Testimony: Jesus Christ Saved Me From Ignorance And Darkness

Anonymous testimony "Jesus Christ Saved Me From Ignorance And Darkness" on 2/05/2014, 2:57pm...

I grew up in a family which attended traditional African initiated Christian church. This was my only spiritual home and the only home where I found answers to every little question I had. At church they had prophets who would call on you and tell your problems and what afflicts you. And one would be instructed to perform certain rituals for the particular affliction to disappear of be healed of get favor from God. The Bishop was the Christ for us and every little spiritual matter he would give answers through prophets.

Little did I know that I was deeply inside a pit of blasphemy and disobedience of God. Divination, prophets, idolatry of the highest order was order of the day and seemed just normal to me. I have always been a pragmatic young man. A very smart and intelligent from a young age and was fascinated by how the universe works, evolution, science, cosmology, astronomy and the likes. I was very well read and philosophical. I always had an answer for any question posed. A very convincing one at that. I used to debate with Christians about their creation theory while I rammed them with all things evolution.

In 2003 I enrolled for a Bachelor of science at one of the local universities however my aim was to study Medicine as I felt it was my calling. But things didn’t turn out the way I had planned in that regard. The church I went to convinced me not to follow medicine and I remember receiving a scholarship to study abroad from medicine however was disqualified later on with no rational explanation. All these where the work of the devil, stealing my potential, my bright future. In 2004 I got baptized into this traditional African indigenous. This would prove to be a turn for the worst for me. Ruled by idolatry, divination, magic, false prophets, ancestor worship, sacrifices and rituals I was trapped deep into the domain of the evil one. In 2004, 2005, 2006 I lost my sister, brother and grandmother respectively. I believe these where the actions of the evil one loves nothing but to see his victims suffer and live a life of slavery and worthlessness. All these events made me to revolt against God and stopped believing in Him and his existence. I was an atheist. However there was always that nagging feeling in me of wanting to understand who the God is.

One evening as I was preparing to sleep I had an argument about God and his powers with one of my friends via a chartroom. I was so proud and all knowing. That evening as I was about to sleep I suddenly felt weird like I’m going crazy or some worms are moving in my head. And instantly I realized that I was about to die or be really In a bad state of health. Something in said this is it, say bye bye to this world. This is how you will leave this world. I dropped on my knees and fought hard not for my eyes to close as I knew that should they shut I’m a goner. I started asking for forgiveness from Jesus and God begging for their mercy for my soul. I was scared and confused. I called Jesus to help me live, I remember saying I will jump this grave in Jesus’s name. And by His grace I lived and am now a firm believer in the power of God and His Son Jesus Christ. I asked in a prayer to be born again and accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior and since then I have never looked back. I ask for your humble prayers for me to get a decent job which I will cherish for the rest of my life.


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