Today's reading in 2 Chronicals Ch.34 & 35 is the most applicable to our Covid 19 plague that this very day is upon our world; so could it be that "Those Who Read Shall Not Fail"
(The most humble Prophet Isaiah's inspirational WARNING to all generations) in these most beautiful words, that should be our rallying call to do just that ..for during such a time when even "gathering together the faithful of The Lord" has been taken away from us; therefore, how profound that this day's reading, (and the forthcoming readings) will Bless Us All - as God's wrath is set aside; and soon we shall see Him in the clouds of Great Glory, proclaiming to His people:
And until that moment, (as we wait on the Lord) may this Daily Reading and adherence to it, be the renewed and ultimate sacrificial fasting of all time - so Our God answers mightily - but let us do so without excuses, since many are now home-bound, and men's hearts are quaking (" earthquakes in many places ")
as was also prohecised ...and here we are, awaiting for the outcome of things, while the rest of the world remains in fear anxiously !!!
Let us remember also that "God wills that ALL be saved" - so let's pray fervently, my Borthers & Sisters who continue The Good fight, by putting on "The Armor Of God" DAILY WORD !!!
Josiah was committed to obeying God as we should be committed to serving God and doing the right thing. We should also remember to consult God in all things and not lean to our own understanding. Even when we are trying to help others we should consult God first. God has a master plan including our destiny. God told Josiah he would not execute punishment during his life. Always consult God.
Josiah did well but at the end did not listen to the Word of God through Necho. He was mortally wounded in the battle and later died in Jerusalem. We must keep listening to and obeying the words of God.
(The most humble Prophet Isaiah's inspirational WARNING to all generations) in these most beautiful words, that should be our rallying call to do just that ..for during such a time when even "gathering together the faithful of The Lord" has been taken away from us; therefore, how profound that this day's reading, (and the forthcoming readings) will Bless Us All - as God's wrath is set aside; and soon we shall see Him in the clouds of Great Glory, proclaiming to His people:
And until that moment, (as we wait on the Lord) may this Daily Reading and adherence to it, be the renewed and ultimate sacrificial fasting of all time - so Our God answers mightily - but let us do so without excuses, since many are now home-bound, and men's hearts are quaking (" earthquakes in many places ")
as was also prohecised ...and here we are, awaiting for the outcome of things, while the rest of the world remains in fear anxiously !!!
Let us remember also that "God wills that ALL be saved" - so let's pray fervently, my Borthers & Sisters who continue The Good fight, by putting on "The Armor Of God" DAILY WORD !!!
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