Testimony: God Is Love

joy's testimony "God Is Love" on 2/03/2013, 11:38am...

For many years I had searched for love in the wrong places. After two failed marriages, I became deeply depressed, believing that I would never know true love. I called out to God in my misery. I cried out that I didn't know if He existed or what His name was, but if He had anything to do with love, I needed HIm and wanted to know HIm. He didn't answer me until I confessed myself to be a sinner needing a Savior.

The very night I called out to Him He appeared to me in a dream. Jesus was knocking at the door of My heart, waiting to be asked into my heart. I awakened and knelt beside my bed and asked Jesus for forgivng my sins. I invited Him to come into My heart and make my life what He wanted it to be. I confessed all the wrong doings that the Holy Spirit brought to my mind. I felt a sense of peace and joy in forgiveness. I felt His presence was with me and in me. Love filled Me with Himself.

Never again have I felt lonely or alone, or unloved. He renamed me Joy. I asked Him to be my every thought, word and deed. I asked Him to replace me with Himself that He might know and extend His perfect life through me. There is never a moment I am not aware that He is in me to be love and life to me and to others as me where and when He desires. We are united in wedded bliss. He is my Savior. He is my all. He is wonderful. He is perfect love loving us all. He only waits to be invited.

Revelations 3:11 - Behold I stand at the door of your heart and knock. If anyone asks me in I will have fellowship with him and he with Me.


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