2 John Chapter 1 Discussion

  • Philip Christian Parks on 2 John 1 - 2 years ago
    Re. 2Jn. 1:10 = Contextually, the verb "receive" includes

    + agreeing with, and accepting the evil heresies and destructive purposes of the deceivers and antichrists;

    + welcoming them into your home;

    + showing hospitality to them by providing room and board in your home;

    + providing your home as their base of operations;

    + refreshing them in their travels.

    + providing them the rest and resources needed to continue their evil mission.

    Contextually, the only aid and compassion believing Christians should show these evil heretics is witnessing to them the true "Doctrine of CHRIST" (v.9).

    The verb "speed" translates from the Greek verb root (pronounced "KHAH-ee-ro"). "Chairo" always means active and exceeding joyfulness, rejoicing, and happiness. Apostle Paul used the same verb in his second epistle to the Corinthians ( 2Cor. 13:11): "Finally, brethren, farewell {Greek verb "chairo"}."

    To "bib" these religious heretics "GOD speed" literally means "say to him" with well wishes.

    Wishing "GOD speed" means the one voicing the wish desires heretics to achieve the highest possible results from their evil message and intentions. Their evil intentions pervert the "Doctrine of CHRIST" (v.9) resulting in the eternal destruction of the unfortunate gullible souls that swallow their deceptive delusions.
  • Following Jesus - In Reply on 2 John 1 - 3 years ago
    When I was a new Christian, I was like a sponge. The more Bible I read, the more it came out of me. If people heckled me, I let Love reply to them.

    I've always believed what someone once said, that everyone repeats. "We may be the only Jesus someone may ever see or hear." So I hit THE BIBLE hard to find out what Jesus says and does.

    I am very happy for you.
  • Carol Marie Fender on 2 John 1 - 3 years ago
    I am just learning what Godwant me to be
  • Jesse - In Reply on 2 John 1 - 3 years ago

    2 John Chapter 1 Verse 6 starts out by saying, And this is love, that we walk after (or according) to His commandments.

    Remember in 1 John Chapter 5, in the first 3 verses, he described what love does. Love keeps the commandments of God because God is love. He gives us the love for Him, and for His commandments.

    Even Jesus said in John 13:34-35, a new commandment I give unto you, that you love one another. Actually, loving one another is the old commandment, but He's giving it in a new way.

    Love one another. Here's the new way: As I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men shall know that you are my disciples if you have love one to another. That's to Christians; if you have love one to another.

    The non-believer will know that we belong to Christ because Christ's love is flowing within the body of Christ from one believer to another.

    He says that's the evidence, the proof. And love will keep the commandments. That is in John 14:15, where Jesus said if you love me, you will keep my commandments.

    That's why His commandments are not grievous, because if you love Him, you'll want to please Him. You'll want to do that which is good for you and your walk with God. This is the commandment, that, as you have heard from the beginning, in order that you should walk in it.
  • George R Gardiner on 2 John 1 - 3 years ago
    Would you explain 2nd john 6 to me please?
  • Patricia Oglesby on 2 John 1:6 - 3 years ago
    who is simon the centurian and where did he come from.
  • Jesse - In Reply on 2 John 1:6 - 3 years ago

    Amen! The church is powerful and holy. Powerful in that we are built upon a rock, and that rock is Christ. Holy, in that, we have been sanctified, set apart for God's purposes!
  • STEFFERN hamilton on 2 John 1:6 - 3 years ago
    church powerful holy
  • STEFFERN on 2 John 1:2 - 4 years ago
    bible powerful
  • Kj on 2 John 1:1 - 4 years ago
    Why the Son of man came

    1 John 3:8

    He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.

    Luke 9:56

    For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them. And they went to another village

    Mark 10:45

    "For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many."
  • Chris - In Reply on 2 John 1:1 - 4 years ago
    Especially in light of the U.S. elections result, I immediately re-visited the videos/scripts of recent folk such as Copeland, Robertson, Johnson, et al, to note that they still maintain that Pres. Trump is the winner & that God will do a wonderful thing in this intervening time to ensure this happens. Lest I assume erroneously, I, as others, are waiting for January to see what materialises. These men are standing on shaky ground but I doubt whether their congregants & others amongst their faithful, will allow their position to change for any different outcome.

    I perceive the same as you: a declination of the faith, not just the U.S. but worldwide over many, many years, as hungry Christians focus on the personality & charisma exuded, rather than confirming their messages from the Word of God. When Christians believe anything fed to them, then the ground becomes fertile for all manner of errors to become Truth. So it shouldn't be too hard for the anti-Christ to persuade such 'Christians' to do his bidding. Matthew 11:8, "when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?" As many would "change the Truth of God into a lie, worshipping & serving the creature (in this instance, man) more than the Creator" Romans 1:25. Once the messenger of God becomes 'as God', then the downward spiral is fast & certain.
  • Spike4187 - In Reply on 2 John 1:1 - 4 years ago
    I thank you for your response! It is amazing when you read Jude, John III and John II. They warn about deception and people coming into the church and saying a whole lot of nothing. And denying the complete fullness of Christ. You see that today as well. Preachers on TV saying a whole lot of nothing. I think the people are more ignorant leaving the show pertaining to Biblical matters then when they did before they sat down to watch it. I recently was alerted by a friend to view a YOUTUBE clip where Kenneth Copeland said God was the biggest failure in the Bible. I cannot believe for a second anyone would attend his church. How can you say such a thing? You should check it out. No wonder Christianity is on the decline in America. Have a good day.
  • Chris - In Reply on 2 John 1:1 - 4 years ago
    Page 2.

