Testimony: Jesus Recovered His Own Son From The Huge Devil Factory-a True Miracle Story

PRABHU's testimony "Jesus Recovered His Own Son From The Huge Devil Factory-a True Miracle Story" on 10/21/2013, 3:22am...

Hi dear brothers&sisters, may god bless you in the name of jesus. my name is prabhu. i am working as FOA in edassery resorts,kattappana,kerala,india. i got baptism 3yrs back in kodaikkanal. when i was 22yrs old i went to my uncle's home to search ajob,there was 150kms distance inbetween my hometown. i didn't know about jesus that time. before that i was going to the hindu temple(ACTS17:24) i was staying for 1month in my uncle's home. when i decided to turn back to my home, an amazing miracle happened. my uncle called me and he said,''job is ready'' i went again. i got a job. then i went to church with my uncle. i started to love jesus&his principles.jesus forgave my sins.i was cleaned by his holy blood. somany devils were disturbing me to felldown into sin again(EPHESIAN6:12). but i couldnt stand infront of the devil spirit. i fell down in sin again. my father send some angles from the heaven. again i recovered by him. three times i fell down into the devil's factory. jesus known how to recover his son . now i am cured. even i forgot my father. he will never forget me(josh1:5)my whole life is filled by his miracles. i dont have word to say . jesus called me to serve him. i did that is why i left my family(acts10:29). i am going recover my brothers&sisters in the name of jesus. even i am facing lot of problems i can do this with help of my christ(phil4:13).please pray for me . AMEN


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