Testimony: Mercy

Sherly's testimony "Mercy" on 4/07/2014, 6:11am...

I received mercy, because I ask.

A little about myself. I am 23 years old and I cannot remember a part of my life when I didn't know About God or know HIM. I've been in and out with God, as ashamed as I am to say that, but it is the truth. Growing up I always felt like God would talk to me, but I just never understand why, or what it means. Still, I worship, I believe and my faith grew strongly.

Nothing about my relationship with God has ever been easy, and that's expected seeing as how stubborn I can be. Although I grew up In the church and knew of God and believe in HIM I didn't jump in the water and declared love until I was 19. I was sitting In church and the pastor was preaching, and I remember him saying for you to have a relationship with God shouldn't be a process because in your heart is where God should be... I got Baptize that instant because I knew, I knew if I waited I would miss out on this relationship. My life has never been the same since.

Now 23 years old, have way around the world away from family, away from home (the church). Joining the military force has definitely take a toll on me, trying to find a place to call home is difficult when there's a language barrier and worse when you do go to church but it doesn't feel like home. I wake up every Sunday and do the right thing I go I worship but I leave every Sunday slowly feeling like I'm losing the relationship I've just established so little time ago, until today

Back home in my old church out pastor would every year do this 21 day fast leading to Easter celebration. Every year I would struggling to fast but this year I decided even I it something little I would give it up. I'm big on social network so I logged out of every social network I use and because it use to consume so much of my time I replace it praying. Instead of waking up and going straight on the web I close my eyes and say a quick prayer instead. Last night I struggle, because I knew my thoughts were places God didn't bring me himself. I fell asleep and woke up tossing and turning.

Four in the morning, looked at my phone check the time and figured I'd wait till my alarm went off. In that one hour fab I experience probably the best kind of joy that anyone could ever felt. Suddenly, I was somewhere out of my own mind I'm not sure how to really explain it, I remember seeing bright starts, then I heard a voice say "Sherly, what is it do you need" and I responded "please God I just want you to show me mercy" then suddenly I felt like something was being lifted from me. Then I was back in my bedroom but this this my roommate was there along with someone else and I was just sharing with them what I had just experience. I knew then once I had woken up that I need to share how God saved my life so many times by showing me mercy. I have not been able to stop crying. I'm just so filled with joy, I have been worshipping all day. This wasn't the first time that I felt God talking and making moves in my life, so I didn't want to forget what happened to me, for once I listened and shared my testimony.

... Because God showed me Mercy.


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