    Yet, the pressing theme on John's heart, in spite of this woman's faithfulness to Christ & the Word, was the dire warning that was exhibited in his first epistle: that of the strengthening Gnostic influence pervading the Church & Christian thinking (vv 7-11). Gnostiscm, in its many arms of perverted teaching, was propagating the fact that this Jesus from Heaven had not come in the flesh, but merely a man with a mystical nature (v7) & 1 John 2:18-24. And this was based on their belief that "the incarnation is incredible because Deity cannot unite itself with anything material, such as a body". And this belief pervades the Church today & we need to withstand such an atrocity that seeks to remove the fullness of God's Love in the giving of Himself (as none else could), to become Man, & to lay down His Life as our substitutionary Sacrifice. This Truth was now iterated to the Elect lady, to be on guard.
  • Chris - In Reply on 2 John 1:1 - 4 years ago
    Page 1.

    Spike, we generally understand that this letter, as also 3 John, are attributed to the Apostle John. Even though the letters don't indicate this, the early Church fathers, including Polycarp, a contemporary of John, ascribed the letter to the aged John (around 90 yrs of age). As well, even though elders were appointed in the Church by this time ( Acts 14:23, James 5:14, etc.), John's use of the word "Elder" speaks of his old age & apostolic position rather than any sign of humility. He was the last apostle to enter Glory & so probably felt a greater burden to give his remaining time to full use.

    We aren't told who the "elect lady" was. She is generally referred to as Kuria or Kyria, but that is debatable as it doesn't come from any reliable source. Yet, from John's letter, we assume that she was a lady of note (a person, not a Church), who was faithful to Christ with her family & may have even received teachers of the Word into her home & supported the ministry. In any case, John had an approving view of her & hoped to see her on a visit - which we don't believe ever took place. You could also be correct, in that John abstained from naming her as it might have been improper & too forward to address a lady by name. And this may be clarified by his naming Gaius in his third letter.
  • Spike4187 on 2 John 1:1 - 4 years ago
    What does he mean by "the Elder unto the elect lady? I know elect refers to Christians. Is John identifying himself as an "Elder" which he would be because you can't get any "Elder" than one of the original disciples. Or perhaps in that time, it was not proper to send a letter to a woman. Is it that? so he writes to an Elder to deliver it to her. Was John showing humility by identifying himself as an Elder but not as an original disciple of Christ? Is this simply a letter written to a Christian woman who has children and he heard how faithful she has been?



  • Adrian Abreu on 2 John 1 - 5 years ago
    It seems that the apostle John wrote to a congregation that the leader was a lady. There was some false teachers in view , or anti-Christian . 1tim .2: 14 wich was trying to deceive women apparently christian.
  • Ruben H. on 2 John 1 - 5 years ago
    2 John v.1 This lady elect's name is Kuria---can anyone find out more about her- ie. father, mother, Tribe, etc!!! I Can't find any more mention than in the Strong's Concordance.
  • Victor - In Reply on 2 John 1 - 5 years ago
    Jenny, For a woman to be a pastor goes against scripture. Also, Paul did not write this letter. John did.
  • Randy Hahn on 2 John 1 - 5 years ago
    Alex...that was awesome!
  • Teri on 2 John 1 - 5 years ago
    to be absent from the body means what? the spirit is separate from the body which is what goes to be present with the Lord, until that time when corruptible is raised incorruptible! Selah
  • Teri on 2 John 1 - 5 years ago
    i think the elect lady is a godly woman, who may teach other women and as well her children! he gives her wise advice to continue to walk in love, but not open her home up to strangers warning her about deceivers.
  • E.t - In Reply on 2 John 1 - 5 years ago
    Could be a reference to an assembly of people identified as the bride of Christ.Together,or apart all the components of his bride remain the body that was prepared for his return..At least that's my personal take.
  • Jenny on 2 John 1 - 5 years ago
    Paul refers to this woman as Elder, elect lady and her children. I believe he calls her elder and elect because she is a pastor and her children refers to the people in her flock. I believe Paul wanted us to know that some women were leaders in their church. Her elect Sister is another woman leader or pastor for she too has a congregation of believers she is over.
  • JP on 2 John 1 - 5 years ago
    Sam, Jesus Christ is the SON of God , my Lord and Savour, my Redeemer, The King of Kings Lord of Lords , FOR IT IS WRITTEN. not my spiritual mother

  • Alex on 2 John 1 - 5 years ago
    Sam actually we are his mother as he asked who is my mother? Them that hear the word/ that good seed of God and keeps it. Its that good seed that will form Christ inus resulting in a birth of Christ in us ( the new birth ) Thats y he always refers to himself as the SON OF MAN mankind needs to birth christ in his life thus we are his spritual mother. And he is the sower of that good seed his words
  • Walter Waller on 2 John 1 - 6 years ago
    We become righteous the moment we are placed in Christ by the Holy Ghost,then the Spirit gives us the power to live a righteous life as we learn the word of God and put it into practise.Faith cometh by hearing,reading the Word. Aman!!
  • Reg on 2 John 1 - 6 years ago
    The doctrine of christ is the 4 gospels Gods Own Son Preaching Eternal Life. The world does not bring christs doctrine to a needy soul. Where are his elect are there few that be saved . Seek and u will find knock and it shall be opened to u ask and it shall be given. Ask god not man
  • Maggie Fahy-Pepper on 2 John 1 - 7 years ago
    Who is this elect lady
  • Girl4JESUS on 2 John 1 - 7 years ago
    JESUS is the way, the truth,
  • Randy on 2 John 1 - 7 years ago
    The last verse of Mt.25:46 says "but the righteous into life eternal". Sin is all unrighteousness and a little leaven leavens the whole lump, even if we keep the whole law but offend in one, we are guilty of all. So the only way to be righteous is to STOP sinning. Doesn't the Bible say to come to our senses as we ought and cease from sin? A disciple I know you know the Truth, and I thank the Lord!

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