it apart;
  • Paulbian on Genesis 2 - 1 year ago
    where actually is the river Pison and land of Havilah located?
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 1 year ago
    There appear to be multiple layers to this story. The "waiting to be delivered" as stated in the other comment could be the birth pangs so to speak of the nation of Israel during the Tribulation. Of course there was a literal persecution during the time of Christ where the leader attempted to wipe out all children two years and under ( Jeremiah 31:15; and Matthew 2). The manchild being dtaken to heaven could represent Christ; but also the raptured church according to some theories. The "remnant of her seed" ( Rev. 12:17) could be the rest of the believers in Israel; and perhaps others during the Tribulation who are preserved physically.

    Ultimately; even with most dying on earth a remnant survive in hiding during the Tribulation to make it into the Millennium dispensation. In all these cases the dragon aka Satan is working behind the scenes attempting to wipe out the physical seed of Israel; totally destroy their land and heritage and to usurp authority and worship to himself. In one sense; we are all part of the Body of Christ; or ijn some sense Godly offspring originating from Christ who is our head ( Ephesians 1).
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 1 year ago
    It should be kept in mind; that the seal judgments are opened by Christ Himself; John wept when he saw that no one was worthy to open the seals. The death of 1/4 of the earth would involve 1.5 billion; with todays population. There has never been such a huge loss of life; whether that means everyone dies in a quarter of the earth; or more likely it is spread through the earth. These judgments in no way imply large scale warfare which seem to occur later in the trumpet judgments but hand to hand combat (sword) that also may imply ethnic type conflicts. These like later judgments are ALL after the Rapture and part of what occurs in the time of Jacob's trouble or the 7 year tribulation.

    The trumpet judgments involving demons being released and lead to the beginning of the mark of the beast period in the last half of the Tribulation could be called "Satan's wrath" although that goes on to his failed attempt to go after Christ at Armageddon. Ultimately; Satan fails completely; all those who take the mark and are damned already were not in the Book of Life as preordained by God; so he doesn't succeed in drawing away any who were predestined to follow Christ. He is a tool in God's hands.

    The judgments from heaven begin in the Trumpet period and are maxed out in the bowl judgments. In a sense though even the deception of the 1st Seal is by God's plan to deceive those who are of the earth so to speak. The real differentiation is when those who have taken the mark are complete and beyond the point of no return. Thus; after His chosen of Israel (1/3) go through the fire; and finally worship Christ at His second coming and all the fellowservants have been martyred there is no more chastisement through punishments; only wrath without remedy. I see the martyrdom as a quick way to bring forth fruit (Tribulum in latin). It brings the wheat quickly to harvest; i.e. those of His own not bearing fruit now before the Rapture; or new believers then.
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hey Doug,

    Prophecy reveals the consequences of obedience and disobedience. Prophecy reveals God's will, He wants all to receive His gift of salvation. Prophecy warns the lost to repent and it establishes the Bible's credibility. When looking at and studying prophecy, God's word (scripture) the Holy Spirit is the interpreter we are not. Prophecy is generally understood after it has been fulfilled, it confirms the word of God, and the prophet is of God.

    The book of Daniel is like the book of Revelation both are full of symbolism. Much of the book of Daniel has been fulfilled so I don't believe I would call it an OT version of Revelation.

    What I have found, with a cleared mind of preconceived ideas and having ears to hear the Holy Spirit we can understand the truth of prophecy, but there are things we will not know because it has not been revealed. But if we are still here when it begins, we will know, and in the faith of our Lord Jesus, we will be given the strength to withstand what is coming.

    This is probably not the answer you were looking for. I do not know how you take Revelation as a tip it is not written in chronological order. It is like the visions John was shown went back and forth in time. Others may disagree but that is the understanding I have received.

    May the Holy Spirit be your guide. If you get to a point, I have been there, you feel like a dog chasing its tail, just read, like the gospels or Paul you will be surprised the answer you were looking for will pop up like the letters were ten times larger and not even where you think the answer would be.

    God bless,

  • Robin Burcham on Matthew 28 - 1 year ago
    Can you show me in the Bible (New Testament) where it says a person's name in the Book of Life will not be erased since Jesus Christ died for our sins:? What about promiscuous ( sin one knows is sin, but cannot kick the habit?
  • Juarez - In Reply - 1 year ago
    the woman in Revelation 12 is Israel
  • Juarez - In Reply - 1 year ago
    The Bible at no time ever said the saints will go through the tribulation period. if you read the bible Daniel is talking about HIS PEOPLE THE JEWS. the church will be raptured. once the church is raptured God will go back to dealing with the Nation of Israel. The Assyrian Antichrist will kill the saints(Jews who come to christ) those who escape will flee to the mountains. they will call out to Yeshua to save them. Zechariah 14 says when Christ returns his feet will split the mount of olives. he will provide a path for the jews to escape.
  • Clois - In Reply on 2 Thessalonians 2 - 1 year ago
    Thank you!
  • Douglas Borchard - 1 year ago
    I know there are different points of view on when the Rapture is going to be.

    The bible says that all the elect/saints/saved people will go through tribulation, even when Daniels 70th Week starts.

    The first half is Satan's Wrath not GODS.

    GODS Wrath doesn't start till the seventh seal is opened.

    Am I right?
  • Douglas Borchard - 1 year ago
    The woman in Revelation 12, is she



    Or Mary,

    I think she is Eve.

