Testimony: Say No To Porn

Tino's testimony "Say No To Porn" on 6/18/2013, 1:05pm...

I have struggled since a young child, around 5th grade. I found my first pornographic video. At first I was shocked because it was my first time watching porn. But little did I know, it would turn into an addiction. Long story short, I began to find more and more porn by any means. once a day. I was trapped to lust and sin and had no idea what I was doing. Now that im older, I realize this is tearing me apart. I cried, I prayed, I failed. But I always knew GOD would heal me, and I TRUSTED that. I never questioned, never doubted that one day I will be free. Now im 20 years old, and yes.. before I typed this, I fell into the sin once again. But I began to watch video about God, hear testimonies, and now this is my first time ever speaking it. I ask to be free, free from sin. I crave a relationship with God and a positive life. I know God is watching and listening and for that I am very thankful. I say no more to porn . Come into my life and allow me to spread my words to others and show them this is possible to move away from. I learned my lesson. I love everyone who may see this, everyone who may not like it, may you all be blessed. In the name of Jesus, Amen!


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