Testimony: Heavy Burden Lifted. Thank You Jesus

Aivan Sunday's testimony "Heavy Burden Lifted. Thank You Jesus" on 3/17/2014, 2:53pm...

Jesus is lord. I have been a born again christian in just over one year and I can truly testify that every area of my life Has completely changed for better. for years I had always worried and stressed, with sleepless nights worrying about my finances. but last month February I had a qick sleep for about an hour. as I wokeup immediately I felt I was very light and a heavy burden has been lifted. I felt whole and since that very day I'm just at peace, Light and whole. Since last year December I have been having a fellowship with the holy spirit. Where the holy spirit of God is, there is liberty and joy. the holy spirit is your comforter and helper. Start a fellowship with him. He will guide you to all truth and show you things to come.


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