
For holding oil or perfumery (Mark 14:3). It was of the form of a flask or bottle. The Hebrew word (pak) used for it is more "appropriately rendered "vial" in 1 Sam. 10:1, and should also be" "so rendered in 2 Kings 9:1, where alone else it occurs."

"(Heb. teashshur), mentioned in Isa. 60:13; 41:19, was, according" "to some, a species of cedar growing in Lebanon. The words of" "Ezek. 27:6 literally translated are, "Thy benches they have made" "of ivory, the daughter of the ashur tree," i.e., inlaid with" "ashur wood. The ashur is the box-tree, and accordingly the" "Revised Version rightly reads "inlaid in box wood." This is the" Buxus sempervirens of botanists. It is remarkable for the beauty of its evergreen foliage and for the utility of its hard and durable wood.

See where Box occurs in the Bible...