Testimony: Feeling Full And Satisfied

nathan .A.'s testimony "Feeling Full And Satisfied" on 8/15/2015, 10:26pm...

I went 22 years in my life alone. From age 13 on up i lived in sin, that way of life left me feeling "EMPTY" like there was something missing.I was never truely satisfied. I thought i was haveing "fun"
But when i began to mature a bit (age17) i new i was doing wrong.

I was introduced to GOD and Lord JESUS at age 18. I continued to live in sin,but i knew something was wrong.Jesus was "tugging" at my heart.

Finally at age 22 i surrendered to GOD,
Im glad i did! Im never alone JESUS is with me,im never lost GOD will lead the way,and i am always loved!

Letting the LORD have my heart and soul is what makes me truely satisfied!!


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