    Am I right?
  • Douglas Borchard - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thank you, and

    Have a blessed day

  • Adam - In Reply on Genesis 3 - 1 year ago
    Hi Thea,

    I believe it was a literal fruit and likely a fruit type that was native to that area. Apples, bananas, watermelon, etc. aren't native and are unlikely. Figs, dates, grapes, olives, pomegranates, for example, are native in my understanding, and seem more likely to have been the fruit tree. Of course the Garden of Eden was special and may have contained every fruit imaginable, but I just don't think it seems as likely Eve bit into a Washington-state grown Red Delicious Apple.
  • T Levis - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Daniel 8, Daniel 11, & Revelation,

    In your study maybe include: Daniel 12, continuing from Daniel 11.

    Also : Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 17:20-37, Luke 18:8, Matthew 25:31-46, Matthew 7, John 16:33, 1Thessalonians, 2Thessalonians, Zephaniah 1:14,15, Ezekiel 30:3, Amos 5:18-20, 2Timothy 3,

    Isaiah 24,

    Daniel 7, encouraging= Daniel 7:25-26,

    Hopefully these are helpful in your study & discussion
  • Juni Tejano on Psalms 110 - 1 year ago
    What is verse 3 implying, "Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power?" At what particular time or specific activity " the day of thy power" happen?

  • AndreaDona - In Reply on Lamentations 3:22 - 1 year ago
    Psalms 6:6-9

    "I was greatly troubled in my groaning. I will bathe my bed and my cover each night with my tears. I have become old in the midst of all my enemies. Depart from me, all you who work at lawlessness, for behold the lord has heard the cry of my weeping and the lord has heard my prayer."

    That long, horrible gaze into God's ugly mirror, the image of which becomes clean only through a myriad of flowing tears, and God's infinite grace and mercy.

    Psalm 56:8-9

    "You have taken account of my wanderings. Put my tears in Your bottle- are they not in Your book? Then my enemies will retreat on the day I cry for help. By this I will know that God is on my side."

    Exegesis on the Soul - Nag Hammadi Scriptures

    Psalm 103:1-5

    "Praise the lord, O my soul and all that is within me, praise his holy name. My soul, praise God, who forgave all your sins, who healed all your sicknesses, who ransomed your life from death, who crowned you with mercy, who satisfies your longing with good things. Your youth will be renewed like an eagle's."
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply on 2 Thessalonians 2 - 1 year ago
    Hey Clois,

    I will try to keep it short; this is my understanding.

    We see at the end of Revelation 12 in the original text the dragon is standing on the sand and the first beast comes up out of the sea (abyss/bottomless pit). In Revelation 13 the dragon (Satan) gives this beast his seat, power, and great authority to this beast, and he makes war with the saints and overcomes them. He is given 42 months = 1260 days = 3 years. There is also in the site of this first beast another beast with two horns, the false prophet.

    In Revelation 11:3 the two witnesses will prophesy 1260 days the same amount of time as the two beasts (great tribulation) the image people are made to worship, the mark to be able to buy or sell, and the killings of those that reject, (the hour of temptation).

    In Revelation 11:7-8 this beast that comes out of the bottomless pit kills the two witnesses in the "city which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt," (Jerusalem). This same beast we see in Revelation 9 and Revelation 17.

    In Revelation, there are three the dragon (Satan), the first beast, and the false prophet (the second beast). If we go by the description of antichrist the only place in the bible given by John in 1 John 2:18,22 1 John 4:3 and 1 John 1:7 there are billions, not just one.

    Hope this helps,

    God bless,

  • DBorchard - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I have been studying on my own since January 2014, the book of Revelation and Daniel.

    And I have come to the conclusion that the book of Daniel is an old testament version of the book of Revelation, is this true?
  • Douglas Borchard - 1 year ago
    Would like to have a group discussion on Revelation & Daniels 70th Week, if anyone would like to?
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Douglas Borchard,

    This prophecy gives the precise time of the first coming of the Messiah. You will receive different understandings of this, it is a study that will take much time. this is just a little information you may use to help your study.

    Many put the last week of this prophecy at the end times. It is used for the 7 years of tribulation, a peace treaty with the antichrist (he in verse 27) for 3 1/2 years then 3 years of great tribulation with the taking of the church somewhere between (pre, mid, post).

    "Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, (70 weeks, 70 x 7 = 490 solar years or 483 prophetic years) on the house of Israel (Daniel's people) and the holy city (Jerusalem). It started from "the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem", make a note, that the rebuilding of the temple is not in this prophecy.

    Here are a few verses that may help your study and if this prophecy has been fulfilled or not.

    1. To finish the transgression Isaiah 53:5, 8 Isaiah 53:11 Hebrews 9:15-18

    2. To make an end of sins Matthew 1:21 Hebrews 10:8-11 John 1:29 1 Corinthians 15:3

    1 John 3:5 Psalm 32 Romans 8:3

    3. To make reconciliation for iniquity Colossians 1:20-22 Isaiah 53:6 Isaiah 53:11 Ephesians 2:16 ( Titus 2:14 2 Corinthians 5:18-19

    4. To bring in everlasting righteousness Romans 5:17-21 Romans 3:21-26 1Peter 2:24

    2 Corinthians 5:21 Isaiah 61:10-11

    5. To seal up vision and prophecy Daniel 9:23 John 6:27 Mark 1:14-15 Acts 3:18

    John 5:36-40 Matthew 11:11-15

    6. To anoint the most holy Hebrews 8:1-12 Hebrews 9:6-14

    The six things that were determined on Daniel's people and the holy city in this 70-week prophecy; did the Messiah/Jesus fulfill?

    God bless,

  • Douglas Borchard - 1 year ago
    View points on Daniels 70th Week?
  • Douglas Borchard - In Reply on 2 Thessalonians 2 - 1 year ago
    The two witnesses show up at the time when the antichrist causes the abomination of desolation, between the 5th Seal and the 6th Seal and that is also when the Great Tribulation starts.

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